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Magister Mundi

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Posts posted by Magister Mundi

  1. If there's anyone out there still seeding this... please connect. I've been getting download speeds of about 15K a second, and that's assuming there are any seeds connected at all (and there often aren't). You'd definitely be making my day if you did.

  2. I can't wait for it... even if it does mean I'm gonna need to spend my non-existent money on an upgrade to play it at its full potential. Ah, well. It's as good a motivation as any, and it's time, so...

  3. Yes. Absolutely. I can run most modern games with my two SLI'd GTX 660s at medium-high to high settings, and sometimes even high-ultra. An SLI'd 780 - even a 780M - should be able to go the extra mile my desktop cards can't.

    Though that said, a full 60 FPS on, say, GTA V given their history of terrible optimization?... maybe not.

  4. Hello all,

    I have two SLI'd GTX 660s, and although they've served me well, I'm starting to reach a point where they're the bottleneck of my system.

    I don't really want to spend a ton of money, but I also don't want just a marginal increase. So, what do you guys recommend? Single-card? SLI again? Other?

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