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P370SM3 is acting all weird?!


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Hey warrup techinfernos :)

Allright, I've recently bought the P370SM3, and went with 780M SLI, 16GB @ 2133Mhz, and a 4930MX processor. After testing it and benchmarking it seemed fine, but it just acted all weird when I ran games on 1080 with max settings. First I got the nvidia driver stopped responding messages, and game froze with blackscreen/bluescreen. I had to manually restart the laptop several times, as I couldn't press alt+ctrl+delete, or alt tab out the game. Secondly after all manual restarts, my laptop would not start normally by pressing the power button, I had to press FN+B and then PB. That led me to BIOS, and then allowing me to get into windows.

Sometimes I do get SLI flickering in BF3, but sometimes I don't, its strange. I'm pretty much out of options here, as I've tried clean installation of the nvidia drivers, and downclocked my GPU as it came OC'ed from the seller.

One more thing, I was able to play games on window mode, and not getting error messages.

ME FW version:

Bios version: 1.00.02

EC Firmware: 1.00.05

VBios revision: 80.04.BD.00.05

On BIOS it only states one GPU, and not two NV Geforce 780Ms.

Any advice or help would be much appreciated! Thanks.

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This sounds like a GPU issue, but your memory is running fast which makes me think that may be causing weird problems. 16GB at 2133 is hard to get to work stable. Knock the memory down to 1866 in XTU and see if that helps. If not then I think you definitely have a faulty GPU and should get a replacement laptop from the seller.

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That BIOS and EC need an update...they have implemented important fixes in the later revisions.

The flickering is a thermal throttle issue and can be circumvented by the custom vBIOS, take a look HERE.

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I downclocked the RAM speed but still the same, and I doubt it would have been the cause.

Prema: So I have to update the BIOS/EC and vBIOS? What are the latest version for those, and to be honest I never had to flash the BIOS before, so no clue how to do it. But I will give it a try if it does solve the problems.

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Who is your re-seller?

Please update to this version BIOS "P370SM3_32_31_Stock.rar" from THIS post.

The file includes a readme with step by step instructions. Also take a look HERE to create the flash-drive.

After that come back here and let us know if it fixed the issues, then we can also help you to flash the vBIOS.

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Who is your re-seller?

My reseller is PWNPCs, and they do provide with your BIOS mods right? This was quite unexpected since they made lots of testings before delivery, and the tests went good.

Allright will look at it now, and if there is something I don't understand will let you know.

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Allright thanks for the PM, will use their update, and as you said it seems they did not have time sending out, but Imma try this and let you know how it went. :encouragement:

Thanks to Prema, I was able to fix the boot up issue with new BIOS and EC versions. After I got into windows, I checked to see any difference in BF3 with SLI mode, but still the flickerings. Perhaps I should do the vBIOS flash?

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If you need help with installing the BIOS or the vBIOS, shoot me a PM and ill walk you through both. I have done both to my system and we both have the same system.

@Prema did you give him the bios with the edited splash screen :P

Edit: you will need a USB thumb drive to do these flashes

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Nope, not the version I made for you. PWN*PCS have their own styled version.

BTW, they are also "Prema Mod Partner" and give you the systems directly with BIOS Mod covered under warranty. :)

@Bud, THX! I removed your email from the post above as spam bots simply LOVE that...

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Still no luck :( fn+ * won't turn on the backlit. Do I have to change any settings in BIOS to get it to work maybe? ...

Well, then you are using the wrong button... ;)

3-zone light control for backlight keyboard (hotkey AP to 8.0124 or later):

- Fn + keypad “5” key to control touchpad light function

- Fn + keypad “7” key to control left zone light

- Fn + keypad “8” key to control middle zone light

- Fn + keypad “9” key to control right zone light

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