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Lenovo Y510p SLI gt755m with comunicate Your PC needs to be Repaired.


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Hello, im new guy on the forum with Lenovo Y510P. Windows upgraded into 8.1, and everything in this laptop was great, until someday when i turned it off.

My next turn on was with the blue screen and the message:


Your PC needs to be repaired

The boot configuration data file is missing some required information.


Error Code:0xc000000d

"You'll need to use recovery tools on your instalation media."

I dont have any recovery Tools. I bought this laptop with windows 8, so i dont have any cd and the stickers with serial key on it. I have the warranty still on it, but when i called into the shop where i bought it, they told me that it will be 100% format of the hard drive wich i believe (and i hope becouse of my data wich i cannot lose!) isnt needded. I cannot take out the hard drive becouse of my warranty stickers on screws. The things that i have done: I have borrowed from my friend windows 8 CD then i runned automatic sysem repair wich didnt worked. Then i run the terminal where i used the "bootrec - rebuild bcd" command. wich didnt works becouse of somekind of failiure of the finding bcd file. Next step was checking sata controller mode becouse i've read somewhere that if it isnt on ahci mode it can make problems like this, but it didnt worked also. Right now i've joined also this forum becouse i found some thread up here, where i can download the recovery media for the lenovo. (But yet i cannot do that becouse of my number of the post). In meantime i found somwhere else two Lenovo recovery torrents wich i am actually waiting for. Any ideas how to fix this problem? I cannot lose my data on the laptop. I have files on partitions d and e. Windows was on c but the service guy said that he will have to make full format becouse it is posobility that windows will require full format of hard drive. If you have any other questions i will reply but it can takes time becouse of my job. (i dont have always possibility to anserw, but i will watch the thread).

Best wishes!

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i did like this and it didnt help. I took the win 8 cd from my friend, booted from external dvd rom, and started to repair automaticly, wich didnt help. Then i started terminal and then i tried to rebuild bcd , but the command couldnt find the destination of the file.

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ok try this: on the command prompt, type “Diskparton the diskpart> prompt, type “sel disk 0” (number zero)

then “list vol” to list the partition on your drive, Look for the partition formated in “FAT 32″ with no letter assigned

Select the partition using “sel vol n”, assign a letter using “assign letter=b:

Now exit dispart using “exit

type “cd /d b:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot

type “bootrec /fixboot

Rename the BCD file, type “ren BCD BCD.bak

Recreate the BCD file, type “bcdboot c:\Windows /l en-us /s b: /f ALL

Quit and reboot, hope this helps.

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