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My G/F and I bought this game during the steam summer sale due to the good reviews.

Unfortunately, it was incredibly buggy playing over LAN. The game crashed to desktop (both client and server) without error during boss fights on multiple occasions.

Since the game only saves per chapter (As some of you might know), this means starting the chapter all over again, which is incredibly frustrating given the lack of check points.

We got to chapter 11 and have quit the game (haven't even touched the DLC) because we simply cannout pour another 1.5 hours into a chapter to have it crash on the boss fight.

I've tried finding some solutions by looking at the error log file generated, but all I find is "Error, velocity set to: NAN!!!" and the steam forums don't help with this at all.

So until that gets fixed, I cannot recommend this game.

1) Since there is no difficulty adjustment, it's impossibly difficult to play single-player

2) Since there are network errors, it's impossibly difficult to complete in multi-player

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We tried both LAN and online but unfortunately both caused the same errors. Plus, since we sit next to each other the cut-scenes become off when playing online instead of LAN and it becomes incredibly annoying to have one player's narration a half second behind the other player.

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