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[vBIOS - MODS] Alienware - Prema Mod™


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Looking at the M18 GTX980 bios. My computers the older M18Xr2 with the 980M's installed are those firmware files you got ok for it even tho theyre for the newer M18 model?

No flashing the wrong system BIOS would probably brick it!

You can use the vBIOS, but the Clevo version is even better for the M18XR2.

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This is a SS of my current setup for my graphic cards atm as im not sure which bios file is the correct one to flash. Setup is a M18Xr2 on the A12 Bios with Dual GTX980M's. Anyone know which would be the best file to use dont wanna pick the wrong one and brick it accidentally.


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On 1/11/2016 at 3:29 AM, Infini said:

This is a SS of my current setup for my graphic cards atm as im not sure which bios file is the correct one to flash. Setup is a M18Xr2 on the A12 Bios with Dual GTX980M's. Anyone know which would be the best file to use dont wanna pick the wrong one and brick it accidentally.



You can either use the AW18 version or the Clevo Mod...just stay away from 361 driver as it crashes, freezes on far too many systems... 

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Prema  I am having issues with the clevo 1.1.1 vbios in my Alienware 17 R1. I have a 980m I installed using the 3 pipe heatsink and I keep having the card overheat, but only in certain games. ie. World of Warcraft will take my gpu up to 85*C+ where as looping uniengine benchmarks or 3dmark will never take the gpu over 75*C.

I am using a Cooling pad with 2 80mm fans directly pointing at the fan intakes. I have also upgraded the gpu fan in the laptop from the stock 1.Xcfm one to the 10.6cfm model from the R3. 

I have an ASIC reading of 81.3%. What I am thinking is maybe this vbios has too much voltage applied for long term gaming for the cooling system in this machine? Will this Alienware 18 vbios help me with my issues at all or should I try a vbios with a lower 3dclock voltage? My current load voltage is 1.062v.

I am running 359.06 mobile modded inf drivers.

I honestly don't care about overclocking I just want this thing to be stable with or without my laptop cooler under it.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Guest changed the title to [vBIOS - MODS] Alienware - Prema Mod™

I have just updated the AW18 GTX980M Prema Mod vBIOS to v2.

It'll properly support the latest NVIDIA driver releases.


ENJOY! :sorcerer:

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16 minutes ago, wanttolove said:

Hi Prema,

I'm using alienware 17r3 with 980m 8GB . Can I flash your vbios ?





It works but for systems other than AW18 the Clevo base works best:



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Updated AW18 GTX970M Mod also to v2!




Will look at the 17 R3 8GB BGA as soon as I find time...for now you van use the 4GB version from the R2.

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On 4/6/2016 at 3:23 AM, Prema said:

Updated AW18 GTX970M Mod also to v2!




Will look at the 17 R3 8GB BGA as soon as I find time...for now you van use the 4GB version from the R2.

Thank you. I can't wait :)

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On 4/9/2016 at 8:18 PM, a_Criminai said:

Thank you. I can't wait :)



OK AW 15 R2 / AW 17R3 GTX980M 8GB Prema Mod is up!



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2.10.2015 at 0:55 PM, Prema said:

If you also want Prema Mod vBIOS for other AW systems, then just dump your current vBIOS with this tool and PM me the files.


EDIT: AW 15 R2 / 17 R2 GTX 980M vBIOS Prema Mod added to OP. Will add the others as dumps come in.


EDIT2: AW 15 R2 / 17 R2 GTX 970M vBIOS Prema Mod added to OP! ENJOY! :)




Im trying to download stuff on this site and its not working (newbie account). Tried to upgrade many times my Elite mebership, without success. Contacted one of your mods, he created some invoices but somehow my paypal doesnt accept my payment. I use my paypal for several other things, so if i could just straight forward send you some money to your account and you in exhange help me with my card (gtx980m on M17xr4 /3d), that would be great.

Please let me know.


EDIT: NVM got my membership now.

Edited by angelorusso_
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9 hours ago, angelorusso_ said:


Im trying to download stuff on this site and its not working (newbie account). Tried to upgrade many times my Elite mebership, without success. Contacted one of your mods, he created some invoices but somehow my paypal doesnt accept my payment. I use my paypal for several other things, so if i could just straight forward send you some money to your account and you in exhange help me with my card (gtx980m on M17xr4 /3d), that would be great.

Please let me know.


EDIT: NVM got my membership now.


The best public Mod for your card/system would be this one:



Use it alongside this driver Mod:



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  • 1 month later...

Hello Prema.

Please help, I upgrade M18R2 GTX675 to GTX970(single), upgrade BIOS to A12 and flash  AW18_6GB_GTX970M_OC_PM_v2.rar to GTX970.

But still have 8 BEEPs after switch on laptop, is there any differences between SLI vBios and single mod?

How I can solve my problem?

Thank You in advance. 

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I am rather curious, the 970m 6GB card I got for my m17xR4 was from an Alienware 18, given the machine it is used in right now, would it be best to flash the Alienware 18 vBios for the card? I have the Clevo vBios flashed, lets me overclock and go bananas but power throttles once it hits 105 Watts. (35% TDP via GPU-Z).


A curiosity as I want to push this card and not worry about the wattage as much, I have a 330W Brick at my disposal and the card hits maybe 66-68 *C under load. I just want to see what this card is capable of and see how it compares to his 980m,

Edited by cskx2001
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