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Flashing Gigabyte HD7950 VBIOS


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Hi Everyone,

So I am having some issue with my GPUS's at the moment.

I have 2 Gigabyte HD7950 Windforces in crossfire and I keep having issues playing some games.

(By issues I mean the game wont run etc. or just black screen)

I am able to solve the issue by disabling crossfire in catalyst, but I don't really want to just have one card running right?

Anyway I looked deeper and noted that one card has the F2 BIOS and the other has the FZ1.

My question is could this be the issue, and even if it isn't how do I flash the card so they both have FZ1 or the latest version?

Cheers guys,

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  • 11 months later...

you need to flash the card with WinAtiFlash - you can flash your cards via Windows :

1. download the prog from here - Download ATIFlash 4.17 | techPowerUp , then put the folder in drive c \ d etc... as it is like c:\atiwinflash nor d:\atiwinflash

2. download the latest bios u want to use for both cards.

3. put the bios file in the AtiwinFlash folder , and rename the file (for easy to type it in cmd later..)

4. run cmd

5. type "cd --here you type the drive name, that the folder exists---- like "cd d:"

6.type Atiwinflash -p -f 0 (the name of the bios with the extension) 0 - means the primary card ... for example :0 atiwinflash -p -f 0 7970.rom ...type enter and wait for the flashing until done..

7. when finish, enter the same line that you typed before with the number "1" that replace number "0" and press enter (that will flash the secondary card) for examle : atiwinflash -p -f 1 7970.rom

8. when both done, restart your computer, and you have the same bios you chosen to flash


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