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Howdy all. Me llamo es Matt. I've been told that's short for "My God that's an evil child!" Suits me very well. Been lurking around here for some time (like the crazy person I am), just haven't properly introduced myself until now. Here I am, you may stare in awe at my presence...

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thanks for the welcome Brian. It's good to know I wasn't the only one who felt that way; that would explain why I see so many former NBR members here. It's a shame MU got shut down as I've lost all my files forever and I had just reformatted my PC and was going to back them up on my external. What luck!

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I've just bought a Lenovo y500 and while reading some reviews, followed the white rabbit (aka whitelist).

It's been a while I don't hangout in boards, specially tech related ones.

I feel so nostalgic and excited, I hope be accepted!


Dan Alec

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I've just bought a Lenovo y500 and while reading some reviews, followed the white rabbit (aka whitelist).

It's been a while I don't hangout in boards, specially tech related ones.

I feel so nostalgic and excited, I hope be accepted!


Dan Alec

Welcome buddy! You are in the right place for a comeback :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys i've recently came over from Notebookreview and im happy to see so many familiar faces. Is there an M18x Steam Group as it would be great to game with some of you guys.

In the next few months ill be looking to upgrade my 3720QM to a 3940XM and will have lots of questions regarding this.

Cheers guys.


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  • Founder
Hey guys i've recently came over from Notebookreview and im happy to see so many familiar faces. Is there an M18x Steam Group as it would be great to game with some of you guys.

In the next few months ill be looking to upgrade my 3720QM to a 3940XM and will have lots of questions regarding this.

Cheers guys.


Welcome and yes there is, check for a steam group called All Powerful Alienware. I run that group.

Sent from my GT-N7000

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  • 2 weeks later...

oh Hi everyone.. I think I found a gem while surfing along internet space! nice content minus the flaming. and where biased opinions are welcome.hehe I was just looking for a hardware "mod" to remove and place a the primary hdd to the ODD "cavity" of my lappy, and I found myself reading stuff here unrelated to my first intent, take that as a compliment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey guys. im new here :D nice to meet you all.. i came across this forum while looking for a unlocked bios for my lenovo y500.

looks like a very active forum filled with lots of info. i look forward to chatting with u all and pestering u guys with my problems/questions ^______^

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New here to the forum, found some really good answers and good group of people while lurking on the site and finally decided to join. Been in the PC building scene since 2006, did some fun water cooled builds then joined the Marines in 2009. Been on the laptop train ever since due to mobility, now back in college and using a nice Lenovo Y580. This place has some interestingly modded BIOS that I would like to try, just have to post enough to get the download to work! Looking forward to contributing to the forum!

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Im Tgzander,

I found this website while trying to find information on a bios hack that would allow me to oc my I7 processor, Now im just enjoying the community, I have to say this is a very nice and information filled community, i will be using this as my #1 resource for information on improving my Asus g75VW

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