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Posts posted by ddferrari

  1. Have any of you who are bashing SLI actually done it? It's so obvious that most SLI haters are simply regurgitating what they've READ on the Internet, or tried (and failed) with AMD cards. Newer Nvidia cards- such as the GTX 670- run beautifully on SLI. I would know- I've been rockin this setup for about 18 months with hardly an issue. SLI 670's (especially OC'd) will definitely beat a 780ti, so why suggest a "sidegrade" for $700 when a second 670 can be had for less than half of that?

    Heat? No, not with a good case (and you shouldn't be buying anything high perf. if you have a crappy case anyway).

    Noise? Not really... remember SLI'd cards only have to do half the load, so they don't get that warm.

    Microstutter? I think it's happened ONCE, and I was able to fix it with a few tweaks.

    If someone is starting from scratch, then sure- go with the best single card you can afford... but if you already own a 670, SLI makes the most sense by a mile.

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