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Unlock Hidden Tabs in Dell Inspiron 5737/3537/3737/5537 and Vostro 2521 Insyde bios.

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Just copy the "modified" folder into C:\ HD root and open a Comand Prompt with Admin Rights getting

a window C:\ then execute the FPTw (x32) or FPTw64 (x64) aligned to your Windows O.S.

cd \

cd C:\modified

fptw -f bios.bin -bios


fptw64 -f bios.bin -bios

P.S. to get working the FPT Tool You have to use It by Windows Desktop after Woke-Up the Laptop !

P.S.S i Have and error by installing it : Error 7: Hardware sequencing failed. Make sure that you have access to target flash area!

Waiting for help!

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  • 3 months later...


I have managed to flash my Dell 3537 with your custom BIOS.

Thank you so much for doing all this work.

The way I did it was - first I downgraded to A03 and after that I did the sleep trick to disable write protection. After that I was able to flash the custom BIOS and now I have a lot new setting I can use in the BIOS.

Thank you again! :)

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  • 4 months later...

Yeesh.... so you finally found Sigvardrs post giving you a mysterious hope for your laptop :3

But how the hell did he downgrade? especially when you find all these articles talking about needing to buy hardware to mod your bios


so here it is nerds - the easy friggin instructions your looking for

go find "3537A03.exe" (A03 BIOS) && "rufus-2.6p.exe" && download Tempter's A08 BIOS mod


open rufus, select thumb drive, FS of "Fat32", Bootable disk using "FreeDOS" ==> Start


copy 3537A03.exe to root of thumb drive


while ur at it... copy Tempter's "modified" folder to the root of your OS drive (Usually C:\)

~~~~~Fun time~~~~


Boot to USB (I had Legacy mode enabled then mashed F12)

type " 3537A03.e xe/forceit" and hit return (without the quotation marks u dummy)

do whatever it wants you to do, system will reboot and shnazz


okok now your finally downgraded to A03 (super easy)


now hit windows key, type "cmd", right click "cmd.exe" and click "run as administrator"....


cd \


cd C:\modified





fptw -f bios.bin -bios


fptw64 -f bios.bin -bios

reboot and enjoy :))))))))))))))))))))))))))



What the hell - all I wanted to do was add custom UEFI signatures so I could Secure Boot my copy of Kali Linux T_T

and my service tag now aligns with 3537?! lololol I have 5537


Edited by Pro TS
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  • Bios Modder

This happened because you flash the bios which was made for Sigvardr (not for you). His laptop is Dell 3537.
With this metod you should flash mod bios which was made only for your laptop.

Now you just cloned Sigvardr's laptop. :)

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 7 months later...
  • Bios Modder
50 minutes ago, Mehdi said:


hi thanks for you work

can you mod new version of bios?

A09 released.

You can send me your file backup of bios A09, and i'll look at it. For creating backup of bios use attached program. Unzip attached archive directly on the Desktop and run the program as administrator (right click mouse). Program will create archive "results" directly on the Desktop. Send me this archive "results".


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18 hours ago, Klem said:

You can send me your file backup of bios A09, and i'll look at it. For creating backup of bios use attached program. Unzip attached archive directly on the Desktop and run the program as administrator (right click mouse). Program will create archive "results" directly on the Desktop. Send me this archive "results".



hi @Klem

im uploaded result.

here: https://www.sendspace.com/file/1ccufv

the result.zip is from dell 15R-5537

thank you for help me.

Edited by Mehdi
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  • Bios Modder
13 minutes ago, Mr. Picls said:

Hello, send for me too, modded bios of dell 17R 5737 please!!!!! 

Each mod BIOS is made for each laptop individually. Because it contains personal data like serial numbers, Windows keys, MAC address, etc.

You can send me (via PM) your file backup of bios A09 for modification. For creating backup of bios use attached program. Unzip attached archive directly on the Desktop and run the program as administrator (right click mouse). Program will create archive "results" directly on the Desktop. Send me this archive "results".


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Hi @Klem

I have seen that you are experienced working with dell inspiron15R(5537).

PLEASE help me overclock my CPU and GPU by unlocking my BIOS.

My BIOS Version is A09 of InsydeH20.

Bios Link->  http://downloads.dell.com/FOLDER03926593M/1/Inspiron_5537_A09.exe

Please help me!


Thanking You


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  • Bios Modder
On 1/8/2017 at 2:57 AM, Abhijeet_Jha said:

Hi @Klem

I have seen that you are experienced working with dell inspiron15R(5537).

PLEASE help me overclock my CPU and GPU by unlocking my BIOS.

My BIOS Version is A09 of InsydeH20.

Bios Link->  http://downloads.dell.com/FOLDER03926593M/1/Inspiron_5537_A09.exe

Please help me!


Thanking You



Ok. Check PM.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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