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Found 3 results

  1. I have an older Lenovo ideapad y500 barely ever used I mean it's been in a box on a shelf in the closet for about 2 years, It's in Mint condition. My question is, what is the point of the M.2 SSD for? See I have taken it out and it doesn't affect the performance or anything, absolutely everything works as it should and as it always has. I've tested the M.2 SSD with HD Tune Pro, and everything is good and everything is good through Intel S.M.A.R.T as well. So WTH did they charge me a guestimate of around $120.00 extra for a SSD that seems to be pointless? I'll post full specs below. I got a Sager NP9170 for Christmas 2 months after I purchased this Lenovo y500 that's why I parked it, the Sager had been hit by Lightning so I brought out the Lenovo. But it's apples and oranges here, and absolutely everything is locked on the Lenovo, WTH do they do this? Also is there some way i can unlock the CPU and GPU's? I think she'll run more like the Sager if I can somehow get this thing unlocked. Maybe the appropriate direction and I could beef this Lenovo up, If not Hell I'm going to sell it. ANYONE NEED A FAST NEW LIKE LAPTOP? ANY TAKERS OUT HERE? LOL Thanks So Much! Operating System Windows 10 Home 64-bit CPU Intel Core i7 3630QM @ 2.40GHz 131 °F Ivy Bridge 22nm Technology RAM 16.0GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 1600MHz (11-11-11-28) Motherboard LENOVO INVALID (U3E1) Graphics Generic PnP Monitor (1920x1080@59Hz) 2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M (Lenovo) 106 °F 2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M (Lenovo) 88 °F ForceWare version: 391.35 SLI Disabled Storage 14GB SanDisk SSD U100 16GB (SSD) 931GB Seagate ST1000LM024 HN-M101MBB (SATA) 99 °
  2. If you guys are looking for affordable and powerful gaming laptops, that combine portability, power and cost. Then the Lenovo Ideapad Y series will probably appeal to you. They are fitted with a minimum of GTX 960m 4GB Graphics Cards, which overclock quite well (Unless you get REALLY unlucky like my friend, who's GPU crashes WITHOUT overclocking because it hits 98c :P) and a minimum of a Haswell processor (4720HQ clocked at 2.6Ghz and Turbo's to 3.6Ghz). They are lightweight, have a pretty good array of I/O, although if you're looking at 144Hz gaming off the laptop, you'd have to narrow down your Ideapad search to the y900, as the two former laptops do not come with any Video Output ports other than a single HDMI 1.4a, which doesn't support the bandwidth for 144Hz @ 1920x1080 res (Although it supports enough to get you 73Hz @ 1920x1080 and 129Hz @ 1024x768). They are really quick and the cooling, atleast on mine, is pretty spectacular for the form factor, at a pretty impressive (although I will push it much higher very shortly) overclock of +135 Core and +650 Memory on the GPU, the temps still stay within the 60's all the time, I haven't reached or gone above 70c ever, even in my longest gaming sessions (which I usually reach 68c in). Another good thing about these laptops is the fact that ALL of them come with built in JBL audio, it has a full bass on the bottom and 2 speakers to the sides of it. The sound quality is pretty astonishing for a laptop and definitely has a pretty loud max volume. The colour scheme is also appealing and pretty well thought out. Hope this tiny review and recommendation helps those of you who needed ideas for a new laptop.
  3. I recently bought a "Lenovo Ideapad Y500". I like it a lot, but there is one big problem: the games doesn´t run properly.On notebookcheck.com "Max Payne 3" gets around 70 fps on medium. I get 8-15 fps on medium with some settings turned off."Red Faction: Armageddon" gets 8-19 fps.On notebookcheck.com "Metro 2033" gets around 80 fps on high. I get 20-30 fps on high with some settings turned off.All three games were tested in both DirectX 9 and 11. The fps i wrote about is from DirectX 9.Specifications:3. generation quad-core Intel Core i7 processor (3630QM)8 gb RAM (DDR3)Nvidia GT 750m (SLI) (GDDR5)1 terabyte capacityFull HD screen (1920x1080)Windows 10
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