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Can an unlocked BIOS also unlocks i7 4700mq's overclocking limit?

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Hey man, I bricked my*asus*g751jt by doing too low of undervolt and now it turns on, sits for few minutes and then turns off. Screen is black and the*keyboard*lights up but nothing else. You can hear the hard drive going but the system shuts of after 10 or so seconds. I took it apart, pulled the CMOS plus out and waited for 10 minute, disconnected the battery connector and did power dragon but nothing. Last thing is RMA but is there anything else I could do?

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Hey man, I bricked my*asus*g751jt by doing too low of undervolt and now it turns on, sits for few minutes and then turns off. Screen is black and the*keyboard*lights up but nothing else. You can hear the hard drive going but the system shuts of after 10 or so seconds. I took it apart, pulled the CMOS plus out and waited for 10 minute, disconnected the battery connector and did power dragon but nothing. Last thing is RMA but is there anything else I could do?

Have you tried taking out a RAM stick and then boot?

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Then what's the point of modded BIOS? Since IXTU can push it all the way up.

I know that with a modded bios, it unlocks the ability to overclock your ram. Though, I think if you use more than 2 sticks of ram you'll have problems. I have 4x8gb sticks in my GT70 and can't overclock the ram without it freezing instantly.

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