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[Mod] Voltage increase Nvidia GT 555M

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I will keep the clocks at that level ;)

And finally after 90 minutes of hard work, I attached thermal compound to CPU, GPU and GMemory.

Now I have to test my temperatures.

Hmmm, awkward...

Crysis on 1080p @ High Settings about 25 Fps @750/900MHz

But after 2 Minutes - freeze - bluescreen - restart

Temperature: CPU: 68C and GPU: 68C


Could it be, that the new Nvidia driver is unstable ?

Think I will try the 285.27 again...

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My guess is that there are 3 VRs, 1 for the CPU, one for the GPU core and one for the VRAM modules, each of them is operated at a different voltage, so this is the only way that really makes sense. The memory VR is probably a smaller one, with less pins. Well, you'll find out when you open the system.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Is there a similar mod for the M17x R3 with gtx540m?

You mean with the GTX 560m? Can you upload a copy of the VBIOS of your card? As far as I know there's no further setting possible in the 560m, only in the 460m... I might be wrong though.

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Yes you are correct, GTX560M...my apologies. How can I upload the info you are requesting, I've never done it before...... I have a fairly extensive technical background and can work my way through most tasks if given some direction. I'd be glad to contribute to helping the community get this working if I can.

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Yes you are correct, GTX560M...my apologies. How can I upload the info you are requesting, I've never done it before...... I have a fairly extensive technical background and can work my way through most tasks if given some direction. I'd be glad to contribute to helping the community get this working if I can.

Hi atekk920 welcome to Tech Inferno. To accomplish what Svl7 asked if you had actually needed to you can use this software Gpu-Z and click the icon next to "Bios Version" with the black chip and arrow pointing out. That button will let you extract you vbios to file very simply.


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True, I can't get the VBIOS from this .iso file, it contains a .hta file an I have no idea how I could get the vbios from this file.

Best way to obtain the VBIOS is per DOS bootable USB drive with nvflash on it. Boot from the stick and backup your vbios with the following command: nvflash -b dell580m.rom

GPU-Z works as well, but sometimes the VBIOS copy gets corrupted, you want to avoid this.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi and welcome to T|I!

There are only four values in the voltage table of the VBIOS, one is the setting used in the modded BIOS, this gives about 0.05V more than the stock Dell BIOS, two of the other values are lower settings, and one would approximately result in 1V, but it doesn't work, it already got tested by a member in this thread.

So that's all you can get unless you're willing to do some soldering on your mobo. If your system freezes it's probably because your clocks are too high. What are your current settings, and also what were your max stable settings before using this BIOS? And what are your temps after playing for a while? (CPU and GPU)

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hi and thank you very much for the reply !

i recieved my alienware 2 days ago.. i ran unreal tournament 3 when plugged my game was freezing and the display gets black for 4-5 seconds and then the gameplay resumes (happens more frequently when killing blue team)... this happens every minute...tried with resident evil 5 same problem.same scene with gta4 but gta 4 freezed and blacked out every 5 second.

my laptop was not overclocked and was using default clock that is gpu590 , memory 900 and shader1180....my bios was a06 which i downgraded with your bios a05.

i used hardware monitor while gaming to check the temperature but my gpu tempeature never went more than 75*c.

my gpu voltage was 0.81v which got upto 0.86v while gaming.

on battery my gpu clock drops to 202mhz and then my game doesnt freezes but low framerate and lagging

when i used ur unlocked bios , my gpu went upto 0.91 v which caused a hell lot of good difference than before but still display blacks out and freezes my game sometimes in between gaming.

temperature max 75*c didnt even hit 80*c...

please help me ....

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forgot to mention my cpu gets upto 98*c

intel i7 all cores AND MY GPU WENT UPTO 78*C not 75 when on bed.....

on desk gpu max 72.. and cpu max 88..

i have worked more and found something new i am attaching the photos... when the black screen came while gaming i alt+tab aund found this in the notification--

display driver NVIDIA windows kernel mode driver, version 285.62 stopped responding and has successfully recovered..



Edited by aakashzxv1
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The driver crashing is most probably due to unstable overclocks, slightly lower your clocks, memory or clock, or maybe you have to lower both. It takes a while to figure out the best stable overclock. Also for gaming pushing the GPU to the very limit won't necessarily increase performance, only the temps. I think StevenX did some very detailed testing and came up with astonishing results.

Pushing the GPU to the limit is mainly great for benching, each point counts, hahaha :D

Also I take it you have one of the new SB CPUs, the refreshed ones... because you say your system came with the unreleased BIOS A06. I'm not sure what they changed (there's no changelog), but my guess is, that it also involves some optimization for the new CPUs. Apparently A05 supports your processor as well, that's somewhat surprising to me, but well... dunno exactly what's all in there.

I just think your system may run better with A06. If you happen to get your hands on a dump of it I should be able to mod it as well.

98°C is rather hot for the CPU, make sure the copper fins of the heatsink are free of dust, and maybe consider repasting the system somewhen in the future. Also when using it on bed, it can be helpful to use a hard underlay to prevent dust getting sucked in and to improve the airflow.

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thanks anyways but i am 90 % sure its hardware problem..

i had called dell technician as my alienware is 4 days old they say that i have two options ,get an exchanged one or they will send a repair person to my house with new parts to check and repair my laptop...


he will repair it in my house itself !!!!

i didnt choose a replacement cause i think they will send me refurburished one :( :( :(

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As long as the driver only crashes when overclocking then it's 99.9% not a hardware issue. I get tons of driver crashes when pushing my system, and by pushing it even more the system will simply freeze and shutdown after a while.

And yeah... Dell has this cool "next-business-day on-site service" for their business and AW customers.

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i know but all the thing is my laptop driver is crashing at the default clock ,,,, no overclocking,,, dont know y??

UR RIGHT WHEN I PLAY UNPLUGGED my pc doesnt crash cause it gets underclocked to 202 mhz and all....

when i decrease my laptop clock from factory default, like from 590 to 500,, my settings get changed back to factory default when starting the game....

maybe the gpu power supply ic would have problem or related thing???

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Hello, please give me your opinion. I overclock my GPU to 730/1050 max. I am on unlocked A03 Bios (no volt mod) because I like the jet-cooling. My GPU is stable and temps does not go over 66c MAX ever. Would flashing to volt modded Bios make any difference (temps, FPS dips)? I am not planning to overclock higher for now.

M14X red, 2630QM 2,0Ghz OC

GT555M 1.5GB OC

Kingston HyperX DDR3 PNP 2x4.096 MB 1.600 MHz 9-9-9-27

OCZ Vertex 3 MI 120GB, fw 2.13

Intel® Wireless LAN 6205

14,1-inch 1.600 x 900| Win 7 64

Unlocked Bios 03, IC 7 Diamond paste

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No, an increased GPU voltage will only help you to get higher clocks, but as long as your overclock is stable you don't need the additional voltage, which will also bring up the temps a bit.

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