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A13 unlocked - watch dogs good fps only with 720p low details - i7 gt650m 2gb


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A13 unlocked - watch dogs good fps only with 720p low details - i7 gt650m 2gb

I was wondering if it's end of my laptop? Is that max I am going to get out of this laptop? I have only bought it 18 months ago still got 18 months of credit left to pay back.

I wont be able to play any new games?

Should I buy Play Station 4? I was always against console but I see the point now.

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I have expected 900p mid settings. I just do not see the point of buying gaming laptop anymore I have sold much better desktop for that purpose :( My biggest fail. Desktop - you can upgrade Laptop I got stuck with shitty credit for another 18 months

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Watch Dogs really needs a huge amount of VRAM. 2GB isn't enough anymore, on High settings, WD can use up to 3 GB and on Ultra, it uses about 4,1GB VRAM.

If you happen to buy a eGPU or new notebook, you have to mak sure the graphics card has enough video memory.

Few days ago, I saw some guys complaining about how their GTX 770 couldn't handle Watch Dogs even on lowest settings, and it was always because of the VRAM.

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A13 unlocked - watch dogs good fps only with 720p low details - i7 gt650m 2gb

I was wondering if it's end of my laptop? Is that max I am going to get out of this laptop? I have only bought it 18 months ago still got 18 months of credit left to pay back.

I wont be able to play any new games?

Should I buy Play Station 4? I was always against console but I see the point now.

Please share opinions

NO! it is not your laptop!!!!!!! they were caught dumming down the game for pc so it looked even on ps4/xbox and pc!!!!

there are ways to enable the better graphics..

here ya go! How to Enable High-Quality Graphics in Watch Dogs

History of Ubisoft Game Reveals: Watch Dogs Is Not The Only Game To Receive Downgrade In Visual | GearNuke

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A13 unlocked - watch dogs good fps only with 720p low details - i7 gt650m 2gb

I was wondering if it's end of my laptop? Is that max I am going to get out of this laptop? I have only bought it 18 months ago still got 18 months of credit left to pay back.

I wont be able to play any new games?

Should I buy Play Station 4? I was always against console but I see the point now.

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So you're saying increased graphics will resolve his low fps problems? Did they make it unoptimized/heavier by a setting?

mmm as you can read just like i did he is saying his issue is not a low fps... it is a low resolution wich would be some thing different.. hence my response to this thread!

also yes they did purposely unoptimise the game... they got busted and some one dropped the fixes..

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mmm as you can read just like i did he is saying his issue is not a low fps... it is a low resolution wich would be some thing different.. hence my response to this thread!

also yes they did purposely unoptimise the game... they got busted and some one dropped the fixes..

Wow that's a real dick move!

I can't believe they underestimate PC users ability to figure out this kind of nonsense.

Thanks for shedding light on this.

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"your a prime example"

I'm not really sure if you're insulting me or someone else right now, but I guess it's me.

Prime example for what?

"and for your infor resolution is different than fps"

Again, why are you insulting me?

The title implies low fps on normal resolutions (1080p), I think as @Uftherr said the game is easily eating 2GB+ VRAM on high settings.

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Hey bro your a prime example of why i dont post on this forum.. and for your infor resolution is different than fps...

- - - Updated - - -

what Alienware system do you have by the way?

1. wao rood. Why are you mad? I see no reason to be mad.

2. With that GPU and a res of 900p, I'm pretty certain that's a m14xR2 (mainly cause I've had one).

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my bad .. i read that completely wrong... haha shouldnt drink and post lol

I thought you were saying it was a dick move on my part..

Oh now I see, apology accepted :)

I always assume there is a misunderstanding or explanation for situations like this.

@slawek sorry for hijacking your thread!

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