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Guide: How to control fan for g-series laptops


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I don't know if this has been here posted before and I couldn't find anything after searching but if it has, then mods can please delete.

NOTE: I didn't create any of these programs. I found it over here: http://portables4gamers.com/forum/topic/20998-tuto-comment-utiliser-le-fan-control-tools-by-pherein/

1. Download the file attached, it contains RWeverything ver 1.6.5 portable and fan control tools by Pherein v1.03 all in one zip

2. Extract the folder "portable" to wherever you want.

3. Go to folder Portable\Fan Control Tools\configs and open Fanprofileapplier.ini and FanProfileEditor.ini and change RWeverythingpath = (point it to where rw.exe is)

4. Now to test if the app is actually working or not. Go to folder Portable\Fan Control Tools and open Fan profile Applier.exe

5. Choose notebook name as gt780DX or 16f2-12 for gt70, gt60 and ge60. Choose profile as Quite.rw ( Do NOT choose max.rw), check remember in all boxes.

It should look like this :post-18115-14494996903081_thumb.png

6. Select apply and listen if your fan speed goes down. If it did, it worked !!! :D

7. Now to make your own profile, first open Fan profile editor.exe and choose notebook name and then simple (or complex if you want to mess around more).

8. Now click load profile and load whatever profile you want ( I prefer default) and change the values of temperature or fan speed to whatever you want. Do NOT put fan speed below 20% or above 80%. Especially NOT 100% or your pc will shut down. It should look something like this: post-18115-14494996902171_thumb.png

I recommend opening profiles "aggressive" and "quite" to get some idea about how temps and fan % is set.

9. Now, change profile name to whatever you want. eg: Custom1, gaming etc and click save profile.

10. Now go to fan profile applier.exe and select the profile you created and hit apply. Dont forget to make sure all the "remember" boxes are checked.

All changes will be reverted to default each time you restart the pc so don't worry about messing things up permanently.

Tell me what you guys think :)

MSI fan control.zip

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I don't know if this has been here posted before and I couldn't find anything after searching but if it has, then mods can please delete.

NOTE: I didn't create any of these programs. I found it over here: [Tuto] Comment Utiliser Le "fan Control Tools By Pherein" - MSI - Portables 4 Gamers


Tell me what you guys think :)

I really like this as a way to tinker with the fan speeds. I have a GT70 in a very hot climate and like more aggressive cooling, for obvious reasons.

I reckon I'll eventually modify the EC, once I find a good config and have enough posts to download the damn tool. :P

Thanks for the heads-up on this, and yes, 100 shut my laptop down. hehehe

Edit: To have this applied at startup, add a task under task scheduler to execute Fan Profile Applier.exe at logon with the argument: ProfilePath="Profiles\16F2-12\YOURPROFILE.rw" hideui exitonapply

Edit 2: It seems settings are lost if the laptop enters suspend mode, so I've added a an event trigger on System log, ID 1, Power-Troubleshooter, 30 second delay. This will run the task when the computer wakes.

Edit 3: That that last value is the thermal shutdown value, so I'd keep below my processor's thermal limit and above the GPU's max. (Thanks cresterk)

This is what is working for me (GT70,3630QM, 680M)



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  • 1 month later...
I really like this as a way to tinker with the fan speeds. I have a GT70 in a very hot climate and like more aggressive cooling, for obvious reasons.

I reckon I'll eventually modify the EC, once I find a good config and have enough posts to download the damn tool. :P

Thanks for the heads-up on this, and yes, 100 shut my laptop down. hehehe

Edit: If you want this to silently apply on logon, schedule a task to execute at logon with "highest privs" checked and this in the argument field: ProfilePath="Profiles\16F2-12\yourprofile.rw" hideui exitonapply

Edit 2: It seems settings are lost if the laptop enters suspend mode, so I've added a an event trigger on System log, ID 1, Power-Troubleshooter, 30 second delay. This will run the task when the computer wakes.

Edit 3: It appears that that last value is the thermal shutdown value, so I'd keep it 10 degrees below your processor's thermal limit. I still have to test this when I have more time.

You are correct. The last value is the thermal shutdown value and will immediately turn off your laptop when it hits that temp. I recommend keeping it above 90C because your gpu generally starts throttling around the 87-89C mark and will reduce temps on its own.

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My GPU (GTX 675M) has been taken out due to defect, so now im running with integrated intel hd and my fan is blowing leaves.

I found this post, and tried the fan profiler, but it didn't work for me...

Any suggestions?

EDIT: The laptop is GT70 0NC

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
hi, will this work for msi GT70 with broken gpu and max fan?

was thinking of flashing the bios to shut down the fan.

but if this works might be a better option. thanks!

Tried this last night and the fan still blows 100%. I think that an unlocked BIOS might be our only hope.

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  • 9 months later...

My 680m isn't working due to a motherboard defect (Thanks, MSI, for not bothering to reply to two separate trouble tickets by two MSI owners with the same exact hardware problem) and I tried taking it out, but it causes the "100% fan deal", so I jyst popped it back in and disabled it in Windows, since I have Optimus.

For you guys without Optimus, I'm not sure, MAYBE a fully opened up BIOS will give you the option to switch video adapter.

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