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N550JK modding vbios of GTX 850m


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after two weeks of surfing the web finally managed to get a backup of my bios and a lot of trying after modifying it :Banane55:

tried to increase the core clocks of 850m or even remove the 135mhz limit but nothing works just the default clocks works

i even checked the modded bios rom from a backup after flashing and it shows what i had modified

... any idea why doesn't modified vbios was not applied after flashing

850m stock and overclock.zip

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  • Bios Modder
after two weeks of surfing the web finally managed to get a backup of my bios and a lot of trying after modifying it :Banane55:

tried to increase the core clocks of 850m or even remove the 135mhz limit but nothing works just the default clocks works

i even checked the modded bios rom from a backup after flashing and it shows what i had modified

... any idea why doesn't modified vbios was not applied after flashing


Post here a screenshot of GPU-Z.

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and these some tools I've tried :

-FTP win/dos : i was able to dump the bios only /flashing got error 280

-nvflash : doesn't work because i think the bios is part of the bios

-gpuz: i wasn't able to to save the vbios the same reason above

-winflash : i was not able to flash modded bios with it, but i was able to downgrade the bios with cmd winflash /nodate

-AFUDOS : yes i was able to backup the rom and flash with it , with gan.bat under bootable usb

-AFUWIN64 : recently i figured about it and its able to flash the bios in windows :Banane25:

I was able to unlock some bios hidden menu like thermal configuration

my only problem that I'm stuck at point that changes doesn't apply to GPU

I'm still new to this :grumpy: and I need someone to help me at this stage to unlock overclock core limit 135mhz or increase the core by 91.5 mhz to jump from 901.5 mhz to 993 mhz just like the new same chip GTX 950m

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Here you go.

it didn't work, still showing the default clock

I don't know what is the real problem then

but I'm gonna tell u what I did, maybe something wrong in it :

-downloaded ur attached file and inserted it with mmtool to my backup bios rom

-flashed it with afuwin64 and restarted several times to see changes in GPU-Z

-and maybe this : tried to do the hard reset by remove the charger cable and press the power button for 30 sec without removing the batter because its non-removable, is it necessary to do this after every bios flash ??

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done all the steps, still the same, and mail has been sent to u ;)

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its really strange !! did a backup of existing main bios right now to see that all the changes is existed but it doesn't apply

just for gpu

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bricked my laptop :bananalama:

and recoverd it by ctrl + home and power on with usb


now I will stop because it seems this laptop is impossible to mod for gpu clocks

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  • Bios Modder
bricked my laptop :bananalama:

and recoverd it by ctrl + home and power on with usb


now I will stop because it seems this laptop is impossible to mod for gpu clocks

Nope. It is possible.

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YES .... success ..... finally :Banane46::Banane14::smilingface (52):

was replacing the wrong file in mmtool

now managed to to get +400mhz on core and +199mhz on memory

scored plus 900 in firestrike benchmark and jumped in shadow of mordor from 18 fps to 28 fps on 1080 ultra

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plus the temperature jumped from 62 to 64 ... not a big deal :Banane54:

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YES .... success ..... finally :Banane46::Banane14::smilingface (52):

was replacing the wrong file in mmtool

now managed to to get +400mhz on core and +199mhz on memory

scored plus 900 in firestrike benchmark and jumped in shadow of mordor from 18 fps to 28 fps on 1080 ultra

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plus the temperature jumped from 62 to 64 ... not a big deal :Banane54:

Okay would you share the tutorial you've used please? and will it work with another laptop with same specs?

HP Envy 15 q012tx

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Okay would you share the tutorial you've used please? and will it work with another laptop with same specs?

HP Envy 15 q012tx

hala Ahmed .. I've no idea if u can dumb and flash ur whole bios .. and yes its the same GPU so it should work. but keep in mind that HP is poor at cooling so u should keep an eye on the thermal management or u will end up fried ur motherboard

its really simple u just need these tools :

-AFUwin64 to dumb ur bios and flash it later

-Mmtool to extract ur bios and edit it and replace it back

-maxwellbios tweaker: to manage ur clocks

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi suwidah,

Thanks a lot for your description!

I would have a few questions about it though. I have an ASUS X550JK with a 850M (DDR3), and it would be nice if I could hack it, too. So:

- Did you use the APTIO(4) AFUWIN software to extract your BIOS? It seemed to work for me. I just started the GUI exe and clicked on the Save button to store my current BIOS. Or do I have to do that differently? My file size was around 6 MB.

- MMTool was nice and easy, extracting VBIOS was o.k. Is your VBIOS also 102,912 bytes long?

- The biggest mystery is MaxwellBios ii Tweaker, it is unclear how to increase my core MHz and/or unlock the +135 MHz OC limit. Any chance to explain it briefly?

- You mentioned earlier that you bricked your lappie (yayy!) and then successfully recovered it. Any details on the recovery process?

Thanks a lot in advance!

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... well, in the meantime, I have some results.

First, how to recover from a BIOS update failure (aka emergency BIOS refresh or crisis refresh).

I have managed to test it using the following steps on my Asus X550JK having an (APTIO) AMI BIOS:

- Format your USB stick with FAT32

- Copy the BIOS file (my version at the time of writing this was: X550JKAS.303) but _rename_ it to X550JK.BIN ! Otherwise the machine will not find it.

- Insert the USB stick into a USB 2.0 slot

- While keeping the Ctrl + Home keys pressed, turn on the notebook

After the notebook accessing the USB stick, you should see the Recovery app on the screen!

It must be noted that this was not a "real" emergency case, I just forced my computer to do it so that I can be sure (more or less) that I will have some backup plan in case of a BIOS misflash.

P.S.: I recommend using a smaller USB stick, my one had only 512 MB.

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Hi suwidah,

Thanks a lot for your description!

I would have a few questions about it though. I have an ASUS X550JK with a 850M (DDR3), and it would be nice if I could hack it, too. So:

- Did you use the APTIO(4) AFUWIN software to extract your BIOS? It seemed to work for me. I just started the GUI exe and clicked on the Save button to store my current BIOS. Or do I have to do that differently? My file size was around 6 MB.

- MMTool was nice and easy, extracting VBIOS was o.k. Is your VBIOS also 102,912 bytes long?

- The biggest mystery is MaxwellBios ii Tweaker, it is unclear how to increase my core MHz and/or unlock the +135 MHz OC limit. Any chance to explain it briefly?

- You mentioned earlier that you bricked your lappie (yayy!) and then successfully recovered it. Any details on the recovery process?

Thanks a lot in advance!

first of all i'm sorry for being late ... i dont get notification to my email with new replies

now there is many way to dumb bios and all of it works perfectly

for vbios the one needed to extarct is a line without a name in 6D line

for maxwellbios tweaker I have raised the core clocks with its turbo boost and lowered the temp tdp from 92 to 80

but u need to do some tweaks to ur cpu like xtu undervolt -80 mv and disable turbo boost since the cpu is so powerfull and alot of power not needed and plus making the gpu run hotter since the cooling system combine the cpu and gpu under same bridge for cooling

and u should use throtllestop to make the cpu run on 1.8ghz which is also more than enough to play gta v 1080 with very high /high setting with temp between 65-74

last thing use notebook fan control to use fans at full speed more than 60 which only in gaming the laptop become more than 50

u can use my vbios :tears_of_joy:1.zip

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and then u can use the best stable setting with msi afterburner

if u use my vbios

core clock +110

memory +199 more than that u probably getting artifacts

best wishes

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oh sorry i didnt relize that u have x550 i thought its n550

so in mmtool when u need to extract vbios there is two files

in extract tab dont extract and replace the file from link present 10de 1391 it will not work

u need to browse the files below it will not have a name .. just empty line for me its 6d .. for u maybe yes maybe no , u should find it ur self

and replace it back and yes u can use my vbios ,, i have used 950m vbios :'D

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Hi Suwidah,

Oh, no problem at all, I am glad that you answered. :)

Thanks a lot for your information, I will try it out! Could you please upload your vBIOS somewhere else, here I cannot download until I have 5 posts...

Re extracting vBIOS: for me, extracting/hacking "10de 1391" worked fine, I just could not increase the power envelope (yet). My current results are:

3DMark11: from 4600-ish -> 5550 points (cca. +20%), 3DMark13 Fire Strike: 3300 points.

My GPU core is stable at 1324 MHz, the mem (DDR3) is at 1130 MHz. The temp hits 79 Celsius though, and it is not even summer yet, so I will need to be careful. Oh, and thanks for the cooling tips, too!

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Hi Suwidah,

Oh, no problem at all, I am glad that you answered. :)

Thanks a lot for your information, I will try it out! Could you please upload your vBIOS somewhere else, here I cannot download until I have 5 posts...

Re extracting vBIOS: for me, extracting/hacking "10de 1391" worked fine, I just could not increase the power envelope (yet). My current results are:

3DMark11: from 4600-ish -> 5550 points (cca. +20%), 3DMark13 Fire Strike: 3300 points.

My GPU core is stable at 1324 MHz, the mem (DDR3) is at 1130 MHz. The temp hits 79 Celsius though, and it is not even summer yet, so I will need to be careful. Oh, and thanks for the cooling tips, too!

Yes mine is ddr3 too but got stable core at 1370 and 199 for memory

Scores 5900 in 3dmark 11 and 3600 in 3dmark 13

Maybe the card can be pushed more in n550jk due to dual fan cooling

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And im away from my laptop for a week when i'm back i will upload it somewhere else

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And im away from my laptop for a week when i'm back i will upload it somewhere else

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Hi everyone.I want to mod my vbios of the Acer VN7-791G-70M4 with 4GB GTX 850m.

Any experience about max.safe voltage? I'll try about 1.25v.How about 1.306v? Is that safe if temps are fine?


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Hi Flow999, could you please tell me how you increase the voltage of your GTX 850M? I could not find (yet) a way to do it in Maxwell II Tweaker. You can also just mail me your (hacked) vBIOS. (suwidah, you too :). My email address: [email protected]

My default voltage tops at 1.056 V (according to GPU-Z). Whatever I do I cannot increase it.

About safety: in general, I would say that you should be _very_ careful with increasing the voltage. Max 1-2% increase one time, and keep testing your settings for a longer period. Then, if everything looks fine, you can do the next 1-2% increase. Still, notebooks are very sensitive animals, so you can brick them easier than the desktop cards. However, if you are willing to take some risks (e.g. I will :), then you can bring the maximum out of your GPU.

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Whatever I do I cannot increase it

You can't change your voltage even with NVIDIA inspector?

You've got mail,just send me your vBios.

Normally voltage is modified in Maxwell Bios Editor in the Voltage Tab by chaning the first 3 sliders.

Can you take a look at your actual voltage with GPU fully loaded in max boost state?

It should be much higher that 1.056V

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for replying sir, i tried so many methods to reach this target, but there are always something that prevent me to unlock overclocking. I sended you my bios, but i need to inform you that i already unlocked the hidden settings in system Bios with help of AMIBCP programm and flashed it with AFUDOS version 5.01. However, i cannot find anything related to nvidia graphic card, but found a plenty of setting related to integrated intel video card, where there is even overclocking support for it, but not for GTX 850m. What a strange situation:62:

By the way, i noticed that you use Russian e-mail, are you from Russia? You dont need to answer this question, it's just my curiosity)

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  • 2 months later...

hey guys! i hope im not too late for this thread.i have an asus gl-552jx with a gtx 950m ddr3 gpu. i was wondering if theres anyone who would be able able to help me to unlock my bios? or is there any available bios that i could download to use it on my laptop? im really weak when it comes to stuff like this :ah:

also. i realized my gpu has been having this weird problem. it's somehow stuck at 405 mhz clock speed no matter what i do. for example when im playing shadow of mordor at high settings or medium it runs at only 405 mhz but if i were to play farcry 4 i would go up to 550 mhz im kinda confused. my charger is plugged in power setting is on high performance. i even tried over clocking my gpu to the max available at the moment. its still the same. hope you guys can help me out with this thanks in advanced :Banane22:

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  • 4 weeks later...

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