Greatings, I am new to the high performance laptop scene, I've had multiple gaming towers previously which I ran with OCed GPU, however I'm unsure how to proceed for laptops.I have the new Alienware 18 with the factory OCed i7-4910MQ to 4.5ghz with the dual 970M.Running 3dmarks I'm scoring around 15600-15750 with gpu temps maxing @ 65deg.I would like to bring my GPU performance closer to the 980s, while keeping my temps in the mid 70s. I do not want to play around with the bios timings, voltages and such, I'm just looking for a mild 10-15% OC.I am quite familiar with MSI afterburner, the only thing I am unsure of, beeing that its a laptop, is how much power to give, if any, before playing with the clocks? On my desktop I just set the slider to max.Thank you for any help.