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Posts posted by Shmoo

  1. Also, like you said it can be other people using frequencies that are crossing over yours so that would also do the trick.

    And have you installed anything that can emit electrical waves int he area between the two locations? (Microwave, etc.)

    And i agree with nerogoth. Other people could be sucking that bandwidth up. make sure your connection is secure. (i'd change the password maybe) and if you have kids and a lot of tech stuff make sure they're not streaming games and movies or downloading all the time.

    This is very important! Also, make sure to only use the frequencies 1, 6, or 11. Numbers in between tend to overlap more.

  2. If you haven't played the Saints Row games, I would check them out when they go on sale. Don't bother with Saints Row 1. Saints Row 2 is really fun, but it was ported terribly to PC. There are some mods that make it a bit better though, like the Gentlemen of the Row mod pack. Also adds more weapons and other cool stuff to the base game. Saints Row 3 is great as well, and Saints Row 4 is supposed to be good as well, I just haven't played it yet. If you have someone to play these games with you should do that as well, because co-op is EXTREMELY fun.

  3. I've used my SteelSeries Siberia V2's for about a year now, and I still love them. Audio and mic quality are good, not amazing but sufficient for my needs. The mic can also be hidden so they look like a normal pair of headphones. I would say the main selling point is comfort: the ear padding is super soft and doesn't get too warm, and the head strap is amazing.

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