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Lenovo Y510p wireless card


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we´ll unfortunately i have seen this thread too late.

i have my y500 SLI 1 year now... suffered "not existing" wlan... with the centrino n2230 ....

Because of confidential data on the pc i did not send it to support... well.....

my colleque had a lenovo, too. i thought my wlan card is broke, swapped it and his card worked like a charm with no bios hack...

well now i decided, lets change the wlan card and buy another 2230 from amazon. Well i plugged it into my y500 and got the whitelist message... ok, no problem f**** u lenovo... i did the bios mod on a 2.03 .... now he boots and uses the card,....

but you know what? Same issue again!!!!! aaargfsh!!!!!

now i ordered this one.....

Intel Dual Band Wireless-N 7260 2x2: Amazon.de: Computer & Zubehör

and to be honest. for having 650sli the performance is poor on crysis3.... one single good card would be better. besides sli just causes problems.

And the case is manufactured very poorly.....

...i am very disapointed with this notebook... but even for selling it i would need to fix that wlan stuff -.-

and whitelisting parts... in general... omg... what a crappy idea. CrapPad should they call it. Even exchanging exact the same card model causes whitelist!!!! wtf.. i don´t know what they expect it to be good for? Throw your device away directly after you bought it and not be able to repair it or get it repaired by them?! In my eyes selling laptops for 1200 bucks that are not able to use a wifi card by default is a scandal!

i am running Win7 X64... tryed all drivers and ProCrapSet Wireless Intel N(onsense).... wired network settings wtf...

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I have the same issues with wireless. Some networks are ok, others drop like crazy. I bought the AC card and put it in and got the message that an unsupported wireless card was inserted and to power off and remove. looks like i'll be flashing bios.

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I'm having the same problem. Bought 7260 and was all shits and giggles until I booted the laptop. Now I somehow have to reach TechInfernos' 5 post minimum to download a file to attempt to flash my bios and remove the whitelist from it.

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Is the general consensus here that the Intel 7260-AC card the better card to replace the stock 2230? Also, I've read online that Intel made some Dual-Band Wireless 7260-N card, but I can't seem to find it. Since I only have an N router, if I can find a cheaper card, then I'd rather buy the cheaper card than one that I can't benefit from, unless it's better for future proofing?

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Hey guys, I'm new here, so I am sorry if I have posted in the wrong place. (this is actually the first forum I've ever joined) #noobsicle

I have a Lenovo Y510P. I've had it since ~November and only since January have I been able to play games using SLI. (it took me a while to figure out that the second card wasn't even blowing, lol). I see these people on YouTube playing Battlefield 3 and 4 on Ultra settings @>60FPS and I see no evidence of CPU throttling. I sometimes even see that they're playing on a single card! Every time that I so much as think about bumping up the quality from low (in SLI), my Y510P throttles so much that I rage quit due to the nearly unplayable <30FPS resulting from it. I am so confused because they're using the same computer. I just don't understand.

Also, I'm running MSI Afterburner, cranking both cards up to +135 on the core clock, and, when I really want the performance, I bring the memory clock up to +321. (I usually leave the memory clock alone and only OC it when I'm video editing; otherwise, the core is underclocked to -135 and the memory is underclocked to -502 when I'm browsing the internet and whatnot). I am also running Intel XTU, bringing the CPU core clock multipliers to max (36x, 35x, 34x, 34x) and the Processor Cache Ratio to max (36x). So, the CPU and both GPU's are the only things OC'd. The RAM and everything else is at base clock. (Idk if I can even OC RAM).

I get so frustrated trying to figure out why my computer, out of all of the other Y510P's, is the only one that doesn't perform as well as the rest of the herd. Do you have any idea what's going on here?

If you have any ideas or explanations, please bring them down to the noobiest level you can, so that I'm not confused about anything.

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. :lemo:


P.S. this is my first post, so I'm still 9 posts away from being able to download.

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Research from T|I and other sites seems to show replacing the 2230n is the best/only real solution. I was between Bigfoot KillerN 1202 and Intel 7260... went with the 7260. Will post back with results on the 7260 after flashing the mod from the other sticky'd thread.

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I went for the killer n 1202 but i haven't been able yo install it yet due to the BIOs modding i need to do. Anyone who has this card and has succesfully installed it give me a bit of a headsup with the process as well as the results? Does the card's full features work after pretty much bypassing the systems restrictions? I mean... They are there for a reason, are they not?

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there is one AC card that works in y510p for those who does not wanna risk on flashing a moded bios into their laptop they will have to go to this link IBM Broadcom BCM94352HMB 802 11AC Dual Band 2x2 AC Bluetooth 4 0 867Mbps Card | eBay i ordered this one from china and got it yesterday and then i installed it into my y510p and it works great no issues at all it booted up fine and i installed boradcom wireless drivers and then wifi was enabled :) and that it's detecting 5GHz and 2.4GHz band since it's a dual band wifi :)

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I cannot back up my BIOS. I first get error 200, and then I cannot run backup as an administrator. Can someone please post a step by step process or even a video walking through? I'd really like to get this resolved, I paid $5 to get this file and so far NONE of what I've tried to do has worked. Oh yeah also the DOS stick creator won't work. Help me!!!

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