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980M seems to be compatible with EM series


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hmmm, based on my own wattage numbers and shaving off ~40W to make up for the desktop vs. mobile cpu u should be fine with the 180W adapter. IF u leave everything at stock, that is ;)

ull have to ask eurocom for shipping costs, but ull definitely have to pay import tax! considering that, wouldnt it make more sense for you to buy the 980M here?


theyre based in germany, give you 12 months warranty through any local clevo service center and ull also save on the shipping costs and NO import taxes (inside EU). might come out the same or cheaper than eurocom, but imho the warranty is worth it :)

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

I did consider this reseller, but I'm not sure if they send the card flashed with Prema's vBios. I'd rather buy a plug n play card.

Thanks for you answer. If anyone has a 980m inside their p150EM, I'd gladly read their experience. :)

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Hello Raz2Mak,

Really, flashing Prema's vbios isn't that hard, it's done within Windows, just have to follow the txt.file info. For the seller's choice, you may answer this question: can you pick up expedition from Canada in the options (no charges)?

-if yes no charges, so price is lower, the upgrade kit is full, and you will have Prema bios V3 and a Prema vbios for the card (no modded file.inf needed for driver installation). The card is normally flashed, but you will have to flash your system.

-if no, choose CEG, you will save a lot of money ; it will just force you to flash the card, to grab a driver with modded .inf file and to install it with driver signature disabled. Pretty sure that with a small donation and gently asked to him, you could have lastest bios from Prema.

For your 180w PSU, do not worry: p15x-SM & 880m were sold with the same, so it will work with the 980m. I tried a 970m coupled with a 3740qm in a P150em, and i could add 200MHz to the card without problem.

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Thanks for your answer.

Great to know that I'm fine with my 180w PSU. :)

I might choose CEG then. But that's the first time I hear about the v3 Bios. Is it mandatory for the 980m?

You have CLEVOCENTER as Prema Mod Partner option in EUROPE!

They will send you the card with their version of my Mod, which btw also has their (warranty supported) higher default clocks.

They also send you their v3 system BIOS, which makes it Plug'N'Play without the need for driver Mods and has proper GTX9 support.

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Hello all! I’ve installed the 980M SLI in my NP9370/P370EM. I finally found your bios and vbios update page, but I have a couple of questions. My bios revision is 1.02.08LS1, KBC/EC firmware revision is 1.02.08SA2 and my bios is American Megatrends v2.15.1226.

1. Which version of the bios update do I get, v2 or v2 2T? I don't have 3D and my windows key is on the left side. My memory is DDR3 1600MHz, so would that be v2?

2. Will the bios update fix the bios not seeing the 980M’s?

3. If I flash the bios and/or the vBios for the cards, will I be able to install video drivers normally without modding the .INF file?

Any help would be appreciated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been thinking about upgrading my gtx675m for gtx980m for my P150EM since it was announced in this forum that this was possible and I have been saving money for this purpose ever since. I have some questions, some already raised before, but never confirmed in this matter:

1 - I have an i7-3820QM. It is necessary to change the PSU to take full advantage of the 980m and properly feed my cpu without overclocks (initially)? I have a 180w now and I have heard reports saying that is enough but also have seen on the internet other models with similar specs to have less performance with the PSU 180w compared to 240w. I wonder if for my laptop with this configuration it is actually enough to run stably and with stock clocks.

2 - If I want to overclock the card (assuming that I would have one PSU 240w at least), the cooling of the notebook and remaining laptop components are "safe" to do so? Or is it too much to ask from this model?

3 - I reside in Portugal, and I'm thinking of upgrading via ClevoCenter that offers the bios v3 created by the talented Prema and a VBIOS with higher clocks by default, but I still do not know the price of this shop (if someone know an estimate of the price for Portugal and can share I would be very grateful). If I could get a cheaper 980m in another place and flash it with the VBIOS mod by Prema, the clocks would be the same as those provided by ClevoCenter? And buying from this reseller, some of the money from the purchase goes to Prema, or is recommended to make a direct donation to him anyway?

Sorry for the long post and thanks for the attention.

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You have CLEVOCENTER as Prema Mod Partner option in EUROPE!

They will send you the card with their version of my Mod, which btw also has their (warranty supported) higher default clocks.

They also send you their v3 system BIOS, which makes it Plug'N'Play without the need for driver Mods and has proper GTX9 support.

Hey Prema, thanks for the link you supported. I am from Germany and was looking for a reseller in Germany or close by aswell. When i follow your link i find the ebay page to bid on a

"Vintage Gumby Telephone Phone 1985 Prema Toy in Original Box Unused NOS"


This is a very intriguing offer but not exactly what i was hoping for. I tried to search in ebay for "Clevocenter" but couldnt find the shop page. Any chance you can support another link?

I own the P150 modell and got it from MYSN in germany. They dont seem to support your custom bios and it took my quite a few calls to find out about your page. Thanks for that aswell :)

thanks mork

EDIT: Ok doesnt have to be a link you posted, the Word PHONE is a link in my post aswell. so might be a forum-tech thingy! I found the website but it seems to be in spanish (?) so i cant read it. is there an englsh contact aswell?

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Hey Prema, thanks for the link you supported. I am from Germany and was looking for a reseller in Germany or close by aswell. When i follow your link i find the ebay page to bid on a


This is a very intriguing offer but not exactly what i was hoping for. I tried to search in ebay for "Clevocenter" but couldnt find the shop page. Any chance you can support another link?

I own the P150 modell and got it from MYSN in germany. They dont seem to support your custom bios and it took my quite a few calls to find out about your page. Thanks for that aswell :)

thanks mork

Ha ha ha, the forum code plants these links...(I mark all of my links in purple):

Here you go for Clevocenter:


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Hello all! I’ve installed the 980M SLI in my NP9370/P370EM. I finally found your bios and vbios update page, but I have a couple of questions. My bios revision is 1.02.08LS1, KBC/EC firmware revision is 1.02.08SA2 and my bios is American Megatrends v2.15.1226.

1. Which version of the bios update do I get, v2 or v2 2T? I don't have 3D and my windows key is on the left side. My memory is DDR3 1600MHz, so would that be v2?

2. Will the bios update fix the bios not seeing the 980M’s?

3. If I flash the bios and/or the vBios for the cards, will I be able to install video drivers normally without modding the .INF file?

Any help would be appreciated.

Can anyone help me figure this out? :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey Prema I have question abt my recently upgraded P370em with 970m sli

when i was using just one 970m with your unlocked vbios, it can be overclocked to 1370mhz without issues as well as the 3920xm can also get to 4.2Ghz

but once i opened the SLI mode only got X5200 scores on the 3dmark11 extreme mode. (both card under the Prema vbios)

I flashed back the original Vbios everything(including cpu) set to default and get X6000 scores.

then i overclocked the gpus/cpu

cpu under 4.2Ghz Gpu under 1173mhz they hit X6400 on 3dmark11

cpu under 3.6Ghz Gpu under 1173mhz they hit X6671 on 3dmark11

so im wondering is the p370em throttling the motherboard power supply? can i flash your BIOS/EC to solve that problem?

thank you so much!

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hey Prema I have question abt my recently upgraded P370em with 970m sli

when i was using just one 970m with your unlocked vbios, it can be overclocked to 1370mhz without issues as well as the 3920xm can also get to 4.2Ghz

but once i opened the SLI mode only got X5200 scores on the 3dmark11 extreme mode. (both card under the Prema vbios)

I flashed back the original Vbios everything(including cpu) set to default and get X6000 scores.

then i overclocked the gpus/cpu

cpu under 4.2Ghz Gpu under 1173mhz they hit X6400 on 3dmark11

cpu under 3.6Ghz Gpu under 1173mhz they hit X6671 on 3dmark11

so im wondering is the p370em throttling the motherboard power supply? can i flash your BIOS/EC to solve that problem?

thank you so much!

There are CPU power limits in the EMs, but the BIOS Mod will raise those. Flash my Mod and see if it helps your CPU score.

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Hey Prema;

I haven't spoken to you in a while, and was curious if you've managed to iron out the sound card problems with the V3A bios mod you gave me a while back for my laptop... I know you're very busy with everything, so I appreciate the time taken to respond.


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am i still the only 1 having the 980m always active?!

and yes, i have all the newest drivers always up2date an with every update i hope the 980m will stfu, since a very long while now, i will reinstall win10 soon, as i upgraded from 8.1 where i had the isue already and with a clean win10 reinstall i have the last hope the 980m will be quiet in idle for sure :/

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Hi all! It's my first post here even though I read T|I for some time now.

Following this thread for nearly 6 months, I was thinking about replacing my GPU by a 970m.

Now it's mandatory as it seems my brave 7970m just passed away.

My question is simple: owning a XMG P502 (P150EM), is it directly possible to upgrade from a 7970m to a 970m without buying an upgrade kit, just the graphic card?

I've seen posts about upgrading from nVidia to nVidia, but nothing really convincing about AMD to nVidia. Particularly I wonder if the X bracket is compatible (same form factor, but what about components placements?).

I'm not very familiar with laptops upgrades/modding, it's a bit different than its PC counterpart! :disturbed:

Thanks all, and thanks Prema for making this upgrade possible!

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Hi all! It's my first post here even though I read T|I for some time now.

Following this thread for nearly 6 months, I was thinking about replacing my GPU by a 970m.

Now it's mandatory as it seems my brave 7970m just passed away.

My question is simple: owning a XMG P502 (P150EM), is it directly possible to upgrade from a 7970m to a 970m without buying an upgrade kit, just the graphic card?

I've seen posts about upgrading from nVidia to nVidia, but nothing really convincing about AMD to nVidia. Particularly I wonder if the X bracket is compatible (same form factor, but what about components placements?).

I'm not very familiar with laptops upgrades/modding, it's a bit different than its PC counterpart! :disturbed:

Thanks all, and thanks Prema for making this upgrade possible!

The x-brackets are not compatible, but cards are often sold with the x-bracket. Check if the seller is providing it or not.

Other than that all you need to do is move around the inductor and FET heatpads on the memory heatsink to match the 970m locations.

Also unless you modified your heatsink, the 970m one is substantially better than the original P150EM GPU heatsink.

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so now i installed win 10 pro 64bit on a new and empty ssd, downloaded latest intel win10 64bit driver installed it, rebooted, installed newest nvidida driver rebootet. intalled the hotkey driver rebootet twice aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand active dgpu...................

i even uncheded the automated win10 driver installation so it wount download any intel driver or stuff didnt work.

there aren t any programs installed that would need the dgpu, checked in nvidia driver,

i changed every setting in nvidia driver, didnt work, restored to defaults, stiill active dgpu

so as i said 100times, mit nvidia gpu is always active eventhou it isnt needed by any program

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so now i installed win 10 pro 64bit on a new and empty ssd, downloaded latest intel win10 64bit driver installed it, rebooted, installed newest nvidida driver rebootet. intalled the hotkey driver rebootet twice aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand active dgpu...................

i even uncheded the automated win10 driver installation so it wount download any intel driver or stuff didnt work.

there aren t any programs installed that would need the dgpu, checked in nvidia driver,

i changed every setting in nvidia driver, didnt work, restored to defaults, stiill active dgpu

so as i said 100times, mit nvidia gpu is always active eventhou it isnt needed by any program

Your GPU monitoring software keeps the dGPU active, it can't shut-down unless you quit all monitoring software.

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