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lenovo y50-70 860M (4GB) overclock


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Guys, what are the clocks you achieved when running the modded vBIOS?
I only managed to get 1425 core 3005 mem on 960m without a voltage increase (idk how to unlock it, I got to these clocks with an easier mod), wondering how high can these values be if I could up the voltage a bit.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 17.01.2016 at 11:49 AM, Klem said:




Hi guys! Yes, I can make mod bios for your laptop, but you need create backup of bios from your laptop and send it me. PM or email.

Also for download any files from this forum you need create 5 posts or choice T|I Elite Membership. Please read this:    https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/announcement/4-user-account-promotions-please-read/


Hey, Klem! I am new here. From this thread I understand, that you need a BIOS backup from Lenovo y50-70, to do a GPU core overclock limit unlock. Could you please write a short step by step guide for providing you a CORRECT BIOS backup? I really don't want to somehow damage my system, doing backup not the way it is supposed to. Thanks in advance!

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  • Bios Modder
On ‎22‎.‎02‎.‎2016 at 0:51 AM, aceoyame said:

Hey there,


By chance could I have the one of these for an 860m 2 GB? I know it was already done but I need it still.


Thanks and I can kick a donation even if needed.

Send me your backup of bios in PM.

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  • Bios Modder
8 hours ago, Aleksandr said:

Hey, Klem! I am new here. From this thread I understand, that you need a BIOS backup from Lenovo y50-70, to do a GPU core overclock limit unlock. Could you please write a short step by step guide for providing you a CORRECT BIOS backup? I really don't want to somehow damage my system, doing backup not the way it is supposed to. Thanks in advance!

Just use attached program for creating backup of bios. Unzip attached archive directly on the Desktop and run the program as administrator. Program will create archive "results" directly on the Desktop.


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On February 29, 2016 at 8:57 AM, Klem said:

Just use attached program for creating backup of bios. Unzip attached archive directly on the Desktop and run the program as administrator. Program will create archive "results" directly on the Desktop.


hi Klem

frist off thx for your efforts

i have a y5070 gtx 960m 2gig with lastest BIOS update. do u recommend me to use modded BIOS ???


and can i also overclock my cpu as well as gpu ? does it have to do it through modded BIOS ? can't i do do with ordinary (not modded) system ?


thx in advance



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Could any one name any tool to backup bios? I haven't been successful in finding any that works. I've tried the Universal Backup toolkit 2.0 but it doesn't work either. And I can't download the Backup_FPT from this site cuz I am new here.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/2/2016 at 7:53 PM, RandomGuy23 said:

Could any one name any tool to backup bios? I haven't been successful in finding any that works. I've tried the Universal Backup toolkit 2.0 but it doesn't work either. And I can't download the Backup_FPT from this site cuz I am new here.


My current (more or less) stable values of my 960M are 1450/6020 MHz (boost.core/VRAM). I cannot go above them and I have no idea how to increase the voltage yet. Nevertheless, they are really nice value and perform almost 4800 points in Firestrike.


On 1/28/2016 at 11:17 PM, Ultrax5 said:

Guys, what are the clocks you achieved when running the modded vBIOS?
I only managed to get 1425 core 3005 mem on 960m without a voltage increase (idk how to unlock it, I got to these clocks with an easier mod), wondering how high can these values be if I could up the voltage a bit.


Ultrax5, I have used Intel's Firmware Programming Tool for Windows (fptw64.exe) to read my BIOS on my Lenovo Y50-70 w/ 960M. The parameters are:
fptw64.exe -d <backup_bios_name.rom> -bios
You need at least the v9.5 version in order to handle Haswell chipsets properly. I will attach my version for your convenience. You will certainly need to run it as Administrator. The "-bios" parameter ensures that the tool will read only the main BIOS, but that's all you need for modding your 860M/960M.



Edit: oh sh*t, I forgot that you cannot download files yet. Please use this link then:
Just search for the text " FPT v0."

Edited by Ferkosza
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On 2/29/2016 at 8:27 PM, Klem said:
On 3/15/2016 at 7:48 PM, Ferkosza said:


My current (more or less) stable values of my 960M are 1450/6020 MHz (boost.core/VRAM). I cannot go above them and I have no idea how to increase the voltage yet. Nevertheless, they are really nice value and perform almost 4800 points in Firestrike.



Ultrax5, I have used Intel's Firmware Programming Tool for Windows (fptw64.exe) to read my BIOS on my Lenovo Y50-70 w/ 960M. The parameters are:
fptw64.exe -d <backup_bios_name.rom> -bios
You need at least the v9.5 version in order to handle Haswell chipsets properly. I will attach my version for your convenience. You will certainly need to run it as Administrator. The "-bios" parameter ensures that the tool will read only the main BIOS, but that's all you need for modding your 860M/960M.



Edit: oh sh*t, I forgot that you cannot download files yet. Please use this link then:
Just search for the text " FPT v0."

Just use attached program for creating backup of bios. Unzip attached archive directly on the Desktop and run the program as administrator. Program will create archive "results" directly on the Desktop.


hi Ferkosza

i have a y50-70 gtx 960m 2gig and my clock base offset are limited to +135.

how to go furthur than that?

also did u take POWER LIMIT into consideration in order to avoid hitting trotheling  ????


i want to have a access to more clock base offset and power limit

i tried to extract vBIOS by gpuz but gpuz didnt support it.

it would be gr8 if u could help me

Edited by iAchilles
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16 hours ago, iAchilles said:

hi Ferkosza

i have a y50-70 gtx 960m 2gig and my clock base offset are limited to +135.

how to go furthur than that?

also did u take POWER LIMIT into consideration in order to avoid hitting trotheling  ????


i want to have a access to more clock base offset and power limit

i tried to extract vBIOS by gpuz but gpuz didnt support it.

it would be gr8 if u could help me


NO HELP ? :|

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On 3/21/2016 at 1:48 PM, iAchilles said:


NO HELP ? :|

Hi iAchilles,

You will need the aforementioned Firmware Programming Tool for Windows (fptw64.exe) to extract your main BIOS first. See my post above. Run the tool as 'admin.'

One cannot simply read the vBIOS of the 960M via GPU-Z, because on most laptops the VGA BIOS is embedded in the main BIOS (just like on our Lenovo Y50-70).

Furthermore, I was not able to increase the voltage / power envelope of my 960M, I could "only" increase its speed with cca. 100 MHz via BIOS modding (exluding MSI Afterburner's +135 MHz), but in the end my full OC performance was like +18%-19% compared to the original, which is not bad.

So please report back here if you could extract your main BIOS.


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4 hours ago, Ferkosza said:

Hi iAchilles,

You will need the aforementioned Firmware Programming Tool for Windows (fptw64.exe) to extract your main BIOS first. See my post above. Run the tool as 'admin.'

One cannot simply read the vBIOS of the 960M via GPU-Z, because on most laptops the VGA BIOS is embedded in the main BIOS (just like on our Lenovo Y50-70).

Furthermore, I was not able to increase the voltage / power envelope of my 960M, I could "only" increase its speed with cca. 100 MHz via BIOS modding (exluding MSI Afterburner's +135 MHz), but in the end my full OC performance was like +18%-19% compared to the original, which is not bad.

So please report back here if you could extract your main BIOS.


Finally, thx very very much for ur response sir.  :) 18% is good enough.

aren't u hitting the power limit (throttling) ? have u checked the power limit graph via MSI afterburner ??? how's the temps?

As far as i get from what u said, so u have ur gpu OCed +235 for core clock base, right ? and how much for Memory ?


i used ur suggested application (fptw64.exe) and took a backup of bios

this is the result


also i used Universal BIOS Backup ToolKit 2.0 and took a backup of bios with this application as well




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On 3/24/2016 at 0:11 AM, iAchilles said:

Finally, thx very very much for ur response sir.  :) 18% is good enough.

aren't u hitting the power limit (throttling) ? have u checked the power limit graph via MSI afterburner ??? how's the temps?

As far as i get from what u said, so u have ur gpu OCed +235 for core clock base, right ? and how much for Memory ?


i used ur suggested application (fptw64.exe) and took a backup of bios

this is the result


also i used Universal BIOS Backup ToolKit 2.0 and took a backup of bios with this application as well





Yes, unfortunately I saw some power limit related throttling, but not too much. I guess I would need voltage OC, but I have no idea how to do that. The temps were also a bit high, max. 75 degrees Celsius, and it is not yet summer here in (East-)Europe... We will see, I guess I will need a notebook cooler. :)

So my final numbers are: Core - 1454 MHz, VRAM - 6000 MHz.
In my next post I will write down the detailed steps how I mod-ded my BIOS.

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So this is my detailed description how I managed to mod and overclock my GTX 960M in my Lenovo Y50-70. Please note: it is very dangerous to play with the BIOS, so you need to be very careful! I take NO RESPONSIBILITY for any damage or misuse of the information below! Use it AT YOUR OWN RISK!




Necessary tools:

A. Fptw64 from Intel (9.5 or above)

B. PhoenixTool (2.50 or above)

C. Maxwell II BIOS Tweaker (1.36)




How to flash Modded BIOS:

0. Flash the latest (3.03 now) official BIOS
1. From Windows, start 'cmd' as Administrator and read your your BIOS via Fptw64:
   Fptw64 -d BIOS.ROM -bios
2. Reboot, enter your BIOS and check "Enable downgrading BIOS" feature (we need to downgrade first in order to flash the modded BIOS)
3. From Windows, downgrade to 1.13 (this is necessary because the newer BIOSes have protection against mod-ding)
4. After reboot & reflash, start Windows, then enter standby, wait a bit, then wake up the machine
5. Create your modded BIOS, see separate list below
6. Start 'cmd' as Administrator and write your _modded_ BIOS via Fptw64:
   Fptw64 -f BIOS_MODDED.ROM -bios




How to create modded BIOS (point 5 above):

5.1 Start PhoenixTool.exe from Phoenix Tool 2.50 and open your previously saved original BIOS.ROM from point #1 above
 .2 The tool analyses it and shows some messages, click OK
 .3 Now you can find your vBIOS in the "DUMP" subfolder in the folder containing your BIOS.ROM, with the file name:
 .4 Create your modded vBIOS, see separate list below -> let's call it 960M_OC.MOD
 .5 Click on "Structure"
 .6 Open "EFI BIOS" tag
 .7 Open second "File Volume {7A9354D9-...}" tag
 .8 DXE Core -> Compressed Section -> Raw section -> File Volume {7A9354D9-...}
 .9 In the very long list, find the following tag (usually displayed at around 80% of the list):
    Freeform {BE13645B-2C2C-44D2-A64F-0EA052C34597}
    This is the item containing the latest vBIOS
 .10 Open the tag, then "GUID defined section", then click on Raw section. "Internal number" (in the top right corner) should be 1796 for BIOS 3.03.
 .11 Click on "Replace" and select your modded vBIOS (called 960M_OC.MOD above)
 .12 Click exit "Exit" and say Yes to "Save changes?"
 .13 Close the Phoenix Tool; now you should have your BIOS.ROM updated (the original will be saved as BIOS.ROM.OLD for safety)




How to create modded vBIOS (point 5.4 above):
Use Maxwell II BIOS Tweaker to change BE13645B-2C2C-44D2-A64F-0EA052C34597_1796.ROM;
5.4.1 Open the ROM
   .2 Change "Boost Clock" on "Common" tab to the new boost-ed maximum value
   .3 On "Boost table" tab, use the slider in the right bottom corner to increase your max boost-ed value to the same number
   .4 On "Boost states" tab, at P00 profile, change the MAX values in the GPC, L2C and XBAR fields to the same max boost-ed value
   .5 Save your modified BIOS and rename it to 960M_OC.MOD


(My boost-ed max value was 1359 MHz. I could then use MSI Afterburner's software tuning -> my 960M could reach 1454 MHz without voltage increase.)


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7 hours ago, Ferkosza said:


Yes, unfortunately I saw some power limit related throttling, but not too much. I guess I would need voltage OC, but I have no idea how to do that. The temps were also a bit high, max. 75 degrees Celsius, and it is not yet summer here in (East-)Europe... We will see, I guess I will need a notebook cooler. :)

So my final numbers are: Core - 1454 MHz, VRAM - 6000 MHz.
In my next post I will write down the detailed steps how I mod-ded my BIOS.

wow, thx for ur thorough and detailed guide sir 

really appreciated indeed. u are rock man !!


VRAM 6000 MHZ !!!???? Are u sure ???? i only can get +300 MHZ (fully stable) memory clock with MSI AB which leads to : 2505 (stock memory) + 300 = 2805 Mhz


btw ur gpu is 2gb or 4 gb variant ? although i believe 960m 4 gb is an absolute over kill coz this particular gpu is too weak in essence that can benefit from that 2 extra GB.


PS. can't we change the POWER LIMIT by this method ?


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On 3/25/2016 at 10:56 PM, iAchilles said:

wow, thx for ur thorough and detailed guide sir 

really appreciated indeed. u are rock man !!


VRAM 6000 MHZ !!!???? Are u sure ???? i only can get +300 MHZ (fully stable) memory clock with MSI AB which leads to : 2505 (stock memory) + 300 = 2805 Mhz


btw ur gpu is 2gb or 4 gb variant ? although i believe 960m 4 gb is an absolute over kill coz this particular gpu is too weak in essence that can benefit from that 2 extra GB.


PS. can't we change the POWER LIMIT by this method ?



Thank you, Sir :) . I also documented it for myself, in case I will need to do more OC-ing/modding in the far future. (I always forget everything if I don't write it down :D ) .


You are right about your VRAM speed; the values we see in Afterburner should be doubled for the final speed. Thus, I get 3000 there and my final speed is 6000 MHz. Our cards are basically a 750 Ti, if you check the desktop variants' memory speed, you will also see values between 5 and 6 GHz GDDR5 (depending on the manufacturer's OC).


I have seen the 970/980 power-method you linked before; but to be honest, I used to play a lot with my previous laptop and its 850M - however, I could not increase the voltage/wattage there, no matter what I changed. The real gurus here in Techinferno can simply unlock the voltage bar for notebook VGA chips in Afterburner - no idea how. I guess we should ask them. The good thing is that you can embed any mod-ded vBIOS based on my instructions, not only the one from Maxwell II Tweaker. So if you manage to find a way to increase voltage, let me know! :)


Edit: Indeed, I have a 4GB-variant of the 960M. I don't really use that much mem though, coz I play at 900p to have reasonable speed in games :) .

Edited by Ferkosza
(added 960M memory size)
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On 3/29/2016 at 5:12 PM, Ferkosza said:


Thank you, Sir :) . I also documented it for myself, in case I will need to do more OC-ing/modding in the far future. (I always forget everything if I don't write it down :D ) .


You are right about your VRAM speed; the values we see in Afterburner should be doubled for the final speed. Thus, I get 3000 there and my final speed is 6000 MHz. Our cards are basically a 750 Ti, if you check the desktop variants' memory speed, you will also see values between 5 and 6 GHz GDDR5 (depending on the manufacturer's OC).


I have seen the 970/980 power-method you linked before; but to be honest, I used to play a lot with my previous laptop and its 850M - however, I could not increase the voltage/wattage there, no matter what I changed. The real gurus here in Techinferno can simply unlock the voltage bar for notebook VGA chips in Afterburner - no idea how. I guess we should ask them. The good thing is that you can embed any mod-ded vBIOS based on my instructions, not only the one from Maxwell II Tweaker. So if you manage to find a way to increase voltage, let me know! :)


Edit: Indeed, I have a 4GB-variant of the 960M. I don't really use that much mem though, coz I play at 900p to have reasonable speed in games :) .

really like ur perfect punctuation, it seems as if u r writting an essay :D  (i'm an English student)


have u made any comparison between 4gb vs 2gb varient of 960m, FPS-wise in games ? has the 4gb varient any absolute benefit over the 2 gb varient ?


so ur final boost clock is 1454 which is 1359 MHz + 95 MHz by MSI AB = 1454, right ? is it the ultimate value we can push our card? have u checked higher values than 1359 when u set this value in vBIOS ?


anyway, pls let me know ur best OC values or by any chance u found better vBIOS file or setting OR EVEN if there is any way to get better performance outta this specific Laptop. (i'm gonna PM u my Email address for any finding u might bump into in the future)  :)

it would be definitely appreciated.

Edited by iAchilles
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14 hours ago, iAchilles said:

really like ur perfect punctuation, it seems as if u r writting an essay :D  (i'm an English student)


have u made any comparison between 4gb vs 2gb varient of 960m, FPS-wise in games ? has the 4gb varient any absolute benefit over the 2 gb varient ?


so ur final boost clock is 1454 which is 1359 MHz + 95 MHz by MSI AB = 1454, right ? is it the ultimate value we can push our card? have u checked higher values than 1359 when u set this value in vBIOS ?


anyway, pls let me know ur best OC values or by any chance u found better vBIOS file or setting OR EVEN if there is any way to get better performance outta this specific Laptop. (i'm gonna PM u my Email address for any finding u might bump into in the future)  :)

it would be definitely appreciated.

:) Yes, I am fond of literature, I love writing well formatted texts :) .

However,I did not really research the difference between 2 and 4 GB variants... You are perfectly right, this chip (960M) is simply too weak for very high resolutions and/or details. So probably we could be just fine with 2 GB. Here I had a great offer recently so I bought the 4GB variant.


Indeed, my final clock is 1454 MHz (w/ boost). Whenever I tried to go above, I had a driver crash. It seems we need more power if we want to achieve a higher clock. However, I don't really think that we can go much above 1500... We are already reaching our limits here. I am curious about your results. :) 


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On 31.03.2016 at 1:22 PM, Ferkosza said:

:) Yes, I am fond of literature, I love writing well formatted texts :) .

However,I did not really research the difference between 2 and 4 GB variants... You are perfectly right, this chip (960M) is simply too weak for very high resolutions and/or details. So probably we could be just fine with 2 GB. Here I had a great offer recently so I bought the 4GB variant.


Indeed, my final clock is 1454 MHz (w/ boost). Whenever I tried to go above, I had a driver crash. It seems we need more power if we want to achieve a higher clock. However, I don't really think that we can go much above 1500... We are already reaching our limits here. I am curious about your results. :) 


Actually, we can increase the voltage and (by bios modding) increase the power limits. Nvidia inspector can set the voltage to 1.17V if I remeber correctly, and that allowed me to run the GPU at 1475mhz(possibly even more can be achieved), but there were 2 problems I encountered:

1. The power brick is way too weak to handle such overclocks reliably if one unlocks the power limits. Furmark started to eat the battery like crazy the second I started the stress test. 

2. This is actually my GPU's own problem - at 1475mhz and 1.17 it was artifacting a lot, but it was enough for me to complete 3dmark Fire Strike test. So unless someone has some better quality silicone in the GPU, higher overclocks won't happen.

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On 4/3/2016 at 0:29 PM, Ultrax5 said:

Actually, we can increase the voltage and (by bios modding) increase the power limits. Nvidia inspector can set the voltage to 1.17V if I remeber correctly, and that allowed me to run the GPU at 1475mhz(possibly even more can be achieved), but there were 2 problems I encountered:

1. The power brick is way too weak to handle such overclocks reliably if one unlocks the power limits. Furmark started to eat the battery like crazy the second I started the stress test. 

2. This is actually my GPU's own problem - at 1475mhz and 1.17 it was artifacting a lot, but it was enough for me to complete 3dmark Fire Strike test. So unless someone has some better quality silicone in the GPU, higher overclocks won't happen.

Hi Ultrax5,
Thanks, that's good news, indeed. Could you please explain in detail how to increase the power/voltage limit for our cards?

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On 4/3/2016 at 6:29 PM, Ultrax5 said:

Actually, we can increase the voltage and (by bios modding) increase the power limits. Nvidia inspector can set the voltage to 1.17V if I remeber correctly, and that allowed me to run the GPU at 1475mhz(possibly even more can be achieved), but there were 2 problems I encountered:

1. The power brick is way too weak to handle such overclocks reliably if one unlocks the power limits. Furmark started to eat the battery like crazy the second I started the stress test. 

2. This is actually my GPU's own problem - at 1475mhz and 1.17 it was artifacting a lot, but it was enough for me to complete 3dmark Fire Strike test. So unless someone has some better quality silicone in the GPU, higher overclocks won't happen.

there is a sth i encountered with the power break. some times after playing a game like 2 hour with the laptop on AC power, suddenly the power key on laptop (above keyboard, right corner) starts blinking and as i tested, if i don't take power cable out and then put it in again the laptop gonna shut itself down, it seems as if the power break can not provide enough power in some situation.


would u pls explain in detail how u managed to increase power limit ? thx

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4.04.2016 at 7:09 PM, Ferkosza said:

Hi Ultrax5,
Thanks, that's good news, indeed. Could you please explain in detail how to increase the power/voltage limit for our cards?


On 4.04.2016 at 10:55 PM, iAchilles said:

there is a sth i encountered with the power break. some times after playing a game like 2 hour with the laptop on AC power, suddenly the power key on laptop (above keyboard, right corner) starts blinking and as i tested, if i don't take power cable out and then put it in again the laptop gonna shut itself down, it seems as if the power break can not provide enough power in some situation.


would u pls explain in detail how u managed to increase power limit ? thx

Basically, to increase the power limit you need to mod the vBIOS, just change the values to your desired ones in Maxwell BIOS Tweaker power tab. Don't set them too high though, it could cause some nasty problems to happen. 

And - for voltage you only need to open up nVidia Inspector and move the voltage slider all the way to the right. Even if it says +275 or +262.5, it won't give voltages that high anyway, setting it to that sets the voltage to 1.187, which drops to 1.17 after a while. It's only a few milivolts but it allowed me to reach some nice overclocks that unfortunately are artifacting like crazy after a few minutes.

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16 hours ago, Ultrax5 said:


Basically, to increase the power limit you need to mod the vBIOS, just change the values to your desired ones in Maxwell BIOS Tweaker power tab. Don't set them too high though, it could cause some nasty problems to happen. 

And - for voltage you only need to open up nVidia Inspector and move the voltage slider all the way to the right. Even if it says +275 or +262.5, it won't give voltages that high anyway, setting it to that sets the voltage to 1.187, which drops to 1.17 after a while. It's only a few milivolts but it allowed me to reach some nice overclocks that unfortunately are artifacting like crazy after a few minutes.

would u take some screenshot of your final setting in ur Maxwell BIOS Tweaker ?? since i dont know which valuve should be changed in Power Tab. just let us what value u have changed to get the best result.


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