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Posts posted by ForcedInduction01

  1. I also think its got an element of entertainment as well. These consoles want to be more of an "entertainment machine" rather than something to play a video game on. I don't think its that gaming companies hate PCs it's just that much more easier for them to release a title that anyone can grab and not worry about system specs, etc. Just think of seeing a trailer for a game and thinking oh that seems cool and not having to worry about if your graphics card can handle it, are you going to have to upgrade, etc. I guess for the younger generation as well its easier to just go out and buy a console and a controller rather than deal with buying or building a gaming rig. Like it has been stated before, its all because of profit, nothing more, nothing less. There's just a lot more to deal with when it comes to releasing PC titles.

  2. From the reviews ive been reading it seems that you need a super computer to play this game. Some people complain they get like 60 fps in the tutorial part of the game but when you start playing it dips so low its almost unplayable. I myself have yet to try it maybe i will soon but the game itself doesnt really do anything for me. There are no new elements it brings to the table just a grab whatever you can and beat the living daylights out of zombies with a small element of parkour. Eh, maybe when it goes on sale in steam.

  3. Yea I hope its not a disappointment performance wise. Developers today seem to just release pc titles without polishing them up first. When GTA4 was first out it was really unplayable to a certain extent. Even now with games like dying light you need like a super computer to get a decent fps

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