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DIY eGPU Macbook experiences


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How?? :) I have the system which bootcamp in MBR, the EFI not work for me.

What issues did you have when you tried? Also which Macbook? I am on a Mid 2012 MBPr with the HD4000 and GT650M inside.

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Hi folks,

I'm new to the forum, but have developed an interest in e-GPU setups after reading up on how the folks at Mediapros were able to put together a customized video editing rig. I've done some additional reading here and other websites and decided to attempt to put together a somewhat mobile e-GPU rig. Actually, it isn't so mobile now since I can't put the cover back on it because the GPU card is sticking out by a centimeter. :/

This past week, I purchased a Gigabyte GTX 970 Mini and a Akitio Thunder2 PCIe Box for my Early 2015 rMBP 13-inch running Yosemite 10.10.3. I've followed all the instructions (not sure if I might've missed a few steps), but I think I hit a wall at this point. My rMBP is detecting it but it's showing the following (see attached image):


I greatly appreciate it if anyone can help! In the mean time I'll continue to scour forums and websites for any possible solutions to this.


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Dschijn Do you know why I have nothing appearing on my external display? (using HDMI)

OSX? Windows? Could you please put your Mac+eGPU into your signature, so I know what your setup is :D

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Nando do you know how to remove error code 43 permantly with setup 1.20 if it is possible. Because everytime I start my computer error code 43.

I already replied your email : remove all existing Nvidia drivers, then use "DDU" to remove NVidia registry entries, then install latest desktop driver ensuring it supports both your GT650M + GTX970. If still have error 43 AND if OSX eGPU isn't working either then you have a hardware issue, eg: power supply, PCIe power connectors, etc.

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I already replied your email : remove all existing Nvidia drivers, then use "DDU" to remove NVidia registry entries, then install latest desktop driver ensuring it supports both your GT650M + GTX970. If still have error 43 AND if OSX eGPU isn't working either then you have a hardware issue, eg: power supply, PCIe power connectors, etc.

hank you so much ! Two of my power cables were unplugged IDK why (shit cables ) working love you!!

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^ this guy, I love him. He's like the incarnated nightmare of tech support. Where ever he is he just keeps asking random stuff directed at other people :D One service hotline can't answer him so he calls the other neat one which has nothing to do with his actual problem. At the end of the day a still sane chap asks the basic question like "Have you tried turning it off and on again?" or the classic "Are your cables plugged in?" and oh wow, his problem is resolved xD

I'm so glad I'm not working in tech support, I'd go crazy after a week with people like him :D :D

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@m1sk yes im pretty sure you can. you can go through this thread http://forum.techinferno.com/implementation-guides-apple/8717-%5Bguide%5D-enabling-intel-iris-pro-hd5200-win8-1-15-macbook-pro-gt750m-1.html and read through it. Or you can wait and ill have a guide for macbooks with dedicated amd gpus up in a while. id check out the thread if i were you

This only seems to work for that specific version of the 15" MBP.

I'm kind of stuck with enabling my intel GPU at the moment.

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Hmm It seems you have the 2011 edition Macbook. It might be because your Windows partition is Installed with MBR isntead of EFI. - Right click on your C-drive and select "Properties"

- Go to the hardware tab and select your hard drive on which Windows is installed and click on the "Properties" button below

- Go to the Volumes tab and click on the "Populate" button below. The window will re-appear, this time in Admin-mode. Do this step again (Volumes -> Populate)

- Check the value of "Partition style". If it says "GUID Partition Table (GPT)", then Windows is installed in (U)EFI mode. If it says "MBR" or something similar, then it is the older mode.

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@fupia: Well yeah… the Gigabyte card is too wide. Did you run the cript from goalque? http://forum.techinferno.com/mac-os-x-discussion/10289-script-enabling-nvidia-egpu-screen-output-os-x.html

Thanks for the response @Dschijin! Just tried it. After restarting, it's now only showing the intel graphics card and not detecting the GTX 970 in the system report. Before running the script, it'll at least show an NVIDIA card, but not specifying the model.

I thought the kext files might've been reset. So I tried to edit the kext files again. Still, it isn't detecting the GPU.

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As I read a few comments on forums about whether its possible to install Windows on your 2011 MacBook, it seems like it doesn't support the full (U)EFI set, and thus is not possible to install Windows in the EFI mode required to enable the integrated GPU with the EFI mod.

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Yeah so this kind of sucks.

I have been trying to get the stuff mentioned in this thread.

I have grub4win installed and I get the bootloader but the custom commands cause the screen to blackout.

This is happening apparently because the Intel GPU isn't allocated resources or something.

Help here would be really appreciated....

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^ this guy, I love him. He's like the incarnated nightmare of tech support. Where ever he is he just keeps asking random stuff directed at other people :D One service hotline can't answer him so he calls the other neat one which has nothing to do with his actual problem. At the end of the day a still sane chap asks the basic question like "Have you tried turning it off and on again?" or the classic "Are your cables plugged in?" and oh wow, his problem is resolved xD

I'm so glad I'm not working in tech support, I'd go crazy after a week with people like him :D :D

Mate this egpu setup cost 600 for me it is lot of money and if it didn't work I would be really pissed. By the way for setup1.20 was really usefull.

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