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Newly installed SSD errors


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Hey y'all,

Sorry, if I don't seemed very well versed in what all I'm doing with a computer, as my background is somewhat limited. I have a m14x R1 and recently installed an SSD after a hard drive failure, but at certain times, everything on my computer will load very slowly. Is this due to the BIOS settings or something else? I'm planning on downloading the BIOS fix (as soon as I have 5 posts), but wanted to double check if there was something else wrong with my computer.

I've opened task manager while my computer is running slowly and it says it is using 100% of the disk (despite only showing a few applications using between .1 and .3 mb/s usually). Is that normal or is there something else wrong with my computer?


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Hey y'all,

Sorry, if I don't seemed very well versed in what all I'm doing with a computer, as my background is somewhat limited. I have a m14x R1 and recently installed an SSD after a hard drive failure, but at certain times, everything on my computer will load very slowly. Is this due to the BIOS settings or something else? I'm planning on downloading the BIOS fix (as soon as I have 5 posts), but wanted to double check if there was something else wrong with my computer.

I've opened task manager while my computer is running slowly and it says it is using 100% of the disk (despite only showing a few applications using between .1 and .3 mb/s usually). Is that normal or is there something else wrong with my computer?


You can write that sw config on R1

model ssd

Win8 or Win7, 32bit or 64 bit


Gt 555M GF106 or GF116

I, with Samsung 500gb EVO, win 8.1 and 16gb of ram, I have no problems, (bios Mod 08)

Ciao :)

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I'm not sure I understand. Is it normal that my disk is using 100% sometimes?

Also, it seems like my computer runs slower than when I had a normal hdd whenever it's using 100% disk

if your ssd is slower than the HD mechanic, sicuramenet is abnormal.

For a better understanding, you should put the config of your pc hw/sw.

ciao :)

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When I first added an SSD to my desktop build, I had the same issue.

I ended up fixing it with a Firmware Flash, Intel Rapid Storage Monitor update, and by ensuring AHCI or Raid was enabled in the bios.

If you post your build info, with SSD firmware revision and bios revision, that would help!

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I would follow what ghost1one said. It could possibly just need a firmware update, and definitely check the BIOS. When I installed mine and it was running slow because I didn't have AHCI enabled. If it still runs slow then possibly an issue with the HDD itself?

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These are my system config. I just used dxdiag to find it all. Is there a different way to find config settings that would be better?

I don't know if it pulled my drive info (I posted disk drive information beneath the other).


System Information


Time of this report: 1/20/2014, 15:46:46

Machine name: --------------

Operating System: Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit (6.3, Build 9600) (9600.winblue_gdr.131030-1505)

Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

System Manufacturer: Alienware

System Model: M14xR1

BIOS: InsydeH2O Version 1.0 A08

Processor: Intel® Core i7-2630QM CPU @ 2.00GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.0GHz

Memory: 8192MB RAM

Available OS Memory: 8140MB RAM

Page File: 3524MB used, 5895MB available

Windows Dir: C:\Windows

DirectX Version: DirectX 11

DX Setup Parameters: Not found

User DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)

System DPI Setting: 120 DPI (125 percent)

DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled

DxDiag Version: 6.03.9600.16384 64bit Unicode


Disk & DVD/CD-ROM Drives


Drive: C:

Free Space: 36.2 GB

Total Space: 121.8 GB

File System: NTFS

Model: V4-CT128V4SSD2

Thanks! Let me know if more information would be needed.

Side note: My computer seems to be running fine now, but I still get a good amount of occasional periods where my disk is using 100% and the entire system runs slowly. (I still need to check a few bios settings)

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When I first added an SSD to my desktop build, I had the same issue.

I ended up fixing it with a Firmware Flash, Intel Rapid Storage Monitor update, and by ensuring AHCI or Raid was enabled in the bios.

If you post your build info, with SSD firmware revision and bios revision, that would help!

Also, do I need the Intel Rapid Storage Monitor update for any ssd or just specific ones? I haven't installed it yet (don't know if it automatically did either). But AHCI is enabled :)

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Also, do I need the Intel Rapid Storage Monitor update for any ssd or just specific ones? I haven't installed it yet (don't know if it automatically did either). But AHCI is enabled :)

try doing a test with ATTO Disk Benchmark, you should have the transfer rate on the 500 MB/s.

my bench:


ciao :)


I have not installed RST

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try doing a test with ATTO Disk Benchmark, you should have the transfer rate on the 500 MB/s.

my bench:


ciao :)

So... I actually can't see (or post) pictures yet for some reason haha. But I did the ATTO Disk Benchmark with a transfer size of .5 to 8192 kb with a total length of 1 gb. The max I hit was 250 MB/s. So.. I'm guessing that's slow.

Also, I didn't mention before, but when it says I'm using 100% of my disk (and running slowly), it's only using 0.1-0.3 mb/s

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Page File: 3524MB used, 5895MB available

Model: V4-CT128V4SSD2

Your bios is the latest version, which is a good starting point.

First, ensure you have the latest firmware for your SSD.

According to Crucial's site this is Version 25 (released 2/20/2013). This updated fixed full disk performance and mixed mode performance. This could account for speed issues.

Crucial.com Product Downloads - Firmware Updates and choose the "Crucial v4 2.5-inch SSD" option under the drop down box.

Second, you can optionally disable the page file, as you aren't reading OS files from a traditional disk. This will eliminate a lot of read/write operations to the SSD, extending the lifetime, and freeing up read/write operations for other things. I typically run all my bench marks, disable it and reboot, the re-run benchmarks to ensure I didn't take a performance hit.

Third, I believe that the Alienware system you have uses an Intel based SATA chipset, so rapid storage manager is worthwhile, as it sets appropriate registry flags to tune for SSD's. There are some guides to doing this manually as well. I'll try to dig them up!

EDIT: If you'd like, you can PM me the output of HWiNFO which will show me much, much, more about your configuration. It is available for download here: http://www.hwinfo.com/download.php

I wouldn't post it publicly, however, as it may contain sensitive information such as your public IP address.

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Your bios is the latest version, which is a good starting point.

First, ensure you have the latest firmware for your SSD.

According to Crucial's site this is Version 25 (released 2/20/2013). This updated fixed full disk performance and mixed mode performance. This could account for speed issues.

Crucial.com Product Downloads - Firmware Updates and choose the "Crucial v4 2.5-inch SSD" option under the drop down box.

Second, you can optionally disable the page file, as you aren't reading OS files from a traditional disk. This will eliminate a lot of read/write operations to the SSD, extending the lifetime, and freeing up read/write operations for other things. I typically run all my bench marks, disable it and reboot, the re-run benchmarks to ensure I didn't take a performance hit.

Third, I believe that the Alienware system you have uses an Intel based SATA chipset, so rapid storage manager is worthwhile, as it sets appropriate registry flags to tune for SSD's. There are some guides to doing this manually as well. I'll try to dig them up!

EDIT: If you'd like, you can PM me the output of HWiNFO which will show me much, much, more about your configuration. It is available for download here: HWiNFO, HWiNFO32/64 - Download

I wouldn't post it publicly, however, as it may contain sensitive information such as your public IP address.

I was gonna update the firmware, but it will wipe out everything. I'm currently studying abroad and don't have a backup on me in case of emergency and would rather not update till I can get a backup drive (a slow computer is better than no computer?)

I'll try to disable the page file and see how that goes.

I had thought that the rapid storage manager was only for a RAID system configuration (correct me if I'm wrong)? If it's not, then I should probably install it. I'll try and do a little research on that.

I'll try and get my other configuration and pm it to you when I get the chance.

Also, I looked up the drive I use and it turns out that it might be a crappy drive Crucial V4 CT128V4SSD2 2.5" 128GB SATA II MLC Internal Solid State Drive (SSD) SSD Only - Newegg.com

Most the reviews seem to have very similar problems to what I have (the firmware update might fix these though).

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If you follow the steps, it typically doesn't cause data loss. But that being said, I always recommend a backup before updating, as does Crucial in their guide.

Rapid Store Manager typically is used whenever you have an intel chipset, and works in AHCI, RAID, and IDE modes. It sets tuning options in the registry and monitors smart status on drives. I believe it also sets TRIM options, but I could be wrong.

That brings up another good point, ensure that trim is enabled on your computer!

Open an administrative command prompt and type in: fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify

Please post the result of this. If it shows a 0, trim is enabled. If it shows a 1, trim is disabled.

I would agree with the fact that updated firmware seems to make the drive work better, as the speed in mixed mode and full speed mode were both addressed according to Crucial.

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If you follow the steps, it typically doesn't cause data loss. But that being said, I always recommend a backup before updating, as does Crucial in their guide.

Rapid Store Manager typically is used whenever you have an intel chipset, and works in AHCI, RAID, and IDE modes. It sets tuning options in the registry and monitors smart status on drives. I believe it also sets TRIM options, but I could be wrong.

That brings up another good point, ensure that trim is enabled on your computer!

Open an administrative command prompt and type in: fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify

Please post the result of this. If it shows a 0, trim is enabled. If it shows a 1, trim is disabled.

I would agree with the fact that updated firmware seems to make the drive work better, as the speed in mixed mode and full speed mode were both addressed according to Crucial.

I did a check and Trim is enabled. And sounds good. I will install the Rapid store manager and see if it improves performance!

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So... I actually can't see (or post) pictures yet for some reason haha. But I did the ATTO Disk Benchmark with a transfer size of .5 to 8192 kb with a total length of 1 gb. The max I hit was 250 MB/s. So.. I'm guessing that's slow.

Also, I didn't mention before, but when it says I'm using 100% of my disk (and running slowly), it's only using 0.1-0.3 mb/s

if your max transfer rate is 250 MB/s and your ssd is connected to sata2, it means that it's perfectly

But you have to understand why it is always or almost 100%

you have tried to see in the task manager which is the task that you care more cpu?

ciao :)

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if your max transfer rate is 250 MB/s and your ssd is connected to sata2, it means that it's perfectly

But you have to understand why it is always or almost 100%

you have tried to see in the task manager which is the task that you care more cpu?

ciao :)

Yeah, I think the main reason that I'm having so many issues is just the drive is really bad. Looking at reviews, everyone else who bought it also had the same problems. A firmware update will probably fix it, but I need to burn myself a win8 cd before I do that just in case.

My cpu is staying relatively low. Usually doesn't use more than 25% and stays under 5 most the time. Anyways, thanks everyone who tried to helped me with this problem. I think I'll just get a new drive at some point (currently studying abroad so it'd be hard to get one here, but it'll be the first thing I do when I get back)

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I'd definitely try the firmware update as the next step. If that doesn't correct the behaviour, an RMA to Crucial would be a good next step. Beyond that, If you need a recommendation on a new SSD, I would look into the Crucual m500 series. I bought the m-Sata version for my m14xr2 and have tweaked it to boot in under 10 seconds to a full desktop. Maybe Crucial would even be willing to replace it with a newer m500 and just charge you the difference, if any.

Also, thank you for the Rep!

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  • 1 month later...

I saw above that someone suggested to update the Intel rapid storage software for use with an SSD. While checking on some SSD reviews earlier today, I read that it's best to quit using the Intel rapid storage software when using an SSD. Which would be the best thing to do? Any opinions would be appreciated. Thanks!

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  • 3 weeks later...


The V4-CT128V4SSD2 is an older model crucial SSD. There have been reported issues with this series SSD freezing on the crucial forums. If you search there you may find some useful information. It has been my experience in the past with the crucial M4 series that they are prone to hanging with prolonged data writes and this is related to "garbage collection" issues when the drive is not left idle for a long enough period of time to complete a garbage collection cycle. Power cycling the drive sometimes can resolve this issue. This can be done by plugging the solid-state drive into a desktop with the power connector only connected not the SATA controller data connector. Leave the drive powered on in the desktop for a period of at least 24 hours to let it completely cycle and allow the controller to perform garbage collection on the chip sets. This sometimes will restore a crucial drive to normal performance but your mileage may vary. I can document that this procedure worked well on two M4 drives which I no longer use in laptop situations as in that configuration the drive rarely has time enough to sit idle for an appropriate garbage collection cycle to complete. This appears to be an issue with crucial drives, I have not experienced any of these issues with Samsung, Intel or the enterprise micron products.

Hope this helps and best regards.

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