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NVIDIA Maxwell VBIOS mods - 900m series overclocking versions


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Hey guys,

Im about to flash my Alienware 17 R2 Nvidia 980m tonight. I just wanted to confirm the vbios listed on page one is in fact compatible with Alienware 980m cards? Sorry for the newbie question, just dont want to brick my card...

Thank you!

No it isn't compatible... You will brick your system. Do not flash it.. The R2 has the VBIOS integrated with the system one and there is no unlocked version.

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  • Bios Modder
Hey guys,

Im about to flash my Alienware 17 R2 Nvidia 980m tonight. I just wanted to confirm the vbios listed on page one is in fact compatible with Alienware 980m cards? Sorry for the newbie question, just dont want to brick my card...

Thank you!


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Hello brother. Do you have a 3GB flashed Vbios for 970m?

- - - Updated - - -

@den007 please stop distributing the svl7 / Johnksss vBOS via your google drive / youtube channel.

Link people to this Forum instead. THX! :)

We will do :)

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hy svl7

sorry for my bad english.but i have a question.

i have an alienware 18 now with dual gtx980m.with the normal bios the Cards are around 900mhz and the sli Card 531 ore like so.if i Flash to your bios 3dmark and other games the Notebooks shut of ore i have to downclock 30-50mhz.then i reached 13200 firestrike score.with stock 12000.what can i do?is for alienware better a 1126mhz bios with no boost because with 1203 full power the Notebook shut off.my cpu is a 4930mx cores are 42 41 40 40.liquid metal on cpu.never reached more than 85 degrees.thanks svl7 for you work here

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hy svl7

sorry for my bad english.but i have a question.

i have an alienware 18 now with dual gtx980m.with the normal bios the Cards are around 900mhz and the sli Card 531 ore like so.if i Flash to your bios 3dmark and other games the Notebooks shut of ore i have to downclock 30-50mhz.then i reached 13200 firestrike score.with stock 12000.what can i do?is for alienware better a 1126mhz bios with no boost because with 1203 full power the Notebook shut off.my cpu is a 4930mx cores are 42 41 40 40.liquid metal on cpu.never reached more than 85 degrees.thanks svl7 for you work here

Hi Navigator

Which Temperatures u get at Load while gaming? Which PSU u are using? I have an M18x R2 with dual GTX980m SLI, too. Maybe i can help u.

I can easily overclock both GTX980m up to 14xxMHz without a shutdown or any other Problems but i am using Premas Bios, because svl7's Bios causes problems.


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hi equalize87

temperatures with stock bios is 70degrees. with oc bios is 76 under full load.now i have flashed the 2nd (sli) Card and the temperatures are 76 full load under 308 to 312 watt. i have 3 psu but dont know if it is good when i make a double psu because the People here said the dual psu only works on m18x r1 or r2. the next is when i have flashed both Cards the accu is draining in one Minute to 92% and the Notebook shuts off.i am not a technician but is it a solution to build a dual psu when the bios is locked?? shuts the Notebook off withdual psu?i dont know if it works. my Points are stock 12000 with oc bios(50-80mhz downclock both Cards automatic 17,5mv down) 13270points. if i want to oc the cpu boof and out :)

thanks to your reply and help

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hi equalize87

sorry i only have svl7 bios,where i get a "prema bios"? works on alienware 18.my Card are from ceg thx

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hi equalize87

thank you for your help.i found the bios here.i thought the bios is only for clevo Notebooks.

now the score from firestrike is 13982.no shut off.i am happy :) the max power Peak is 336 and the temps are around 76-78 under full load.my 11,7 cfm fan from m18x r2 works on the cpu around max 83 degrees thx for this info here in the Forum.

greetings from Austria

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GTX980M 4GB unlocked vBIOS: [ATTACH]13951[/ATTACH]

WARNING! Only for 4GB variant of GTX980M in the ASUS G751JY laptop!

Courtesy of Klem! If you like it, buy him a beer: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=eldk%40mail%2eru&lc=US&item_name=Klem&no_note=0&currency_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHostedGuest

Ok so I've read every page of this thread and found this Vbios above shared by fejerm.

My question is this: has anyone used this bios in their 751jY? Is it safe?

I need another opinion on this.Thanks.

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  • Bios Modder
Ok so I've read every page of this thread and found this Vbios above shared by fejerm.

My question is this: has anyone used this bios in their 751jY? Is it safe?

I need another opinion on this.Thanks.

Yes, of course it is safe, if you have GTX 980M 4G in Asus G751. Don't worry. Just flash it.

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hi equalize87

thank you for your help.i found the bios here.i thought the bios is only for clevo Notebooks.

now the score from firestrike is 13982.no shut off.i am happy :) the max power Peak is 336 and the temps are around 76-78 under full load.my 11,7 cfm fan from m18x r2 works on the cpu around max 83 degrees thx for this info here in the Forum.

greetings from Austria

Nice to hear, that this solution helped u out :) Have FUN with the Power of the GPUs.


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Yes, of course it is safe, if you have GTX 980M 4G in Asus G751. Don't worry. Just flash it.

OK, thank you, now I have to wait until my 5 posts so I can try this.

I am a little afraid though.The last time I've flashed a GPU was back in the day when I flashed my 290PRO radeon in 290XT :).

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Ok so now I've got all the files, I put them in a c/flash directory (mnvflash 3 files+ the unlocked vbios for my 980m 4g ASUS g751jy).Short, I'm ready :).

Now before I do the flash, let's say one day I want to go back to the original vbios.Is the procedure the same? Or to revert back you have to do something else?


Cheers Serbicu.

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  • Bios Modder
Ok so now I've got all the files, I put them in a c/flash directory (mnvflash 3 files+ the unlocked vbios for my 980m 4g ASUS g751jy).Short, I'm ready :).

Now before I do the flash, let's say one day I want to go back to the original vbios.Is the procedure the same? Or to revert back you have to do something else?


Cheers Serbicu.

To flash back your original stock vbios, all flash procedure the same.

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Ok so I finally flashed the card so, like I read on this thread before, it came with a clock of 1200 (no boost) and +500(x2) on the memory.

So I started Witcher 3 and it was a no go.It froze and sent me back to desktop.

So I ended up setting a profile in AB with a -300 on mem and +50 on core.Temp pretty high 85/87 but I have 30 degrees celsius in house. Before with default bios I had about the same.When I have the AC on and my room temp drops to 25 then I have like 77-80 max on gpu.

IN nvidia inspector I can move all the sliders except the power & temp target which is grayed out.

I will try to cut less on my meromy and bump another +50(1300 total) on my gpu without any mV added.

And MSI After Burner is still locked for voltage power limit, ad temp limit .Anybody know why?

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  • Bios Modder
Ok so I finally flashed the card so, like I read on this thread before, it came with a clock of 1200 (no boost) and +500(x2) on the memory.

So I started Witcher 3 and it was a no go.It froze and sent me back to desktop.

So I ended up setting a profile in AB with a -300 on mem and +50 on core.Temp pretty high 85/87 but I have 30 degrees celsius in house. Before with default bios I had about the same.When I have the AC on and my room temp drops to 25 then I have like 77-80 max on gpu.

IN nvidia inspector I can move all the sliders except the power & temp target which is grayed out.

I will try to cut less on my meromy and bump another +50(1300 total) on my gpu without any mV added.

And MSI After Burner is still locked for voltage power limit, ad temp limit .Anybody know why?

With mobile NVIDIA cards, MSI Afterburner can adjust only the core and memory clock. For voltage adjustment use NVIDIA Inspector or ASUS GPU Tweak or EVGA Precision.

Run any games only with AC adapter.

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having trouble flashing, mnvflash just gets stuck on trying to detect the GPU?

Please i had asked before, but i will try again. I have a alienware 17 ranger and i got stucked in detect the gpu with mnvflash. There is a solution for this? I am using windows 8.1!

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