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ACER V3 772G bios for overpassing 135mhz overlock limit


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Hi, sorry for necroposting, but I was wondering if someone still lurks here. Klem in particular. I've got an issue with my Acer V3-772G laptop regarding memory clock. I decided to upgrade ram a bit recently and realised that it only works half the clock, i.e. ram is 1600 mhz but real clock is 800 mhz. Curious whether I have to flash a modified bios in order to unlock it. I've got intel  i7 4702mq with gt 750m. 

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  • Bios Modder
1 hour ago, Teren said:

bit recently and realised that it only works half the clock, i.e. ram is 1600 mhz but real clock is 800 mhz.


No, your RAM works correctly, it's DDR3  - double-data-rate, some utility showing it as half frequency and you should to multiply it by 2, for example 800x2=1600.

Edited by Klem
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Thanks for the answer! I feel like and idiot right now, but why is that so? I remember setting 3200 mhz on my main machine at home (can't check right now) and it showed fine or so I believe. Maybe some links for educational purposes? RAM is my somewhat weakness in computers...

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  • Bios Modder
  • 2 months later...
  • Bios Modder
43 minutes ago, BlackBeat said:

Dear friends, can anybody help to unlock maximum core clock on my Acer V3-772G GTX 850M on Windows 10 x64? 


What you mean "unlock maximum core clock"?

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  • Bios Modder
3 minutes ago, BlackBeat said:

I mean overpass +135 MHz limit.

You can send me your file backup of your bios. For creating backup of bios use attached utility. Extract  attached archive directly on the Desktop and run utility as Administrator (right click mouse). Program will create archive "results" directly on the Desktop. Send me this archive "results" via PM, or upload it to any fileserver, and send me the link.


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  • 3 months later...
  • Bios Modder
On 4/6/2020 at 7:50 PM, 1711steven said:

Hey Guys,


hope you don't hate me for pickin up this old thread.


@Klemsend you a pn for modding a GTX 760M on Acer V3-772G - hope you can help me :)


Greetings from Germany



Ok. Check PM.

Edited by Klem
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  • 1 month later...



I hope this question is related since it has something to do with the bios.

There is no option for fan control in de V3-772G-747a8G1TMakk, is there any way to unlock this feature in de bios?

I replaced all thermal pads en paste, also removed all dust. From what I can tell is that the fan is controlled by the CPU temp, and not by the GPU temp.



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  • Bios Modder
9 hours ago, ZaRoK said:

There is no option for fan control in de V3-772G-747a8G1TMakk, is there any way to unlock this feature in de bios?

No, even with unlocked bios, you can't regulate fan speed.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...


I'm interested with bios mod for my acer v3 772g (i7 4702MQ and gt 720M)

Can i with bios mod turn off the usb power off charging ?


My bios : https://global-download.acer.com/GDFiles/BIOS/BIOS/BIOS_Acer_1.15_A_A.zip?acerid=635342755568097317&Step1=NOTEBOOK&Step2=ASPIRE&Step3=ASPIRE%20V3-772G&OS=ALL&LC=en&BC=ACER&SC=PA_6



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  • Bios Modder
On 9/4/2020 at 2:55 PM, v3 acer said:

Can i with bios mod turn off the usb power off charging ?


No, your bios doesn't contains this option, even in hidden advanced settings. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • Bios Modder
8 hours ago, Apple9540 said:




can you please help me to open the advanced menu or a mod for my bios? v772g i7 4702mq GTX 850M






Ok. Check PM. 

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  • 7 months later...

Sorry for the bother...few days ago my laptop can't turn on after removing the small battery ...and I sent to get bios flash with chip programmer...now the comp is on .but the serial number became 123456789 ..and I dont have back up bios before this flash ...is there anyway I could recover ...I haven't got my laptop back I'm not sure if my previous win8 keys is still in that comp or if there will be any problem with the comp after install windows

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  • 6 months later...
  • Bios Modder
On 12/12/2021 at 8:47 PM, ragerock182 said:

Hello Klem


Could you please unlock the Bios v115 for my Acer aspire V3-772G + GTX 760M. I need it for GPU overclock and advanced options.


I really hope you are still doing this. 







Ok. Your bios with unlocked vBIOS for overclock NVIDIA graphic card done. Advanced settings unlocked also. Check PM. 

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  • 3 months later...

I'm completely new here and in modding bios in general , i just want to remove the +135 limit on overclocking my gtx 760m , i tried modified vbios but it doesn't seem to work , if u can help me on overpassing 135mhz overlock limit it would be much appreciated   Shy
here's my setup :
Aspire V3-772G with intel  i7 4702mq , GTX 760M , 16gb ddr3 1600mhz.
i'm currently using this bios ( v1.15) 
and i reflashed the original vbios (attached to the post ) .
Thank you in advance .

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  • Bios Modder
21 minutes ago, [email protected] said:

I'm completely new here and in modding bios in general , i just want to remove the +135 limit on overclocking my gtx 760m , i tried modified vbios but it doesn't seem to work , if u can help me on overpassing 135mhz overlock limit it would be much appreciated   Shy
here's my setup :
Aspire V3-772G with intel  i7 4702mq , GTX 760M , 16gb ddr3 1600mhz.
i'm currently using this bios ( v1.15) 
and i reflashed the original vbios (attached to the post ) .
Thank you in advance .


You can post here your file backup of bios, or upload it into any fileserver and post the link.

For creating backup of bios use attached utility. Extract attached archive directly on the Desktop and run utility as Administrator (right click mouse, choice "Run as Administrator"). Utility will create archive "results" directly on the Desktop. Post here this archive "results", or upload it into any fileserver and send me the link.




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