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Posts posted by AnythingButTangerines

  1. Card not idling seemed to be related to my 144Hz refresh rate (same with the display power saver flickering thing), tried 120Hz and it idles as normal now. Should have tried this before, but I never had any idling problems with 144hz before.

    Is there any way I can keep the 144Hz refresh with it idling normally?

  2. Ah, it definitely WILL idle now, I tried using the Multi Display Power Saver on NVIDIA Inspector, but it just makes both my monitors go blank and flicker.

    On the plus side, the card drops to idle clocks and voltage during the flickering, just a shame I can't use it. I'll see if it idled tomorrow morning, if not I'll try running my system barebones with nothing but Precision on overnight and see if it idles then.

  3. Yeah I tried following the guide on the EVGA forums for uninstalling it and getting rid of k-boost, didn't work.

    However, I did just go onto it and enable k-boost which put my clocks to forced 3D all the time, so it definitely wasn't stuck. I'll try putting Nvidia CP to "Adaptive" power though and see how it goes tonight.

    Again, thanks for the help and the amazing bios!

  4. Yeah, I accidentally clicked kboost when moving the voltage adjuster window over to my other monitor yesterday and just got a black screen, had to hard reset. Got back, and noticed it was lit up green, clicked it again to disable, black screen, had to hard reset. K-boost is off now assuming not green = off? I don't know I only started using Precision X yesterday because Afterburner wasn't cutting it. Have tried restarting normally earlier then leaving my PC alone for 2 hours but it's still the same.

    I do have 2 monitors however, I don't know. There's no harm in it running 901mhz, 1212mv if the temps are below 50c all the time though, right?

  5. Hey there, I flashed my 780 yesterday with your bios; the no power limit (or so high you probably won't hit it) mod is amazing, and I managed to squeeze an extra bit out of core clock, from 1189MHz to 1215MHz.

    One thing however, how the heck do I get it to "idle"? I'm using EVGA Precision X since Afterburner is wacky with voltages, but I can't get my card to drop under 901MHz core, or the voltage to drop even when I close everything down and let my monitors go to sleep. Is there something I need to enable on Precision X? It used to idle just fine on stock.

    Thanks again for the bios!

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