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3dmark scores different for identical gpus.


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I have an Alienware 18 (2013 model, A09 Bios), with two GTX 780m SLI (modded bios), Core i7 4930MX (Stock - Overclock enabled on the Bios Settings but in Default values), 32Gb Ram 1600mhz.

My friend has an very identical hardware, but his Alienware is a previous model, with a 3940MX Extreme Processor. The GPUs are identical, with modded bios too. Both systems with a 330W PSU.

Running 3dkmark, we realized that GPU scores has a significative difference.

After disabling Overclock option on the Bios, my scores grew a little more, but the difference between the systems continues.

Results: Result

Guys, do you think that can be my processor getting the power from the GPU's? If no, what could be?

Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think it's due to power limit.

Haswell used more power and that caused gpu to use less power.

Why dont you try single GPU test and see what happens? :)

The most curious thing is that even with a single GPU, my GPU score on 3dmark still less than the Alienware 18 (intel 3rd gen). Same mod, same driver, same clocks.

Did you ran this test?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I only had m17x R4, m18x R2.

Recently I had a chance to test things on m17x R5 (AW17).

And found out that AW17 's GPU PCIE is not as good as her older sisters.

Even without CPU overclock and even with stock GPU clock, the graphic score of 780m or 880m in AW17 was lower.

Not only mine but every other AW17 had the same graphic score which is significantly lower than older sisters.

About 3~4% of graphic scores were lower in every AW17 compared to same clock GPU of m17x R4 or m18x R2.

(Even compared to old m17x R3 or m18x R1, haswell alienware's graphic score was lower)

So.. I guess this might be the problem of yours too.

I think AW18 has the same problem.

For better understanding, I am posting pics.




just look at the graphic score of each of three generation.

All stock GPU clock.


I have recently posted this on Korean Alienware Forum. And someone said the cause might be the GPU or vbios difference.

So what I did was, I removed the same 780m from AW17 and put it on m17x R4.

Very good experiment to show how bad AW17's GPU PCIE is.

I believe there isn't a better one.

And the results are that AW17 has a 3-4% disadvantage in GPU score than m17x R4.

And the worst thing is if you compare a better GPU like 880m, the absolute GPU score difference gets bigger.

Which implies the score difference is not in "absolute value" but in percentage(3-4%).

Even worse thing is that AW17 has a worse slight graphic score than m17x R3 which has PCIE 2.0 while m17x R4 and AW17 are known to have PCIE3.0.

Haswell from the begining from now, they are giving us alot of problems.

Heats, throttle, ect.. and another one!

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I think you are right because Alienware 18 seems to suffer exactly the same thing. Excellent testing and reporting Godfafa. Thanks for posting your findings.

One more thing to add.

I am sure It is not the CPU(i.e. Haswell) that causes this problem because graphic scores of 780m of clevo/msi/asus Haswell notebooks are similar with that of m17x R4 which is around 8100 in 3dmark11. Only AW17 780m shows 7700~7800.

So it must be caused by AW17 and AW18 mobo.

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  • 5 weeks later...
One more thing to add.

I am sure It is not the CPU(i.e. Haswell) that causes this problem because graphic scores of 780m of clevo/msi/asus Haswell notebooks are similar with that of m17x R4 which is around 8100 in 3dmark11. Only AW17 780m shows 7700~7800.

So it must be caused by AW17 and AW18 mobo.

Thanks godfafa. Your comments and tests help me a lot. I'm very disappointed with AW18 and Alienware overall. I hope that on the next release Dell make things better.

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One more thing to add.

I am sure It is not the CPU(i.e. Haswell) that causes this problem because graphic scores of 780m of clevo/msi/asus Haswell notebooks are similar with that of m17x R4 which is around 8100 in 3dmark11. Only AW17 780m shows 7700~7800.

So it must be caused by AW17 and AW18 mobo.

Do you know whats different about the AW 18 that makes it suck so much more than the m18x or other gaming laptops?

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