I decided to try overclocking my display. I have an Optimus setup, and the adapter settings in my BIOS is hidden, so I was stuck because of Intel. I decided to do some investigation on the Intel control panel. First, I created a custom resolution that was permitted: 1440x810@60Hz However, Process monitor didn't indicate that this information was saved anywhere, though I might have just missed it in the wall of changes, if someone can independently verify this, it would be great. When applying the custom resolution, it writes some registry keys, and probably reinitialises stuff, because the display goes blank for a second. I later noticed that saved profiles can be exported. I opened an exported profile in the hope of hex editing the refresh rate and importing it back. Unfortunately, it seems to encoded/encrypted, as there is no text data in the file. If we can crack the encoding/encryption, we might be able to import a modified profile and get custom refresh rates. This is just a guess, and I don't know if this has been explored already. Anybody interested in this? I need help cracking that profile file.