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Posts posted by ToadyCody

  1. They call it a laptop, but it doesn't work well in the lap. If you are gaming with one in your lap, try to keep the air intake vent off to the side of your leg, allowing cool air to flow in. Otherwise, the fan won't be much use to you.

    If anyone's looking for a good laptop fan surface cooler thingy, I've used this one and it works great. http://www.amazon.com/Cooler-Master-NotePal-Ultra-Slim-R9-NBC-XSLI-GP/dp/B005C31HC0/

  2. Any game that gets like 60-70 fps, I limit down to 55. But if I'm getting 80-90, I just leave it. I think it's usually worth the extra frames with that amount of extra frames. Skyrim tears really bad with its artificial 60fps limiter, so 55fps is best for that. I have to turn it on in NvidiaTweaker though, there's no ingame option. :(

  3. You Guys should check out this new movie called Predestination with Ethan Hawke. I had to watch it 3 times just to understand what the hell was going on. Once you figure it out, its kind of a disturbing but awesome movie.

    I just saw this movie! I want to say something about it but it'd be a spoiler. Oh well.

    I just saw the Mazerunner, and then watched the Hunger Games: Catching Fire right afterward. LOL they are so similar.

  4. There's a whole community of people who believe the Earth is flat. The Flat Earth Society - Index

    It might sound crazy, but some of their ideas seem plausible. I mean, if nobody ever told you we were standing on a big, floating ball, flatness would be the obvious assumption. Gravity might not work the way we think, and the sun could move around this circle-shaped world like a spotlight, causing night and day.

    Here's the FAQ if anyone's interested. Flat Earth FAQ - Please Read!

  5. Oh my god yes, so much. I love using the king when playing with 4 people, healing everyone over and over. It's like he doesn't have a face, just a big beard where his facial features should be.

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