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The "What did you Pay?" thread!

Alex Six

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Hello guys, well i figured that i would give this a shot.

when i first go into alienware i had ZERO idea that i could call in and get a good deal (5-25% off)

and on another forum....cough* NBR cough* there is a thread that give new buyer, or returning buyers some great advice on how to get a sweet deal. BUT the thing that i found to be a little annoying is that there were no ball park figures. and for me if i cant see a solid number to somewhat match what another person got then i can only go so far. i feel that this type of thread will help all the newbies understand some of the steals that we have gotten, and of course help them negotiate their prices down to where some of the EPIC members here paid.

so without further ado, let me set a guide line.

1st. the model of your system. I.e. M11xr1, r2, m14x, etc.

2nd. your specs. if you have them in your sig, then just leave a "look at sig" please just put Dell options, do not include aftermarket add-ons.

3rd. place the ORIGINAL price of the system, before any discounts. I.e $3,100.00 (as a courtesy to any international viewers please specify your currency I.e USD, Euro, Peso etc.)

4th. please place the price that you paid, including shipping and taxes.

5th place your country/state/providence Etc's tax rate. I.e Florida = 7% tax

6th. sit back and see if you got the EPIC steal that you thought you got >.O

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I think this thread misses focus. If we're to compare newly purchased prices then it makes some kind of sense for people to come here and to see what kind of discount they can expect to get with a new purchase.

If on the other hand we're to compare corner cases the i don't really see a reason unless we just want to brag :)

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