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Need Help In BIOS Unlocking

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Hi Members, Good-afternoon to all.

i have a problem regarding my gpu. A week ago my laptop's gpu gtx 670m was fried and i took a friends graphic card gtx 580m from its alienware m18xr2. Now my laptop is not detecting that gpu. Is there anyway to unlock BIOS or any other thing like that,from which i can made that alienware card compatible for my laptop.

here are specs of my laptop

MSI GT60 0NC / Model Name: MS-16F3

CPU : i7-3610QM

VGA : GTX 670M / 3GB (Dead)

LED : 15.6 FHD

RAM : DDR3 12GB (4GB * 3)

HDD : 1TB (500GB*2 RAID 0)7200RPM

RF : 802.11/b/g/n

OS : Windows 8.1 x64

Sata Mode : RAID 0

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  • Bios Modder
Hi Members, Good-afternoon to all.

i have a problem regarding my gpu. A week ago my laptop's gpu gtx 670m was fried and i took a friends graphic card gtx 580m from its alienware m18xr2. Now my laptop is not detecting that gpu. Is there anyway to unlock BIOS or any other thing like that,from which i can made that alienware card compatible for my laptop.

here are specs of my laptop

MSI GT60 0NC / Model Name: MS-16F3

CPU : i7-3610QM

VGA : GTX 670M / 3GB (Dead)

LED : 15.6 FHD

RAM : DDR3 12GB (4GB * 3)

HDD : 1TB (500GB*2 RAID 0)7200RPM

RF : 802.11/b/g/n

OS : Windows 8.1 x64

Sata Mode : RAID 0

Can your laptop now boot in Windows, when you insert 580M?

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  • Bios Modder
yes my laptop boot in windows but device manager only shows the intel HD4000 graphics and dont recognize 580m

I think MSI GT60/70 does not compatible with GTX 580M, even if you flash MSI vbios.

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thank you @Klem for replying, actually due to absence of gpu my notebook's fan is running on full speed, so the whole point of this bios unlocking was to recognize alienware's gpu in my notebook.

now as u said that it will not help even i flash bios.

i want to ask that is there any way to make the fan silent, i tried every software but i got nothing. fan is running on full speed as usual,because i read in msi forums that fan is controlled by embedded controller (ec).Is there any way to unlock my bios and change the settings of ec to silent my notebook's fan.

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yes my laptop boot in windows but device manager only shows the intel HD4000 graphics and dont recognize 580m

This is normal. The card will not appear until you install a driver. You will have to .inf mod the driver to get it to install. See how to here: http://forum.techinferno.com/nvidia/5249-%5Bguide%5D-modding-nvidia-oem-inf-files.html

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  • Bios Modder

Try find your card in DOS. Create bootable USB stick, put on this stick nvflash, boot laptop in real DOS mode, and run nvflash with key --list

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how can i control fanspeed in BIOS. I didn't find any option to control fan speed,because discrete graphic card is missing ,my nb fan is running on full,i am using unlocked bios made by Xonar.

link <http://forum.techinferno.com/msi/1839-msi-g-series-unlocked-bios.html> . there are alot of options and i am not messing with any option because i am new to BIOS stuff

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  • Bios Modder

how can i control fanspeed in BIOS. I didn't find any option to control fan speed,because discrete graphic card is missing ,my nb fan is running on full,i am using unlocked bios made by Xonar.

link <http: forum.techinferno.com="" msi="" 1839-msi-g-series-unlocked-bios.html=""> . there are alot of options and i am not messing with any option because i am new to BIOS stuff

Without discrete graphic card in this model of laptop, fan will run at full speed. It is normal, and this you cant solve. Unlock or mod bios does not solve this issue, and you need connect discrete graphic card.


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  • Moderator
580m is not shown in DOS mode.nvflash says no card is available

Are you sure the card works? Try reseating the card.

If I remember correctly the Dell version of 580M works in 16F2 but that laptop supported a lot of cards..

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  • Bios Modder

Vbios 580M does not support Optimus tecnology, but vbios MSI 675M are support this tecnology. Now you need the laptop where you pulled it from (Alienware), or the same laptop, or programmer device.

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