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980M seems to be compatible with EM series


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Yes I totally understand that, and will be flashing his vbios so I can simply use the latest drivers easily but has he actually finished the vbios mod as he hasn't updated the sticky?

To me that means the bios on his site is still in test state.

Maybe we can get prema to confirm what stage we are at.

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By my understanding as the PxxxEM series runs 970/980 gpus, the vbios is a fix for throttling/driver/tweaks etc.

The bios mod update is meant to bring the use of 7xx/8xx gpus to the EM series and will require both bios and vbios to be flashed. There is no news as of yet of release versions of bios/vbios.

As for finished, i'd say no. He's one of those people thats aways tweaking away and his mods do tend to be updated.

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The 970/980 Gpu's will work in a P370EM without the bios mod, however the Vbios mod saves you having to edit the driver inf and fixes a few of the card issues like the throttling and adds some other features.

The reason to flash his machine bios is much for the same reasons, fixes a few things like getting memory to run in T1 state and adds turbo fan mode.

Brilliant - Thanks heaps for that info! Exactly what I was looking for! :bananalama:

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By my understanding as the PxxxEM series runs 970/980 gpus, the vbios is a fix for throttling/driver/tweaks etc.

The bios mod update is meant to bring the use of 7xx/8xx gpus to the EM series and will require both bios and vbios to be flashed. There is no news as of yet of release versions of bios/vbios.

As for finished, i'd say no. He's one of those people thats aways tweaking away and his mods do tend to be updated.

So installed prema's bios from his site

The bios still requires an inf mod or the modded drivers to work so that part isnt done yet.

It did however give me an extra 126marks in firestrike :Banane09:

will update with more as I investigate

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Has anyone updated the CPU?

I found this: GTX 970M GTX970M 6G DDR5 192bit VGA Video Card For Clevo P375SM P170EM P150EM P157SM P151SM P150SM P170SM P177SM P370SM P570EM-in Graphics Cards from Computer & Office on Aliexpress.com | Alibaba Group

Has anyone bought from this site?

Has anyone made a video installing the 980m? I am interested seeing how its done?

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So installed prema's bios from his site

The bios still requires an inf mod or the modded drivers to work so that part isnt done yet.

It did however give me an extra 126marks in firestrike :Banane09:

will update with more as I investigate

I stand corrected, you are right about the modded driver.

I just installed a 970m in a P370EM for a friend and yes, needed a modded driver. When I did my machine I must have installed a modded driver and didn't notice that I had.

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Much more affordable...Thanks.

I am just worried about the install procedure.

it's pretty simple,

1. Open cover

2. remove screws holding gpu heatsink (core & mem), remove heastinks core first

3. remove gpu screws, they are a standoff type screw that the memory heatsink screws into. See pic

4. remove original gpu and replace with new gpu. make sure you install at a 450 angle. Secure with gpu screws (there will be some slight pressure as the card in pushed flat, alternatively hold card flat and tighten screws)

5. install new memory heatsink - ensuring to remove the plastic covering the thermal pads

6. install new core heastink - ensuring to remove the plastic covering the thermal grease, or clean off thermal grease and install some of your own choice. (I just used the stock grease and have only seen 740C under load)

7. close cover

8. boot and install drivers listed in thread - in device manager the card will be listed as Microsoft Basic Display Adapter until you install the drivers

9. enjoy your superfast laptop

Its all in the service manual here anyway.

http://forum.techinferno.com/clevo/3837-%5Brepair%5D-clevo-service-manuals.html <---- Pick your model


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Very interested by all of that. I'm on the point to order, and living in France, the 2 offers (eurocom and rjtech) are not very far with taxes and shipping included. Actually 720€ for eurocom with the discount code or 710 with RJ...


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Would it be smart to wait about a year or so to get a 970m due to the price being so high atm? Like i said up about 3 posts i have a p170em.

not really laptop gpus dont go down in price and if they do its not by much. i think the only reason why you can get a 980m cheaper then a 680m other then manufacturing price is because they dont make em anymore where as the 9 series is still under production. maybe im wrong on that part but as far as prices go they dont change much unfortunately.

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agree on that. I am watching laptop video cards regularly and price don't really go down because there is still high demands on this market and very few parts.

But now that we possibly have 980/970 as replacement, demand for the 680m will drop and price too at the end... But knowing that I can have a 980m now, I will certainly not buy a 680m.

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As of now only the cards bought from Mythlogic and Eurocom will work properly with your PxxEM systems as they decided to Partner up and join my early access program...all others will under perform by 20% on OCable driver (any other than 374), essentially turning your GTX980M into a GTX970M.

That's the reason an honest shop like rjtech won't offer you the cards directly for EM as they can't guarantee that they work as advertised under all conditions.

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