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Found 4 results

  1. Hi everyone, hopefully someone can help. I have successfully (to a fashion) installed a new 970m in my laptop, it is discovered in the BIOS and Device Manager. The card seems to run, I can see it in GPU-Z and the temperature and clock speeds are displayed in GPU-Z. Windows 10 installed the driver on it's own and I modded and installed the latest NVIDIA driver 361.43. I'm seeing a low score (lower than my 860m) in 3Dmark and a lower clock speed (540Mhz) instead of what I would expect (somewhere around 900). Guessing I need to install an earlier driver, the optimus switching isn't working on the FN+F5, but I'm not sure which driver to choose as the older recommended one doesn't show in the NVIDIA search. i7-4710MQ 16GB DDR3 PC3-12800 480 mSATA 256 SSD ST500 Hybrid SSD BIOS version A14. I've attached a screenshot from 3Dmark for reference. Anything else I can supply to help? Cheers
  2. Hi guys, I've been following your threads for a little while now, and to this dat I've almost always found what I was looking for, or close enough. Unfortunately, I've now encountered an issue that seems pretty damn unsolvable, and most frustrating I can't even get where I could have screwed up. Here is the story, I got few months ago the Aorus x7 v2, with a 860m SLI as GPUs. It is quite a decent laptop, but lately I started to look into a possible flash of the vbios, in order to override the +135mHz limitation. That's something I've already done before without particular issue, so I wasn't overly worried about it, besides the fact that this time I had to deal with a SLI. So got the appropriate vbios there https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/forums/topic/1425-nvidia-kepler-vbios-mods-overclocking-editions-modified-clocks-voltage-tweaks/ and followed once again the tutorial over here https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/forums/topic/1687-guide-nvidia-vbios-flashing/ . The thing is that, as a matter of fact, everything went fine, for both GPUs the update was successful and then I restarted my computer... Unfortunately that is where everything went wrong : my screen doesn't light up anymore, and I can't do anything to set things right. If any of you have ever been in a similar case before, or have an idea to solve this, just let me know. Cheers, Karajan EDIT : So I managed to get something by using an external screen. The flashing actually worked, since I can now go beyond the 135mHz limit, but one of my cards is not detected anymore, an neither is my original screen.
  3. Morning all, First post . I have a Clevo P150SMA, it's about 6 months old now. Luckily I have some really nice temps at the moment:- CPU/GPU never seem to go above 60c. So I though let's overclock! I have flashed prema mod BIOS and now have no idea what to do next to overclock. I'm used to overclocking on AMD desktop machines but not Intel/nVidia laptops . I normally dual boot linux/windows, linux is my main OS and windows I use for gaming so I would prefer BIOS overclock, although for GPU this is not that important. MSI Afterburner does not allow me to overclock. So I far I believe the best thing to do is flash a vBIOS for the GPU to allow overclocking in afterburner and overclock the CPU in BIOS. My question is how do I overclock the CPU in BIOS and any other advice. A guide to prema mod BIOS overclocking would be great but I can't find anything.
  4. Morning all, First post . I have a Clevo P150SMA, it's about 6 months old now. Luckily I have some really nice temps at the moment:- CPU/GPU never seem to go above 60c. So I though let's overclock! I have flashed prema mod BIOS and now have no idea what to do next to overclock. I'm used to overclocking on AMD desktop machines but not Intel/nVidia laptops . I normally dual boot linux/windows, linux is my main OS and windows I use for gaming so I would prefer BIOS overclock, although for GPU this is not that important. MSI Afterburner does not allow me to overclock. So I far I believe the best thing to do is flash a vBIOS for the GPU to allow overclocking in afterburner (windows only but that is fine for GPU) and overclock the CPU in BIOS. My question is how do I overclock the CPU in BIOS, is the above the best thing to do and any other advice. A guide to prema mod BIOS overclocking would be great but I can't find anything. Thank you all.
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