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Going to test clevo 980m in alienware m17x R4, m18x R2, AW17


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So after going through all the posts, would it be safe to say that a single 980m is working well in the Alienware 18 R2 without any issues?

Is an unlocked bios necessary to use a single 980m or would the A12 be better?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Warning AW owners...

Windows 10 Upgrade Warning for Alienware Owners | NotebookReview

@All, Windows 10 & v353.62 has blown out four Samsung display panels -> AW18, M18xR2, AW17 <- Please uninstall current driver (DDU/Clean & Shutdown) and install v352.84 from here http://forum.techinferno.com/nvidia/6307-%5Balienware%5D-aftermarket-upgrades-driver-support-modded-inf-31.html#post136061

Win7/8.1 users please install previous version 353.49 as a precaution, from here http://forum.techinferno.com/nvidia/6307-%5Balienware%5D-aftermarket-upgrades-driver-support-modded-inf-45.html#post138999

Samsung LCD displays:

Alienware 18 R1 , M18xR1, M18xR2, Alienware 17 R1 60Hz & 120Hz (Samsung & AUO), M17xR4 120Hz...

Please post your concerns here Windows 10 + Official 353.62 Drivers Has Killed Three Samsung LCD Displays

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  • 3 weeks later...
We need to get that Dell 980m mxm vbios to fix alienware 980m problems.

P0 P1 state bug is very annoying.

@godfafa it's fixed...we still need both cards ASIC quality readings...in addition to 3D voltage *stock* vBIOS. THX http://forum.techinferno.com/nvidia/6307-%5Balienware%5D-aftermarket-upgrades-driver-support-modded-inf-40.html#post138438

Please Include ASIC screenshot.


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@godfafa it's fixed...we still need both cards ASIC quality readings...in addition to 3D voltage *stock* vBIOS. THX http://forum.techinferno.com/nvidia/6307-%5Balienware%5D-aftermarket-upgrades-driver-support-modded-inf-40.html#post138438


I have Prema 1.1.1 vbios for 8gb 980m on both of my cards with m18x r2 980m SLI

When I match the clocks on p1 and p0 the memory clocks stay overclocked thru gaming or benchmarks but the core clock always goes back to 1126 Mghz (stock turbo Frequency) no matter what drivers i try any help?

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I have Prema 1.1.1 vbios for 8gb 980m on both of my cards with m18x r2 980m SLI

When I match the clocks on p1 and p0 the memory clocks stay overclocked thru gaming or benchmarks but the core clock always goes back to 1126 Mghz (stock turbo Frequency) no matter what drivers i try any help?

I'm not talking about v1.1.1...as I said we still need more ASIC/3D voltage readings. Unfortunately it seems to be a huge 5 min effort to flash the stock vbios and run gpu-z render test. (excluding juang and other users). You can help by spreading the word...the sooner we get this done, the sooner we can all enjoy.

- - - Updated - - -

@godfafa please post your results.

Please Include ASIC screenshot.


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i just flash prema's vbios 1.1.1 so far so good.

also, with the release of the AW18 with 980Ms does that mean we can now get the vbios to test?

Maybe it's not just the vBIOS that's important, maybe Alienware will release a new system BIOS. Perhaps that will be the key to getting the 980M's to work super reliably in the Alienwares.

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The throttle problem with AW originates in the system BIOS. The vBIOS Mod we are testing is 'cheating' the sBIOS. That way we can target all systems with a single strike.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is it possible for a similar method like this to work in an M17x R3(Optimus Model with Optimus disabled)? I've got the unlocked A12 BIOS running(I don't have a choice since my iGP gives me a screen which went from flickering to not working at all). I'm currently running off a GTX 580M but am wanting to upgrade to the GTX 980M.

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  • 2 weeks later...

since 25 September on us site the new alienware 18 bios and vbios is out.i flashed the bios.and then i flashed the vbios on my ceg clevo Cards.the result makes me happy.the Cards run now cooler.max 74 degrees.the fan mode is now useless and the fan works now on Card 2.the vbios have the same firestrike Points like the prema vbios with no overclock 13400-13700 with no cpu overclock.no shutdowns bsod but i see at 15-20 minutes ghosting on Desktop Background on colour dark Grey.the only original Driver from Windows works without Driver sign out on Windows 8.1 353.84.you have to activate the Driver automatic install from Windows update and bevor you habe to deinstall all with ddu. have somebody a solution for other Driver original from nvidia to work.my english is poor and i hope all guys understand my post.greetings from vienna


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@Navigator that's the new BIOS fixing the throttle for you on stock clocks, not the vBIOS.

Could please flash my Mod again to see if the FANs still both run properly.

Just to know if the FAN fix is in slave vbios or also in the system BIOS/EC.

The M18xR2 has massive throttle with the new official Dell GTX980M vBIOS':


He even has pixels jumping around the screen when the GPU switches clocks.

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i have repeated tests with furmark and the Card is running full at 1126 and 2505 Memory.with prema bios i had shutdowns.dont now too high temperature oder too much watts. i seen no switching from p0 to ather p Status. the two Cards have two different vbios from dell.running furmark with 1920x1080 Fullscreen 8x msaa.no throttling.with prema many shutdowns and the accu going from 100% in minutes to 88-70% down.with the witcher 3 shutdown.the most shutdown with call of duty aw.no ist running smooth.ohh i have seen no Pixels.the only Thing is after 10-20 minutes ghosting on Desktop wallpaper.only on dark grey


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I would like you to use the Mod now that you have the new system BIOS, I know that it had problems before because the second FAN wouldn't operate properly.

Dell's BIOS fixed your throttle problems not the vbios. Just need to get info on the second FAN. ;)

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