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M17x (All revisions) OSD Icons by Nospheratu

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@J95, I don't think its the OSD exe throwing that error. I've done some googling and and it seems its a Windows security feature to reject modified exe files. If the file is modded the signage is broken. Appparently this has been going on from Vista. There must be some setting that's still allowing Windows to validate the exe before running it on your system.

Have a look at this link.

edit: Even though UAC may be disabled the setting that I mentioned above may still be enabled.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@edrick002 on Windows 8 users are reporting that the default Windows 8 OSD displays instead of the Alienware OSD. I'm not sure if that was Alienware's intention or its a bug. The Alienware OSD is set up to automatically run at login so there's nothing you need to do to start it up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
@J95, can you try disabling the marked two options below and try running the mod again? I've compared your setting to mine and those were the only two setting that were different.


T-Pad / Camera, both are working now.

User Account Control: Only elevate executables that are signed and validated -> Disabled (Windows SmartScreen disabled)

User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode -> Disabled

User Account Control: Switch to the secure desktop when prompting for elevation -> Disabled

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Alienware M17x R4 Windows 8.1 after replacing the original file I got this warning(a referral was returned from the server.), the program does not work : (I did everything previously written, but I can not change the color of the backlight. Please help

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Alienware M17x R4 Windows 8.1 after replacing the original file I got this warning(a referral was returned from the server.), the program does not work : (I did everything previously written, but I can not change the color of the backlight. Please help

There are issues with Windows 8 and 8.1 with this mod as they do not allow unsigned exe's. Following J95's post above should get you to run it although I have not tested it as I am running Windows 7.

This mod is for changing the icons displayed by the Alienware OSD when pressing a key to activate/de-activate a feature. It is not related to changing the colour of your AlienFX lighting. You will have to use the Alienware Command Center to do that, which should be already installed on your machine.

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There are issues with Windows 8 and 8.1 with this mod as they do not allow unsigned exe's. Following J95's post above should get you to run it although I have not tested it as I am running Windows 7.

This mod is for changing the icons displayed by the Alienware OSD when pressing a key to activate/de-activate a feature. It is not related to changing the colour of your AlienFX lighting. You will have to use the Alienware Command Center to do that, which should be already installed on your machine.

Hurrah! got to understand! What a fool I am .... I remember this program, but mixed and confused all ... wow))) thank you very much

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  • 1 month later...
Excuse me, do you also know the procedure for an alienware m17 r5?


If you're running Windows 8/8.1 there isn't a proper workaround as yet. If you're on Windows 7 the steps are listed on the first post under "Install instructions for 14 / 17 / 18".

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Any luck for anyone else running windows 8.1 on m17x R4? done all the steps including the disabling of those options but still getting that stupid referral crap its starting to drive me crazy

same issue here :/ anyone?

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Have you disabled smartscreen? I was only able to test with Windows 8. And my tests were conducted by just running the modded exe even though my machine doesn't need a modded exe for my icons (my icons aren't embedded in the exe). So it isnt an ideal test but its the best I can do with what I have.

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