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Maximum SSD performance on your laptop with ThrottleStop and registry mod


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or just turn core states off mwaahahahah lol Stam i've been trying that myself and performance is astounding... just more heat to deal with... i wish though i could turn all but maybe one type of core state off so i could instead jump from 1,2,3,4, core turbo speeds not 4 core only... i think if c3,c6 are disabled its similar but still drops it to stock speed to so for me that 2.5ghz...

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  • 3 months later...

Hey sorry resurrect an old thread. With my new Corsair SSD, I've tried many things so increase the speeds of it, I've done the JJB tweak from NBR and various other tweaks within Win7. I've known about this tweak for a long time but I've always been reluctant to do it as I don't want my CPU pegged at full multi all the time. Unchecking C1E in throttlestop alone without the C-state reg hack works great. 4K writes went from under 49MB/s to well over 80MB/s :)

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Hey sorry resurrect an old thread. With my new Corsair SSD, I've tried many things so increase the speeds of it, I've done the JJB tweak from NBR and various other tweaks within Win7. I've known about this tweak for a long time but I've always been reluctant to do it as I don't want my CPU pegged at full multi all the time. Unchecking C1E in throttlestop alone without the C-state reg hack works great. 4K writes went from under 49MB/s to well over 80MB/s :)

thats because m17x r3 and m18x and m14x got lucky that unlocked bios shows core states and we can disable them... then like you mentioned in throttle stop uncheck core states... So yes we are lucky we dont need the mod unlike m17x r2 which cant disable core states... we can and thats all thats required for this effect :) i love it too helps not only in ssd but everything you do. Here is an option Widezu as suggested somewhere above... use throttle stop's "power saver" set c0 usage (core usage) percent to a low enough value that represents idle loads and it will run full speed at all times except when core load is equal to or less than the core percent you set in throttle stops power saver. Its great actually for 8thread cpu 12-13 is pretty good for that setting but if you want idle to be half of 1 thread you might set 6-7 :)

honestly its one handy thing with cstates disabled if managed okay as you said temps can be a nightmare... Nice improvement Widezu 40mb random write to 80mb is on awesome boost :)

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  • 8 months later...
"I grow old learning something new everyday."

LoL. That's exactly what I believe. We grow old and weak because we begin to learn, realize, and get used to.

Well he didnt mean it as you perceive it ... but nevertheless you get the idea :encouragement:

So guys, i have a question. I recently giot an m17x r2 , i havent installed an ssd yet so i dont need the speed patch yet, BUT i had several problems with throttlestop when trying to disable the cstates for my own personal reasons (i wanted to run all cores on the max multi)

So as far as i understand and from what you mention here, i cant do that on an R2?

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Well he didnt mean it as you perceive it ... but nevertheless you get the idea :encouragement:

So guys, i have a question. I recently giot an m17x r2 , i havent installed an ssd yet so i dont need the speed patch yet, BUT i had several problems with throttlestop when trying to disable the cstates for my own personal reasons (i wanted to run all cores on the max multi)

So as far as i understand and from what you mention here, i cant do that on an R2?

You can try the registry mod and it will give you quite a nice boost, if you have problems with throttle stop you might want to describe the situation here and probably find a solution

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Well stamatis after playing with throttlestop I managed to setitup nicely. I use multies of 28/27/26/25 stably so I suppose now I have no need to turn off the c states. The heat of all the cores running at 25x all the time would surely be over the limit. Even now while benching or gaming after some time one of the cores reaches 100c (although I need to repaste and do your trick with the CPUs heatsink screws , because although one core gets 100 the other is at 72 and the rest in between..)

Also one more question if you happen to know. When you setup a tdp and tdc , that's the limit you give to throttlestop to allow your CPU to use. What hapens when the CPU goes over that? Throttling? The system shuts down?

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Yeah what Nospheratu said and also also if you increase TDP and TDC too much the system will shut down due to either overheating (or the mobo won't be able to handle the excess current draw)

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Hey AlienHack nice to see you here :D Welcome to T|I !!!

The CPU throttles down by reducing its multipliers and therefore reducing power draw to stay within the TDP limit set.

But what if you have raised the tdp high and on the Same time Have clicked on clock modulation as to block the multies fom dropping. That way you will make the tdp limiter not work? Unable to drop the multi? And the laptop will warm up until it shuts down from the bios thermal shut down command ( which you can select in whatever temp you want up to 130C if I remember correct)

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It will still drop the multi to stay within the TDP limit. Best way to understand how it works is to set a TDP limit and play around with your multi's while using the built in TS Bench or wprime to load the CPU with 8 threads. Your chip will also throttle to stay within the temp limit. If I remember correctly Dell set the throttle limit to 95c on our systems even though these chips can go higher. I haven't ever initiated a shutdown through CPU overclocking alone as I always monitor temps after any adjustments so this is purely theory.

Maybe @unclewebb can shed more info on the clock modulation. From what I understand it cannot force the CPU from dropping multi's, its merely used to set an upper limit for the workload of the CPU. Its similar to the way TDP works. If you set a TDP of 90w it doesn't mean your chip will be running constantly at 90w. 90w is the upper limit.

If you haven't already, check the ThrottleStop Guide out for explanation on all the features.

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