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What movies have you seen lately?


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About a month ago or so I saw...


And Natalie Portman has a nice rear view! WOW.. even my wife was like.. WOW... Movie is hilarious!

I also saw PAUL. That guy Simon Peg makes me laugh so hard.. loved it!

and.. the controversial movie...

SUCKER PUNCH! I LOVED IT! The critics can kiss my @SS! If they have to be spoon fed the plot to understand it then go twoop yourself to death. It was a great movie. Granted it could have been told in 15 minutes without all the special effects, but it rocked. The first hella fight scene where BJORKS' ARMY OF ME is just hammering at full volume gave me flashbacks to 1992's tank girl and me being just out of high school and heavy into the alternative music scene.

Edited by Stevenxowens792
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Unreal - I agree. The watchmen I purchased on Blu-ray and to this day I have never been able to finish the movie. Isn't that another wachowski brothers movie?

Man, ever since the first Matrix they have been sucking big time.

Kinda like M. Knight Shalaman after 6th sense.

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Unreal - I agree. The watchmen I purchased on Blu-ray and to this day I have never been able to finish the movie. Isn't that another wachowski brothers movie?

Man, ever since the first Matrix they have been sucking big time.

No idea who made it, but the movie was so full of cliches.... it could pass better as a parody movie tbh. :) Rorschach voice = rofl. It reminds me of few episodes of South Park when Cartman talked like that. :)

On the other hand, it probably contains too much fake sex (or attempts of it) to be passed as a movie for kids.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just watched "black dynamite" last night. it friggin awesome!!!!! the best movie i've seen in a long time. i highly recommend it!!! i would describe it as shaft meets enter the dragon. the fight scene are fuckin hilarious, especially near the end where black dynamite fight dr. wu. i was fucking hella high when i watched it, so i recommend blazing up too!!!


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Xmen, First Class - Quite possibly the best Marvel Offering to date. The movie is awesome. Story is great, acting (minus January Jones) is great, effects are great. All around greatness.

Not spoiler but a time saving tip.. NO CLIP AT THE END OF THE CREDITS.. WHAT THA? Yep, no easter eggs.

Much better than THOR by a mile. Go see it.. you will be glad you did!

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X-men first class was pretty good. Definitely better than x2 or x3 IMO. Then again, I did like Origins a lot, but most people hated that. The timeline between Origin and X-men first class is off a bit (inconsistencies).

Little fockers-funny movie. Not any real plot, but still funny

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Saw bad teacher today. Pretty good movie, some funny parts in it. Cameron Diaz looks old and busted from the face but still has a nice body.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Saw Transformers yesterday, 3d... Great effects and fun to watch for most of the time, but I wish they'd get rid of this 3d or at least implement it very well like in Avatar or some of the animated movies like Despicable me.

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Ok.. Call me a fan boy or whatever... In my mind, Harry Potter (the book series) will go down as the must read (best) series of our generation. I have read/listened to each book countless times and usually once a year listen to all 7 as my tribute to the best. It never gets old to me... This weekend we were able to get parents to babysit and watched the last HP movie, Deathly Hallows part 2. I can honestly say that I was blown away. The fight scenes are good. Nothing is "sugar coated". The movie stays pretty true to the book. I was completely impressed. I am sad that it's all done but again the books have always been my focus. I am on call this week but will try to see it again just to make sure I didn't miss anything. I really loved the movie. I didn't see it in 3d because I had no desire for a headache. If you've watched the others, don't miss this on the big screen. You will be sorry you did. Sometimes it's weird having watched the 3 main actors/actresses grow up in front of us and after 8 movies, its finally done. They did a great job. I hope one day my son will understand things enough that I can read him the book series. Best Wishes, StevenX

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Ok.. Call me a fan boy or whatever... In my mind, Harry Potter (the book series) will go down as the must read (best) series of our generation. I have read/listened to each book countless times and usually once a year listen to all 7 as my tribute to the best. It never gets old to me... This weekend we were able to get parents to babysit and watched the last HP movie, Deathly Hallows part 2. I can honestly say that I was blown away. The fight scenes are good. Nothing is "sugar coated". The movie stays pretty true to the book. I was completely impressed. I am sad that it's all done but again the books have always been my focus. I am on call this week but will try to see it again just to make sure I didn't miss anything. I really loved the movie. I didn't see it in 3d because I had no desire for a headache. If you've watched the others, don't miss this on the big screen. You will be sorry you did. Sometimes it's weird having watched the 3 main actors/actresses grow up in front of us and after 8 movies, its finally done. They did a great job. I hope one day my son will understand things enough that I can read him the book series. Best Wishes, StevenX

I haven't seen the latest HP movie yet... but I will. To be honest, in my opinion each movie was worse than the previous one... it gets more and more inaccurate and sometimes the plot has absolutely nothing in common with the books... Every time I see a HP movie I'm getting annoyed by all the crazy inaccuracies and changes they made.

Technically the movies are made very well, great special effects, good actors, fantastic pictures... but the story isn't worth a penny. It has very few in common with the books. The books are really extraordinary, I read the first one when I was 11 years old and reread them all several times while waiting for the new books. And even after book 7 was released I reread them once in a while. It's really a pity that a lot of people who see the movies never read the books, you just can't compare them to the movies.

I've seen the trailer of the last part and saw Voldemort fighting with Harry on the top of the building and just thougt... WTF?? I mean they just start inventing new stuff for the movies, this really annoys me, badly!!

I'll go and watch it anyway so that I can form a proper opinion, but after seeing all the other 7 movies I don't think this last one will be much better (regarding the plot, the movie definitely looks impressive)

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@svl - if you are judging this heavily against the books then you will probably be disappointed. I too wish the end fight was around all the people as it should have been. But they dark way the movie is.. it's just so neat. I dont let the inaccuracies get me down too much. But I will say this.. Everytime I listen to Jim Dale read the potter books to me (to and fro) work, I picture the Harry, Hermione and Ron from the movies. I just do.

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Well, I'll see... I don't have high expectations (regarding the plot in the movie) but I think it'll be good entertainment. I always like to see the actors and the effects, they have really great sets, I'll try to not think about the book when I go to see the movie, but I'm afraid I'm going to fail at this, hahaha.

It's the same with LOTR, the movie is great to watch, but you simply can't compare the plot of the movie to the book(s)... I guess it's like this with all the book based movies.

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