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Quadro k3100m on Clevo P750ZM


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Hello everybody!!

Some times ago i bought a Clevo barebone P750ZM and Quadro k3100m on ebay.

Laptop work fine except screen. Internal screen doesn't work at all. I wrote mail to seller, but they say me that i must update my vbios.

May some of you can send me vBios?

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Prema, thanks a lot! I not try you vbios yet (as i have not 5 posts).

But may be it's help to someone - when i bought the laptop and installed my GPU and turned on laptop, i saw just a black screen and as my P751zm don't support GPU on CPU i haven't another choice. For solve this problem you must just to plug in external LCD via HDMI or DisplayPort and after that update vbios.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello I have a similar kind of experiment with my MSI-GT702pc (Preinstalled with 870m) I bought a k3100M and just replaced it, but all I could see is the black screen after the quadro driver update restart. Even the latest Vbios from MSi couldn't make it work

I didn't have a second screen so the resorted with reinstalling OS I went back to Windows 7 from 10 and installed with all the drivers now its perfect, except the flashy Steel series engine. I will try EC firmware upgrade or downgrade. Lets see how its works.

How about you? Is it working now.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Use this vBIOS for a working internal screen on ZM units!

Hi Prema, I was hoping you would be able to help me too. Would you happen to have a vBIOS for the k5100m (I have a P770ZM)? I saw this one by LightningPL http://forum.techinferno.com/clevo/7348-nvidia-quadro-k5100m-clevo-vbios.html, but don't know if it will work on a P770ZM.

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