After a few days of properly working egpu I got an error 12(could not allocate resources for graphic card).This is a startup.bat setup that I was using so far:
call iport dGPU off
call vidwait 60
call vidinit -d %eGPU%
call pci
call chainload mbr
. Operation- Run compaction works fine in DIY egpu setup 1.3. I tried to follow those those instructions:
So I managed to modificate startup.bat like that:
call iport dGPU off
call iport gen2 2
call vidwait 60
call vidinit -d %eGPU%
call iport reset 2
call iport init 2
call pci
setpci -s d:0.0 BASE_ADDRESS_5=d001
setpci -s 0:1c.1 1c.b=d0 1d.b=d0
call chainload mbr
It also did not help. Here is my pci.bat file: