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Lenovo T430/T530/W530 etc. (30'series with IVY bridge)Pay attention for solving TOLUD


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Hello fellow Lenovo owners,

I've started at tech thread over at the Lenovo forums, to ask them for a bios update to solve the TOLUD problem.

Atm. i'm running the latest bios (2.59), and unfortunately my PCI bus memory adress says: DFA00000 - > TOLUD 3,5 GB = no room for eGPU with 4GB+ RAM.

I've tried to override DSDT aswell (Windows 7, 64 bit), but it all turns out to BSOD's at boot.

I've stumbled across another thread on lenovo forums, which gained the right attention for the Lenovo staff to update the bios's on the X230 and T230 models: http://forums.lenovo.com/t5/X-Series-ThinkPad-Laptops/X230-expresscard-adressing-eGPU/td-p/792909

Therefore I hope it will be possible, for the T430/T530/W530 owners to receive the same solution. But for that I need the Lenovo staffs attention, ad therefore, your help.

head over to my thread at: T430 expresscard adressing (eGPU) - Lenovo Community

and leave a comment, if you would like to see a solution in the future.

Hopefully in the end, it will be something the bios tech guys pay attention to, in the future bios designs.

Thanks in advance :)

- Aatind


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Earlier this month, Lenovo released a new bios for the X230T, version 2.60. Does anyone know if this new bios will allow better egpu implementation? There were problems with memory allocation, effecting TOLUD and limiting ram to one 8GB stick instead of two. Anyways, thought I'd give a heads up about the new bios. Maybe someone can confirm if the issues are fixed now?

[edit] Well, did the update and checked device manager - still at 3.5GB TOLUD for me.

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