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NVIDIA Maxwell VBIOS mods - 900m series overclocking versions


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  • Bios Modder
1 minute ago, Ric99 said:

@Klem Well, actually I have a problem with posting the stick VBios. The thing is that GPU-Z doesn't seem to be able to that, and states that bios reading is not supported by the device, and other programs like Maxwell Bios editor don't even seem to detect my bios, as all values are blank. Is there any other way to go about getting the VBIOS? Any help would be appreciated!

Just use Nvflash.

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@Klem Nvflash didn't work either. I have tried just about every method and software stated in the internet for extracting my VBIOS, but none of them work. I tried to search for a copy of the stock VBIOS for my card too, which is NVIDIA Geforce GT 940MX 2GB GDDR5, but no luck.

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  • Bios Modder
26 minutes ago, Ric99 said:

@Klem 970M? No man, that wasn't me, maybe you are referring to another comment. My card is NVIDIA Geforce GT 940MX 2GB GDDR5.

Yes, Dreckiger_Dan ask about 970M, i answered to him, that he can post here stock vbios for modification. Then you wrote "Well, actually I have a problem with posting the stock VBIOS..."

So, in your case vbios is a part of main system bios, and of course GPU-Z and Nvflash can't create backup of vbios.

Edited by Klem
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9 hours ago, Klem said:


You can post here your stock vbios, from your card and then we can increase Power Limit and Power Target.

Hi Klem,

thanks for fast response! =)

I noticed this with Nvidia Inspector tool: when the GPU "loses Power" / throttles it switched to  P8 State. This state ("energysafemode") is then active (135 mhZ) + voltage gets down.

I wonder why the GPU switches to P8 state?! Maybe the GPU needs more voltage/power and can´t, so it throttles down. That´s why I asked for an OC VBios...


The next question is: Does it make sense in my case to build a Vbios which always only have state 0 (Fullpower) ( + maybe fix the needed voltage) so that the GPU can´t throttle down?


I attached my stock GPU Bios. (Clevo P 651SG / Schenker P505 Pro Nvidia Gtx 970m). thank you for the effort! :)



Regards daniel



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1 hour ago, Dreckiger_Dan said:

Hi Klem,

thanks for fast response! =)

I noticed this with Nvidia Inspector tool: when the GPU throttles it switched to  P8 State. This state ("energysafemode") is then active (135 mhZ) + voltage gets down.

I wonder why the GPU switches to P8 state?! Maybe the GPU needs more voltage/power and can´t, so it throttles down. That´s why I asked for an OC VBios...


The next question is: Does it make sense in my case to build a Vbios which always only have state 0 (Fullpower) ( + maybe fix the needed voltage) so that the GPU can´t throttle down?


I attached my stock GPU Bios. (Clevo P 651SG / Schenker P505 Pro Nvidia Gtx 970m). thank you for the effort! :)



Regards daniel




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  • Bios Modder
2 hours ago, Dreckiger_Dan said:

Many thanks klem!!  I will try it and give asap feedback:

Just to be sure: I have a 970m, you named the bios 980m. Was this in purpose? :)


Doesn't matter, i have mistaken with file name, but mod vbios for your 970M, don't worry.

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30 minutes ago, Klem said:

Doesn't matter, i have mistaken with file name, but mod vbios for your 970M, don't worry.

ah okay, again thanks! Unfortunately I´m not able to download your file:

"Sorry, there is a problem The page you are trying to access is not available for your account. Error code: 2C171/1"

It seems I haven´t the permission to download anything so I must wait to get a promoted user...



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Hello everyone, 

It's been a long time since my last post here and I see a lot of things changed (no more Prema around).

I do have a Clevo P157SMA Premamod v2 with 4800MQ and a Clevo blue card GTX 970M 6GB with Premamod v2 .

On Project cars wich taxes heavly both CPU+GPU I do have throttling on my modded 970M once the card goes over 102W of power consumption reported by Hwinfo. Limit reason: gpu power. Ocing it with just + 50 +200 .

Is there anything I can do to avoid that? Nvidia Inspector doesn't let me undervolt to reduce power consumption, just overvolt. The bios I am using is the prema v2 attached.

Thanks to the people here who helps Others!


Edited by oile
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Hello everyone, I've been following this thread for quite a while now as I have a Lenovo Ideapad 710s Plus with a 940MX and have seen many people on this forum and on the Lenovo support forum having the same exact issue.


Here's the problem. The GPU is thermally limited at 61C at which point it heavily throttles from 954MHz to a stable 405MHz (the CPU throttles at 61C too but that's a separate issue). Now, I understand why Lenovo might want this to happen, it's a small, thin, 13" laptop and they don't want it to get too hot so it's more comfortable and it doesn't burn you when you hold your arms on the armrests. But, they put a 940MX in it and some want to play some games on it without their GPU throttling at under 50% of its normal speed.


I've done some research and, as far as I understand (and please correct me if I'm wrong), this thermal limitation is configured somewhere in the vBIOS, which is stored on an EEPROM on the GPU (in case of MXM GPUs) or on an EEPROM on the motherboard, together with the main BIOS, on laptops with a soldered GPU. Obviously, my 940MX is soldered so I can't use GPUz or nvflash to dump the vBIOS because it's not on the GPU, so I used Flash Programming Tool to dump the main BIOS, split it into the component files using phoenixtool and then located the vBIOS file.


Now, the confusing part. I opened the vBIOS with the Maxwell II Bios Tweaker and the 'Temp Target' field is set at 90 while Nvidia Inspector says the 'Prioritize Temperature' option is at 61.


Nvidia Inspector screenshot:



Maxwell II Bios Tweaker screenshot:



So here are my questions:

1. Why does Maxwell II Bios Tweaker say the 'Temp Target' is 90 while Nvidia Inspector says it's 61 and how do I unlock this limit?

2. After unlocking the limit, how do I combine all the files that phoenixtool created back into the main BIOS?

3. How do I safely flash the BIOS back?

@Klem , I see you're the MVP around here, can you give me some tips or help me out?

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  • Bios Modder
17 hours ago, Trixer said:


@Klem , I see you're the MVP around here, can you give me some tips or help me out?

In that laptop, bios chip is rewrite protected.
Bios mod can be flashed by using SPI-programmer+SOIC8 clip only.

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  • Bios Modder
3 hours ago, Trixer said:

Can't I use InsydeFlash?

When you try to flash bios, flasher check RSA signature, then if bios is official, the flashing procedure will start, but if bios have any modification, then the flashing procedure will blocked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Danke SVl7 , und wenn ich dich mal in echt sehen könnte würde ich dir nen Met ausgeben ;-) 


Ist ja sicherlich auf dem einen oder anderen MPS möglich :-P :-D



andere Frage , ich habe die Karte schon mit einem bios mod versehen , oder eher so bekommen , da die karte in einem Clevo p151sm steckt. wird das nach dem flashen weiter funktionieren ? ^^ oder wird die dann auf einmal nicht mehr anerkannt ? 

Edited by Ultimo
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Hello, everyone. I'm pretty new around here. I own a G752VY with a 980M. Is there any way to undervolt the GPU? I am sometimes reaching 84 degrees and it starts to throttle, and although that's pretty low for a GPU these days, i'd like to undervolt it a bit to see where it stands. I'm not running any OC for the moment. Also, is there any way I can raise this limit to more than 84 degrees so that I can use it to it's full potential? Maybe around 88 degrees? Temps are low on my CPU (i7 6700HQ) because i underclocked and undervolted it too. Doesn't go past 80 degrees, so it won't be a problem with overhearting internal components even more.

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  • Bios Modder
3 hours ago, CerealKillerGuy said:

Hello, everyone. I'm pretty new around here. I own a G752VY with a 980M. Is there any way to undervolt the GPU? I am sometimes reaching 84 degrees and it starts to throttle, and although that's pretty low for a GPU these days, i'd like to undervolt it a bit to see where it stands. I'm not running any OC for the moment. Also, is there any way I can raise this limit to more than 84 degrees so that I can use it to it's full potential? Maybe around 88 degrees? Temps are low on my CPU (i7 6700HQ) because i underclocked and undervolted it too. Doesn't go past 80 degrees, so it won't be a problem with overhearting internal components even more.

Done. Try.


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