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Status Updates posted by cody.castor

  1. Hey J95,


    I have been following your instructions on how to mod the inf files for unsupported cards. I have a M18x R1, running Windows 10 Pro, that I just put 2 x GTX 860M's in. I currently have the unlocked A05 BIOS, and the BIOS does register that there are NVIDIA cards installed, but Windows pull them up as "Microsoft Basic Display Adapters. I have gone through tons of info on how to get these cards going but have not been able to get the installers to complete. I always get a failure to install.


    Here are my cards Hardware ID's:


    I have even gone through the nvdmi.inf and the nv_dispi.inf and manually added my cards information. I will admit that I am not totally certain that I did it correctly. But I am at a loss. The only reason I put these cards in is because my original setup was dual 6990's in crossfire and one of the cards went out on me. I picked both of these 860's for 100 bucks. If you could find the time, I would greatly appreciate any information that you could provide that helps me get this rig going again. Thanks.

    1. cody.castor




      Never mind. I got it figured out. For my system, I had forgotten that I had set the installer to run in compatibility mode Windows 8. As soon as I set it back to normal the installer ran perfectly. Thanks!! I am now just waiting on the SLI cable to come in so I can install that.

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