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US$189 AKiTiO Thunder2 PCIe Box (16Gbps-TB2)

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Hello people, I apologise if I'm on the wrong part of the forum.


I own a MacBook Pro mid 2015 with dedicated radeon r9M 370x and was looking into this bizon/thunderbolt 2 e-gpu stuff.


Now I was checking amazon and came onto the aikito box, apparently many people have been there before me because I got the suggestion "frequently bought together" the following items.



https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-WHITE-Warranty-Supply-100-W1-0500-KR/dp/B00H33SFJU/ref=pd_bxgy_147_img_2/132-6208133-3760024?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=BKZ2SX5CFV7QBRG4C8RA (does this thing even fit in there? Or do I need a Dell power adapter instead?


Would these components be sufficient to create a solid e-gpu performance device? or would I still need extra parts? I alleady ordered such a flat ribbon cable with molex side arm.

This combination of items has been proposed on the bottom of the aikito store page at amazon at this link, view if you will:


How is everybody's experience with thunderbolt 2 e-gpu's? are they worth the efforts? do they work flawlessly in windows on the macbook screen or do you always need external displays? I thought to have read that you can use it on the built-in display in windows but not in max os sierra. 

That being said, if anyone has worked on of their own and wants to get rid of it, I'm a potential buyer :D then I can't mess anything up while trying.

Kind regards,


Edited by Aartsbok
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On 04/09/2017 at 1:40 PM, Aartsbok said:

That being said, if anyone has worked on of their own and wants to get rid of it, I'm a potential buyer :D then I can't mess anything up while trying.


I'm selling my Thunder2 with a Galax 970 GTX and Dell DA-2 PSU, but am Europe based, I don't know what the shipping would be to US (I guess you're from there as you link to Amazon.com).

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