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i see a few post from folks in texas :)  here's another...


read a few posts in other forums regarding svl7's bios mods.. and seems to have found the source here.  was looking to get the unlocked A08 for my alienware m14x r1 to do some variants for hackintosh as the system does not support EFI.


anyway.  i see some time must past before i can access the download, I'll wait patiently.

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Can't beleive i've never signed up here before XD 

Shame about the download limit post system tho, now i've gotta go spam threads i've really got no valuable input for... 

Anyway - Tokyo gijin here xD |
See u guys round'''''''''''';'"

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Hey dudes...


I am an old man but new here.

My first vbios mod was on a Nvidia 7900GS  years ago. It died and left screen artefacts on a Toshiba P100 laptop. No amount of repasting would help. So I modded the vbios to lower the clock speeds for boot, std and full power profiles to powersaving minimum clocks and volts to get the laptop to run with standard VGA driver without showing the artefacts. Ended up selling the laptop to a Linux user who was didn't plan on loading the nvidia driver.



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My second vbios mod was on a Radeon 7970M GPU on a Clevo p170hm. The 6990M on it died a horrible death like everyone elses' (I never did get to try the oven bake solder reflow trick).  Got a 7970M but the heatsink wouldn't fit in a P170HM, so I ended up using the existing heatsink for the 6990M. But I was worried that the 6990M heatsink wasn't designed to take the extra TDP heat from the 7970m so I modded the 7970 vbios and underclocked/undervolted the max profile so that its max profile clocks/volts would be the same of the 6990M.  The 7970M served me well lasted though all the games I put it through until I sold the laptop.

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Honestly, i came here from notebookreviews because i wanted to try a diferent bios on my Clevo P650RSG, but i see you have to participate on the forum before downloading.. i have nothing to contribute ( just being honest ) but would like to be able to at least try the bios..



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Hi everybody,


i am new to this forum an want to give you a short introduction about my person.


Im a geotechnics engineer from germany, so i stumbled across this forum while looking

for a bios mod for my Alienware M11x R3 Netbook after upgrading the dissatisfying A05 bios for the M11x.


So i own the the M11x R1 and the M11x R3 for several years, and was pleased with this nice pieces of

hardware all over the years. In my leisure time i´d like to play around with the Arduino ATMega 2560 and

a Raspberry Pi B+. Whats left to say is that i am enthusiastic in geophysic survey systems and use my

loved M11x R3 for gaming of course and 3D Borehole- and Contammination modelling as well as for analytics

of geophysical survey data.



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Hello friends.


Joined this forum years ago but lost my password. Just got it reset and back into my account. One could say I am still a new member in a way. :D


Currently planning to get a 880M for my 6 years old Alienware m17x R3. Did my research and concluded that this card is as far as the Sandy Bridge CPU and Cougar Point chipset could take. It won't support 900M series cards and 900M series also require an UEFI motherboard which I lack. Currently using a 680M I got from Dell Support, FOC, few years back as my original 460M had issues. Dell's services in my experience are top notch. As expected the 3D function no longer works and I have to mod Ge-force's .inf files if I want to update my GPU Driver. The 3D panel also means Optimus is disable from factory. Nonetheless, all of this do not bother me and the performance gain over a 460M makes it worth while. Anyways, found a retailer claiming to sell brand new 880Ms for ~330$. Will get a 880M and give it a try.


Also, I've just upgraded my CPU to a i7-2960XM too. Got it online for a measly ~200$. Had to upgrade the under-powered CPU fan to a m14x CPU's fan tho. Needed to bent/shave a few plastic/metal frame, but got it to fit nevertheless. The powerful fan now keeps the 2960XM temps in check (this CPU is HOT). I followed a guide I came across online (drop me a post and I'll be happy to point you to the CPU fan upgrade guide for m17xr3).


Well, hope the laptop will last me another few years with the 880M and 2960xm upgrades. Other specs are a 840 Pro 512 GB SSD, 16GB ram, 120Hz 3D monitor (although I can't use 3D anymore, still enjoy the high refresh rate). Also changed to a 330W power brick as the old 240W were starting to let out on me after 6 years. Heck I went with the 330W as it was priced the same as a 240W and those extra power headroom won't hurt. Well it works great for now and only time will tell how well this power brick will last. Overall the m17r3 is a great laptop if you know to care for it. Premium price paid but would last you well over 5 years. Couldn't say the same with the new generation of Alienware laptops as I do not own one.


Cheers ! :) 

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Hey all! I am actually doing exactly what Newbinkin77 is doing aswell, I have a M17xR3 that I am trying to revive, a Asus G73jh best buy edition with a i7 720 16gb of DDR3 and a 5870m, along with a destop with a i7 4770k, 32GB DDR3, Asus maximus hero board, EVGA GTX 970, with 2x 256gb SSDs in Raid 0, everything running Win 10 Pro, I am a recovering WoW Addict (Not really, just dont have the time anymore) from Upstate NY, currently my game time is spent playing Diablo 3, Arma 3 and the newest Destiny on PS4 and when it releases on PC I will play it there.

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Hi TechInferno users ! Newbie here, hoping to learn everything I can about modding laptops, tablets, and building PCs from scratch. Currently owner of a Notion Ink Adam (rommed) and a Lenovo y580 that I want to mod the bios whitelist to allow 3rd party hardware. Hoping TI will help me get there!

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Hey Guys, I'm Carlos and I enjoy playing video games. I like to build budget PCs with great OC potential, but I always end up not OCing because of my poor knowledge in the area. Hope I can learn more about it!


Have a great day!

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Greetings, all. I'm Paul, and I mostly just watch my roommate as he runs overclocking experiments on his decently high-end gaming PC. Personally, I'm just trying to squeeze a bit more life out of a Lenovo laptop by messing with things that I'm supposed to leave alone. It's out of warranty anyway, so what's the harm?

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I'm learning the hard knock lessons of bidding on used M18x R2. But instead of shelving it and denouncing it dead for good, it's opened many learning opportunities with laptop maintenance and further customizations beyond the device's shelf life.

Who knows? Under all this troubleshooting, I might have still a functioning machine yet!

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Helo Everyone!


Happy user of MS-16F4 with GTX870 3 GB, I7-4910qm, ssd and 16GB of RAM. What I'm looking for is:

1. solving problem with throttling of GTX 870,

2. customization of video card (980 or 1060).


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Hey everyone at T|I,


I'm Sarafan and I own a MS-16F4 with a 970m GTX 3GB, i7 4800MQ and 8GB of RAM. I'm looking to get the most out of my GPU by altering the vBIOS and also lower the heat generated by my CPU.


I also hope to be able to help with anything else I can.

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