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The basic eGPU hardware guide (for Macs)


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Please try this boot sequence:

- turn on MB

- press and hold alt key

- wait for boot chime and boot selection menu

- turn on eGPU

- boot into Windows

Also could you try NOT to use VGA when setting the eGPU up?

Also you should do some research what Error 43 is. Maybe you get more attention by writing your problem here (with all the details until now): http://forum.techinferno.com/diy-e-gpu-projects/7910-diy-egpu-macbook-experiences-130.html

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I already tried several different boot sequences. So far no success with any of them.

I also thought that could be an issue, so I tried a TV with HDMI, but no luck (my display only has VGA). Though I didn't try all the boot sequences with HDMI yet, so I might try that.

From what I've learned so far Error 43 could also mean that something is wrong with the card itself. I really hope that is not the case. Unfortunately the Troubleshoot FAQ only talks about Error 43 in Windows 7 though.

Anyway, I guess I'll try the other thread then. Thanks for the help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is extremely interisting, because actually the path is really divided onto two thing

1/ a really DIY approach/quite cheap

2/ a more ready to go/expensive solution

The netstor is even more ready to go than the sonnet 3D, because of it's PSU and 2x 8pin for the GFX, making it able to power quite powerfull GPU. and living the opportunity to swap another sfx psu since the mobo is powered by a standart 24pin atx plug.... issue beeing the price, around 900€... plus a 980 GTX, that's a LOT of money.

the other road is more diy, but also as you've mentionned, a road that need to be taken seriously. the riser issue and so on, one need to chose carefully.

I'm selling my Obisdian 900D case, with its setup inside, my wife want a macbook, so I've told to myself "ok, that leave me with a late 2013 MBP with I5 cpu, and dual TD2 port, so..".. and I though, why not selling my pc, go the egpu road, for a smallest (considering the obisidian 900D everything is small anyway:p).

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  • 2 months later...

I am very new to this stuff but I really want an external GPU for my macbook pro. I am decided on the Akitio Thunder 2 box and the GTX 960 4GB SC (the small one that will fit in the case) and I am just confused about the power supply and other items I might need. Could someone please link me a good power supply to use and any other parts I may need in addition to the power supply. That would be greatly appreciated

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@blaine_sieck: If you want to make it as compact as possible you should get the Dell DA-2. Please read page 1 again and this discussion about the PSU itself: http://forum.techinferno.com/enclosures-adapters/9426-220w-dell-da-2-ac-adapter-discussion.html

Sorry for my lack of knowledge in this area but could i possibly buy a power supply (I don't care how big it is) that goes directly to 12v DC that is powerful enough to power a GTX 960 4GB SC? I just really don't want to have to solder or tinker with electrical things because quite honestly it frightens me and I'd probably fry my card or burn my house down. Basically, what is the simplest option that almost anyone could do that doesn't require electrical skills? Any help would be tremendously appreciated!

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Okay so I'll buy the Dell power supply and then for the barrel plug and screw terminal stuff, do I need to buy additional parts? Could you link them if I do need any? Sorry, I see all the links in the forum post but I don't know what ones I need, I'm super confused.




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Okay I promise this is my last post, I think I have an idea. Sorry for bothering you guys all day. Tell me if this would work: I would just buy a basic 500w power supply like you would if you were building a computer, plug that in directly to the graphics card, put the graphics card in the Akitio box without the cover so the power supply could connect to the GPU, then plug the default power supply that came with the Akitio into the back of the enclosure to power that. So basically I just would leave the cover off the Akitio, please tell me this would function properly and power both the GPU and akitio!

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1. The AKiTiO isn't powerful enough for peak loads up to 90+W

2. You shouldn't mix two PSUs

The easiest way is to get the barrel plug with screw terminals, so you don't have to solder. Than get an adapter 2xMolex 4-Pin to 1x6-Pin PCIe. Here you cut off the 6-Pin plug, strip the wires from the 6-Pin for 5mm and connect them to the screw terminal!

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  • 2 weeks later...

hello everyone.

I am looking for eGPU adapters in Russia and unfortunately recommended hardware (akitio, sonnet, netstor) is either unavailable or quite expensive (due to USD\RUR rates changes).

But there's Magma ExpressBox 1T at a very good discount (specs here ExpressBox 1T – Magma )

Can I use it for boosting my rMBP (Mid 2012)?

If someone had experience with it - please share.

Thanks in advance

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@chebooratino: Have you watched the video or how the cards are installed? 2 slot cards will not fit! So it might work if you are going to use it with a riser cable.

if that is the only problem - that's okay, I can live with opened caseor make a custom one. My main concern is about compartibility and performance

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I just bought the gigabyte 970 mini ITX because I thought it would fit...is it really that big of a deal having it fit versus leaving the case open? I would order the Inno3D 970 if there is an advantage to having a closed Akitio but I can't find anywhere to purchase it. Also, how would you close the akitio anyways, even if the card fits how do you wire in the PSU power into the case directly into the GPU? I just don't see how that would fit

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This is my build: https://forum.techinferno.com/index.php?/forums/topic/7667-2014-15-mbp-iris-gtx97016gbps-tb2-akitio-thunder2-win81osx1010-dschijn2/


Like you said… in some way the power has to come into the case. Also you will have to improve airflow for better cooling = cutting the case.

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