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Y510p Ultrabay Graphics card


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Fan control actually may be good. After few BIOS updates i lost current RPM. I no longer see it in software.


I still using my Y500 + GTX 1080 Ti, but most of hardware for PC are collected (Motherboard, RAM, PSU). Currently i wait for decent CPU (maybe Ryzen 9 3900XT). After that i install stock Windows, clean laptop and sell it.


P.S. Few weeks ago i founded docs on my laptop. I bought it in 2013 year. It's still alive for a long time.

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2 hours ago, High_Voltage said:

@astrosynthesist I guess fan control in this laptop is something we've all dreamt of at some point. The default curve is just so incredibly bad causing throttling and system overheat even under moderate loads. You're right, in order to get control over the fan, we would need to create a custom EC firmware, which I guess isn't worth anyone's time. Or maybe, reverse-engineer existing one and append it with extra code to receive our commands via SMBUS, which is more doable but would still be very difficult due to how poorly-documented these EC chips are (I guess, all the datasheets are provided to companies under various NDAs).


When I was still using my Y510p, I constantly had this idea of a neat hardware mod in mind: CPU fan uses 4 pins: power, ground, PWM for speed control, and strobe to measure RPM. You could, for example, cut the fan cable and insert an ATtiny85V or other small chip in there, powering it off fan's power and ground wires, and cutting into the PWM wire so that motherboard's PWM goes into the MCU and the MCU then controls the fan with its own PWM. Then you could load a primitive program with a look-up table (LUT) for output PWM value vs input PWM value, essentially getting yourself a custom fan curve. A fun and interesting idea which I never had enough time to explore...


As for software side of the fan control and the dust removal routine, I remember seeing a very in-depth investigation into this on some forum a long while ago. They wanted to check whether there's a way to control the fan speed or is it just an "on-off" thing to rev it up to the maximum. It turned out to be the latter.


@LeapingLamb The easiest way to get the connector is to desolder it off your original Ultrabay GPU (it's not like it's useful for anything nowadays, anyway). For removing it you can try hot air or/and diluting solder in the joints with low melting point alloys like Rose's metal. Maybe, some workshop can do that for you (just make sure to let them know the part you want to keep is the connector, not the board). Also, mind sharing details on the project you're working on?


@High_Voltage I want to build a tablet. After looking around a lot of different laptop types, the Y510p struck my fancy. My project started with an old laptop that was broken. I salvaged a bunch of parts and was left with the LCD. I figured, hey, why not turn this into a tablet. At that point I started working backwards from the screen. The options I considered were:

1. get an old Nintendo Wii and salvage the motherboard and trim it down to make a portable wii. 

2. after the Wii idea, I thought because I had a 15" screen, there would be room for microcontroller to run android or linux (raspberry pi, odroid n2, lattepanda)

3. After looking at the specs of these single board computers, I came to the conclusion that what I wanted use the tablet for would require a bit more oomph. At that point I thought, why not find an old motherboard. I had an old one from an acer laptop but it ended up getting recycled a while ago. I started my journey on ebay


my journey was goverend by 

A. it needed to be budget friendly

B. it needed to be able to do some graphic stuff


because I am big fan of lenovo, I ended up looking around and decided that a motherboard with a GT 750m would suffice my needs as thats what is in my T440P that has been doing great. I ended up coming across the y510p and liked it. 


After a bit of research and coming across this thread I decided that a y510p tablet with the possibility of an eGPU was the way to go. I am able to locate all parts from china. The nice thing about using the Y510P was the fact that it has a seperate power button which is not integrated into the keyboard like some other budget laptops out there. After seeing this post and the work by @astrosynthesist i got really excited. I am imagining a y510p tablet with a docking station that has the eGPU. Now the critical part to my contraption is that connector. Given that I do not have a ultrabay graphics card, I am actually going to have to find a single connector somewhere. I am also considering the possibility of using a 3d printer to make a makeshift one (although that would require some reference measurements/pictures). 


Overall for creating the tablet, I would utilize a cnc/3d printer for a case and use a capacitive touch panel with usb converter to connect to the y510P. Given that the y510p has only a few usb ports, I have considered whether it is possible to use a bios with it that takes care of the whitelist for wlan cards. There is a wlan 9260 card with bluetooth 5.0 that uses the M.2 slot. using that card would open up the original wlan card slot for a mPCIe usb adapter to get an extra port. 


maybe this is all a pipedream but still a fun project to think about. If you have any input as in "yeah right, that'll never work" I'd be very interested to hear them.

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@astrosynthesist That sounds like a neat idea. I also dream of things like that from time to time before realising how atrociously bad the battery life is going to be. Battery issues aside, the Y510p seems like a nice choice for such project, especially for its display which I found to be quite nice, despite it being a TN panel. In comparison, one of my friends got themselves an Y50-70 (the next generation in Y series), also with a full HD TN screen, and the colours were just horrible when compared to my Y510p side-to-side. Also, I love its keyboard even more than the Thinkpad ones, but guess that doesn't matter in case of a tablet.


On the USB ports and m.2 cards I have to say that both Svl7's BIOS mod and mine include whitelist removal for WLAN slot. You have to remember however, that the m.2 slot in this laptop in mSATA-only and doesn't have PCIe lanes or USB routed to it. Therefore the WLAN card you've found will just not work. If you want an extra USB port, you can get a couple from webcam and touchpad connectors.


I don't think it is realistically possible to print a substitute connector via 3D printing. Even if you manage to print the plastic part very accurately (maybe, using UV resin printing), you'll still need the metal contacts which are small and peculiarly-shaped. Maybe, @Swung Huang could sell you a connector? He used to make adapters for everyone here and surely still has some spare parts laying around. If not, I guess you can always desolder the other end of the connector from the motherboard and just solder to the pads directly with some high-speed cables (as I guess it would have to go via cable to some docking port anyway).

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 @High_Voltage those are all really good points. I hadn't thought about hooking something up directly. It might be a little tricky to do but maybe a better solution than my 3d printer idea; although I have seen people pause a print, insert something and then let it continue printing. This would encapsulate whatever you are using. In my case I could print the connector half way, lay proper metal traces on the print and then print over top to hold them in place. If I were to solder directly to the pads, I would just have to make sure I keep the wires as closely matched in lenght as possible. I think the first step for me is to procure a motherboard and actually see it to figure out the best option. 


thanks for the tip on the wlan card. Sounds like an AC 7260 is about the best I can get and put into the laptop. I am quite intriqued about getting an extra USB port. I would likley want to hook up a webcam so I would not want to steal any ports there; however, since I am not going to use the keyboard or the trackpad, I could see that being a viable option. I haven't had much time researching this and all I have found thus far is adapting a trackpad to USB but not the other way around. Would I be correct in the assumption that I would only have to hook up the 4 usb wires to the correct pins that the trackpad used?



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11 minutes ago, LeapingLamb said:

Would I be correct in the assumption that I would only have to hook up the 4 usb wires to the correct pins that the trackpad used?


Yes. You can get more details from the laptop's schematic (touchpad and its connector are in page 50). As for the webcam, I kind of expected that you would want to keep it but decided to mention it anyway. Another suggestion would be just integrating a USB hub for a bunch of devices that don't need high data throughput ( such as touch panel, keyboard, webcam (at least not at that resolution), mouse, etc.).


16 minutes ago, LeapingLamb said:

although I have seen people pause a print, insert something and then let it continue printing.


I've seen things like that done, too. Although it's quite impressive what people managed to achieve with this approach, you will be surprised by how absolutely tiny this connector is and how many pins it has (I assume you haven't bought the board yet). I would say not realistic, but you never know!


19 minutes ago, LeapingLamb said:

If I were to solder directly to the pads, I would just have to make sure I keep the wires as closely matched in lenght as possible.


I'm not sure if this is even necessary. PCI-E is a very sophisticated protocol and is capable of conducting self-calibration routine on every power-up. It sends a pre-defined packet of known data and calculates the delays and timings for every lane necessary to send/receive data correctly. Although I'm not sure exactly how much variation in wire length this procedure can compensate for. I would say try keeping your wires the same length anyways, make sure to use a separate biaxial high-speed cable for each differential pair (can get those by cutting cheap mini-SAS to SATA adapters. Each of those shiny blue or white cables can carry one pair.) and make sure their shields are connected to ground. Then maybe it'll work just fine.


I believe soldering directly to the motherboard shouldn't be much of a problem as the connector on the motherboard side uses only through-hole mounting (holes can be cleaned and used for wires easily), as opposed to the Ultrabay device connector, which uses a row of through-holes and a row of SMD pads. Just make sure you have a way of safely desoldering the connector from the motherboard.

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I'm talking to SH and hope I'll receive my adapter in a few weeks. In the meantime, I would like to get some opinions regarding performance loss due to the LUB interface.

I want to drive an Oculus Quest, which has 2 screens, each with an individual resolution of 1440 × 1600 and a refresh rate of 72 Hz.

I'm considering buying the RTX2060, or even the RTX2060 Super, but I'm afraid that it bottlenecks somewhere, and I end up with the performance of a GTX1650 / 60...

What do you think? RTX2060 Super would be a waste of money or not? If yes, which GPU would you recommend?

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32 minutes ago, rafe said:

What do you think? RTX2060 Super would be a waste of money or not? If yes, which GPU would you recommend?

Are you stay forever on laptop? You can go another way - get GPU for you desktop. It will work in adapter too, but you don't need to sell it later. Just transfer in desktop.


Also, on one Russian site was nice review of HL:A and 20 GPUs in VR. You may look table at the end.

Here is link: https://3dnews.ru/1010227

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On 6/3/2020 at 1:24 PM, rusTORK said:

Are you stay forever on laptop? You can go another way - get GPU for you desktop. It will work in adapter too, but you don't need to sell it later. Just transfer in desktop.


Also, on one Russian site was nice review of HL:A and 20 GPUs in VR. You may look table at the end.

Here is link: https://3dnews.ru/1010227

Very good review. Amazing work they've done! RTX2060 Super it is!

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I just found time and work a bit with fan speed switch. I added it on brown wire. Fan model is not original, i used Delta fan. My keyboard wasn't fixed, so i can switch it ON and OFF just by lift keyboard.



Cinebench R15


3,5-2,7 GHz STD fan mode - 552 points (NTR_0 in ThrottleStop) Frequency drop

Temp: 82-87C (delta 5C)


3,5 GHz Max fan mode - 629 points (NTR_1 in ThrottleStop)

Temp: 88-94C (delta 6C)


Cinebench R20


2,7 GHz STD fan mode - 1 049 points (NTR_0 in ThrottleStop)

Temp: 79-84C (delta 5C)


3,5-3,3 GHz STD fan mode - 1 337 points (NTR_1 in ThrottleStop)

Temp: 100-103C (delta 3C) PROCHOT


3,5-3,4 GHz Max fan mode - 1 332 points (NTR_1 in ThrottleStop)

Temp: 96-101C (delta 5C)


P.S. Note that temp is high because i use Panasonic GraphiteTIM (soft-PGS) instead of regular thermal paste.

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On 6/6/2020 at 10:35 PM, rusTORK said:

I just found time and work a bit with fan speed switch. I added it on brown wire. Fan model is not original, i used Delta fan. My keyboard wasn't fixed, so i can switch it ON and OFF just by lift keyboard.



Cinebench R15


3,5-2,7 GHz STD fan mode - 552 points (NTR_0 in ThrottleStop) Frequency drop

Temp: 82-87C (delta 5C)


3,5 GHz Max fan mode - 629 points (NTR_1 in ThrottleStop)

Temp: 88-94C (delta 6C)


Cinebench R20


2,7 GHz STD fan mode - 1 049 points (NTR_0 in ThrottleStop)

Temp: 79-84C (delta 5C)


3,5-3,3 GHz STD fan mode - 1 337 points (NTR_1 in ThrottleStop)

Temp: 100-103C (delta 3C) PROCHOT


3,5-3,4 GHz Max fan mode - 1 332 points (NTR_1 in ThrottleStop)

Temp: 96-101C (delta 5C)


P.S. Note that temp is high because i use Panasonic GraphiteTIM (soft-PGS) instead of regular thermal paste.


I have used the default sd card tray as a switch in my case. Ejecting the tray disconnects the connection and full fan. 


EDIT: Earlier i was using kensington lock port with a switch but it was not feasible since ultrabay always got in the way. Hence the switch to sd card tray.

Edited by intruder
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On 6/11/2020 at 3:58 PM, Smailer022 said:

I have a question, I have the Lenovo Y510P, with the bios version 3.7 can I use any egpu amd ??

After you flash the modded bios then you can use AMD eGPUs.

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4 hours ago, Smailer022 said:

You mean with V8.0 EXP GDC PCI-E Video Card Dock Laptop External adapter??

This thread is never talking about EXP GDC... And plz do not confuse the ultrabay adapter with EXC GDC. it really has nothing to do with it.

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16 minutes ago, Swung Huang said:

This thread is never talking about EXP GDC... And plz do not confuse the ultrabay adapter with EXC GDC. it really has nothing to do with it.

Mmmm sorry and thank you very much

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/18/2019 at 10:03 AM, Swung Huang said:

Hi everyone! Here’s a good news.

 I adopted a 3D printer and made some new cases.

Here’s some pics.






Hi. @Swung Huang 

Can we buy this version with HDD yet?

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3 hours ago, Jin said:

Hi. @Swung Huang 

Can we buy this version with HDD yet?

Nope. It's no longer produced. The latest version of the board is still going. It features a chip to handle SMBUS signal and also a SATA port routed from the optical drive. But it does not come with a case.

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2 hours ago, Swung Huang said:

Nope. It's no longer produced. The latest version of the board is still going. It features a chip to handle SMBUS signal and also a SATA port routed from the optical drive. But it does not come with a case.

Ok, i undestand.


But, can I buy yet?.
How much the latest version?
And how do I get it?


Do you have any photos?


Sorry for asking so many questions.

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I want to return back to PCI Express 2.0 problem on Lenovo Y500. My CPU and GPU clearly support 3.0, but for some reason system allow only 2.0 connection.


Recently der8auer released video where he installed Intel NUC 9 in desktop motherboard (mini PC inside PC) and GTX 1050 Ti. NUC 9 steal some PCI-E lanes so GTX 1050 Ti work only as x8 3.0, then he tape few pins of NUC PCI-E and installed it again and after that GTX 1050 Ti got x16 3.0.


So, maybe because of dGPU always present in system Y500 have got 2.0?



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My GPU is shutting down and the notebook restarting during gaming.

Has anyone else with the LUB adapter faced similar situation?

Context: y510p with LUB adapter, EVGA RTX2070, 650W EVGA PSU. The temperatures are OK, i'm monitoring in HWMonitor.


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22 minutes ago, rafe said:

My GPU is shutting down and the notebook restarting during gaming.

Has anyone else with the LUB adapter faced similar situation?

My system work fine. I got few strange problems with game Mass Effect Andromeda, when during some cut scenes picture freeze and GPU is disconnect in the system, so i have to reboot. I saw it only in this game. I tested few settings (Ultra, High), but at the end i set Ultra settings and it's fine now.


You got such behavior only in one game?

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