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GT 750M Internal & Ultrabay GPU running at different voltage?


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Okay so I finally have my ultrabay GPU and it is running fine, but when I went to start OC'ing my gpus i noticed they are running at different voltages. Is this normal? Everything else matches up fine. I attempted to lower the voltage on the gpu that is higher but nvidia inspector does not let me, it just bounces back.

So my question is should I just raise my other GPU to match the ultrabay one or can I flash my internal GPU vbios with svl7's custom bios? It says in the readme it is only for the ultrabay bios so I did not want to brick my internal gpu.

Thanks for any help.


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It is normal, however i feel lucky now, since mine are 1.05 and 1.08. :)

probably related to ASIC quality. But yours are running same bios version, with mine, bios is different as well.

Simple bios upgrade won't change those values, since it is fused, but you can edit with kepler bios editor, force bios to use those values rather than fused ones.

internal bios should be extracted from system bios, edit, repack, and reflash system bios

Further unlock probably will be available when Svet from msi forum will support 750M in his bios editor.

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If you're not in a game at the specific time of looking at GPU-Z, or utilizing both GPU's, your voltages will hands-down be different. Your primary GPU is being used while your ultrabay GPU is not being utilized unless you have dual monitors and such.

For instance, in a game which utilizes SLI, voltages will be more in sync considering the GPU's are in sync. Your ultrabay will also

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