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Is eGPU possible for lenovo ideapad y510p?


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  • 4 weeks later...

Is this still alive? Seems to be an amazing idea. Powerful external graphics are the only thing missing on the laptops nowadays. We have to connect the charger anyway, to get the full power of the GPU, why not connect an videocard too? nVidia and AMD should invest on this idea, as notebook sales are larger than PCs

Sad to see Lenovo drop the Ultrabay on the new Y50. If you guys manage to get an eGPU to Ultrabay, it'll be revolutionary for sure.

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  • 5 weeks later...

So no solution to the ultrabay connector? I got so excited until the end of this thread. The last thing I wanted to do was give lenovo more money because they have a special connector or because they whitelisted stuff. Hate that corporate bs.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i was wondering since there are 2 mini pcie slots available in the y400/500 or y510p why not just connect the egpu to the mini pcie? that way the wifi card still stays and the additional mini pcie slot can be used for the gpu. no? please correct me if im wrong. im using a lenovo y400 with a modded bios by svl7.

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  • 1 month later...

So another fellow Y510p owner here, I'm interested in possibly following in your footsteps with using eGPU. However, after reading through this I can't say I have the full know-how on what one would have to do in order to possibly use an external GPU. I'm curious that since it's been a while since someone last posted, has any progress been made, and if so, what they did to achieve that progression?

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  • 2 months later...

eGPU or external GPU would require it's own enclosure with it's independent power source with a long extension cable, not sure if someone can easily build such a thing if the ultrabay connector is proprietary. Also, you would need to be able to time the power up of eGPU and laptop so that their buses could communicate properly.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
has anyone tried the wifi slot with their y510p?

This person: http://forum.techinferno.com/implementation-guides-pc/10391-14-lenovo-y410p-ideapad-gtx970%404gbps-c-mpcie2-pe4c-2-1-win8-1-a.html

used their y410p (almost the exact same) with their wifi slot. I will be following suit with my y510p, but need a few paychecks before I can purchase an adapter + gpu.

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I will post y500's and ultrabay gpu's schematics when i go to my dormitory. I search it but "egpu on ultrabay slot" nearly impossible. Lenevo replace a "gpu control software or circut" in motherboard. If your ultrabay gpu & e-gpu does not same to dGpu, pc don't boot.

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  • 2 months later...


I am pretty new to the idea of adding an e-gpu to an laptop but it seam like a good project. I have a Lenovo y510p with the singe gt755m and an empty Ultrabay where an second gt755m would go for sli but I don't have one. Now my question is there an e-GPU which could boost my performance while still being able to connect to the PCI port in the ultrabay without needing an external rig?

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  • 1 month later...

I have found one seller that sells propietary Ultrabay connector for our laptop model on aliexpress.com . As far as I know it is the only place where you can buy this one. If anybody is interested in this project then this is the only place to buy this connector. I am ordering one for myself for future use. I do not know if this will work but I will sacrifice few euros for this project because using wifi pci-e port for egpu is not ideal for me.

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  • 1 month later...
I have found one seller that sells propietary Ultrabay connector for our laptop model on aliexpress.com . As far as I know it is the only place where you can buy this one. If anybody is interested in this project then this is the only place to buy this connector. I am ordering one for myself for future use. I do not know if this will work but I will sacrifice few euros for this project because using wifi pci-e port for egpu is not ideal for me.

Is this it: 0.635 BAY PLUG ASSY ? I mean this one: TE 1376974 1 0.635 BAY PLUG ASSY-in Other Passive Components from Electronic Components & Supplies on Aliexpress.com | Alibaba Group

Is it the exact match @elementalfx ? And does it work at all?

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I have found one seller that sells propietary Ultrabay connector for our laptop model on aliexpress.com . As far as I know it is the only place where you can buy this one. If anybody is interested in this project then this is the only place to buy this connector. I am ordering one for myself for future use. I do not know if this will work but I will sacrifice few euros for this project because using wifi pci-e port for egpu is not ideal for me.

Is it troll? i did egpu system on my 510p.But i can change to ultabay connector anytime if its true

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/26/2014 at 7:28 AM, bcunje said:

This is going to happen... Just need to do some more reading, familiarize myself with this particular assembly instruction set, and remove the function call.

I'll probably just modify svl7s y410p BIOS to start with. Interestingly enough the 1.07 and 3.05 BIOS' have different strings for the GPU lock.

Hopefully there's a y410p flash recovery procedure for when I inevitably break it! :Banane35:



bro i too get the same error with ultrbay sli.. how did u get past this screen..? and will egpu works only with modded svls bios?

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