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OFFICIAL: M14x - Benchmarking Thread


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because cards are different. each one has it's own personal flavor of OCcapabilities. i.e. in my m17x-r3 i had 3 different 6990m, for each one i had to search for it's max overclock at first, since they were all different.

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because cards are different. each one has it's own personal flavor of OCcapabilities. i.e. in my m17x-r3 i had 3 different 6990m, for each one i had to search for it's max overclock at first, since they were all different.

Thats the logical part i could answer myself. I was looking for a more techi based answer :P

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A more techi based answer? I'm not a semi-conductor engineer... but if I'm not mistaken it has a lot to do with the quality of the chip. A better die quality results in less leakage currents and thus run more stable and able to sustain higher clocks. Still a very basic answer, yes... but it really makes a difference.

E.g. look at the 3000MHz RAM which currently gets sold for insane prices... those chips are cherry-picked, each one gets tested before they solder them to the RAM. By only using highest-quality chips you can make a huge difference, far more than only 10-20MHz.

Theoretically it would be possible to release a 650m which runs stable at 1300MHz without much additional heat... but it would simply be too expensive since only very few chips have such a high-quality that they can run such speeds at stock voltage.

Look at Intel, each CPU has it's own basic voltage value... it gets tested and the basic voltage gets set according to the quality of the die. So my 920xm might run at a slightly lower voltage than the one Stam uses... That's a relatively complex process, but in the end it makes a difference.

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A more techi based answer? I'm not a semi-conductor engineer... but if I'm not mistaken it has a lot to do with the quality of the chip. A better die quality results in less leakage currents and thus run more stable and able to sustain higher clocks. Still a very basic answer, yes... but it really makes a difference.

E.g. look at the 3000MHz RAM which currently gets sold for insane prices... those chips are cherry-picked, each one gets tested before they solder them to the RAM. By only using highest-quality chips you can make a huge difference, far more than only 10-20MHz.

Theoretically it would be possible to release a 650m which runs stable at 1300MHz without much additional heat... but it would simply be too expensive since only very few chips have such a high-quality that they can run such speeds at stock voltage.

Look at Intel, each CPU has it's own basic voltage value... it gets tested and the basic voltage gets set according to the quality of the die. So my 920xm might run at a slightly lower voltage than the one Stam uses... That's a relatively complex process, but in the end it makes a difference.

Thats the answer i was looking for. +1 for you in my hall of fame...again^^. However when i understand correctly its the same difference why a chip gets the name f.e. i7-3610qm (low quality chip) or i7-3820qm (high quality chip). The difference is that they are technically the same chip but run stable at lower or higher clocks. And the same goes for the GT 650m but within the same model number even. :)

So the conclusion is when deadbydawn has a i7-3610qm like GT 650m and i have a i7-3720qm GT 650m the one with a i7-3820qm has yet to walk into this forum and show us a max OC of like +400 mhz that is stable and what results he gets by your VBIOS mod since this would be the max possible unlocked OC.

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Yes, there's a huge difference between a 3820QM and a 3610QM, the 3820QM will run cooler at the same speeds, possibly even at higher speeds, it has a lower default voltage and is far superior to the 3610QM, but also much more expensive.

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Yes, there's a huge difference between a 3820QM and a 3610QM, the 3820QM will run cooler at the same speeds, possibly even at higher speeds, it has a lower default voltage and is far superior to the 3610QM, but also much more expensive.

Im planing to buy me a ES version of a 3820qm from ebay for 400 Euro. Any experience with Engineering Samples or Qualification Samples?

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Yeah, only positive. I'm running on a 920XM ES and on a 7970m ES, hahahahaha :P

And before this I had an ES 6990m, and before that an ES 6970m, lol.

Thanks thats enough for me being confident buying one. 400 Euro doesnt sound too much for one. Btw do you think an 3920xm is even cooler at standard clock speed than the 3820qm? Im not yet planning to OC the CPU at all only temps are important to me. Hell i wish there was an i7-3667u to buy somewhere even it has way lower performance. But 17W sounds too good for me^^.

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  • 2 weeks later...

so i got a new mainboard with new gpu and just finished doing the repaste. my temps are super awesome...score isn't bad either so far.. :D

Directupload.net - yt6wok3h.jpg (sorry for the bad quality...)

NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-3720QM Processor,Alienware M14xR2 score: P13803 3DMarks


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Nice deadbydawn great run. These type of scores on M14x is awesome. Looks like your getting some good use out of it bro.

Paranoid Galaxy S3 on Tapatalk 2

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here a 3dmark11 run: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-3720QM Processor,Alienware M14xR2 score: P3197 3DMarks

i rarely use 3dmark11 :)

btw, thx mw86! atm i don't really know what to use my 14x for. when i play, i use the 17x at home. when i'm on the move, i have my macbook with me because of work. so, atm, the 14x is sitting in my office running benchmarks haha ^^

what are you up to lately bro?

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here a 3dmark11 run: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-3720QM Processor,Alienware M14xR2 score: P3197 3DMarks

i rarely use 3dmark11 :)

btw, thx mw86! atm i don't really know what to use my 14x for. when i play, i use the 17x at home. when i'm on the move, i have my macbook with me because of work. so, atm, the 14x is sitting in my office running benchmarks haha ^^

what are you up to lately bro?

Not much just got my rig back uo and running. I had a corrupt bios after a major driver crash on the 7970m's. I just got it resolved this month. So im just getting used to how they run finally. How are you liking them yourself? I think i saw a screenshot of yours at 950-1250.

Paranoid Galaxy S3 on Tapatalk 2

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ah nice to hear everything's up and running again! hope you get along well with it!

i like it a lot atm. before i've had some trouble with all the drivers / afterburner ini modify until i was able to overclock it. and i got a shitty driver which made the card perform bad as sh*t... but now i got it set up right and it's doing a nice job (max pane 3 atm). yeah i have been playing max payne with a 950 / 1250 oc atm. running nicely :)

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  • 1 month later...
here a 3dmark11 run: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-3720QM Processor,Alienware M14xR2 score: P3197 3DMarks

i rarely use 3dmark11 :)

btw, thx mw86! atm i don't really know what to use my 14x for. when i play, i use the 17x at home. when i'm on the move, i have my macbook with me because of work. so, atm, the 14x is sitting in my office running benchmarks haha ^^

what are you up to lately bro?

Very interesting and good results, I just ordered my M14x yesterday, im so excited...

What do you guys think the highest 3D11 Score is around here? I've seen 3200 Before. :D

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Very interesting and good results, I just ordered my M14x yesterday, im so excited...

What do you guys think the highest 3D11 Score is around here? I've seen 3200 Before. :D

thx =) that was a whi.e ago though, i'm sure i can hit higher now, i,proved some things since then =)

cool, so congrats on your soon to arrive new system! i'm sure you will love it!

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thx =) that was a whi.e ago though, i'm sure i can hit higher now, i,proved some things since then =)

cool, so congrats on your soon to arrive new system! i'm sure you will love it!

Im so anxious to find out which Bios mine comes stock with, Because i dont wanna Downgrade the Firmware... I hear alot of people have bad flashes.. Some people say they got theirs with A02, while others A09!!! So much mystery :(


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