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Posts posted by Stradius

  1. I am looking to get a laptop in the future (and just as a point of reference, I am in Canada, which will bear meaning later in regards to part of my hatred for laptops). The problem is, I generally "hate" (maybe too strong of a word) laptops. I find them awkward to work with and this issue mostly stems from the way you control the laptop. Meaning, I don't like the keyboard layouts on most laptops that I have seen as they are too condensed. Worse off, any laptop purchased within Canada is almost guaranteed to have french character and functions on it. Like I need more campbell soup. And while tolerable, I also dislike the idea of a trackpad/nipple.

    The only reason I am thinking of getting one now is because of travel. I'd like to have a working computer on the go but without the usual restraints (in my point of view). I'd like a keyboard that most resembles a standard keyboard. I understand the number pad area will likely need to be compromised on but I can live with that. I don't mind if the laptop is bigger.

    So bring it down to the basics, I am looking for a laptop:

    - As close as possible to a standard keyboard layout

    - Size is not necessarily an issue

    - Is strong enough to do general HD multimedia; gaming isn't a priority but I may consider a gaming laptop if it meets the other requirements (it's nice to have the option to kick back and have some fun )

    - hdmi out

    - semi-gloss or matte

  2. Just using 1 120Hz for now (though I'm really waiting for a 1440p 120hz Lightboost capable monitor). Aside from that, while multi-monitor setups are nice, I just can't get past the eyesore known as the bezel. Even if you de-bezel, there is still a game. At that point, I'd rather just get a projector; this is not even fathoming the idea of 120hz 3 monitor and the horsepower required to achieve it.

    >> Gaming point of view <<

  3. Supposedly they are offering free back plates for the 770s. And via email a rep told me that even though the titan ones are compatible with the 780s they are specifically making new ones for them. I wonder if they will offer those free as well.

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